AdaptiveProbabilisticBroadcast | This class extends ProbabilisticBroadcast by adding an algorithm which adapts broadcasting parameters according to network conditions |
AddressingInterface | Interface for modules which assign L2 and L3 addresses for modules |
Aggregation | This class aggregates the packets received from the application layer and separates packet emissions by a time InterPacketDelay |
AggrPkt | |
AlohaMacLayer | This class implements a basic Aloha MAC protocol for an UWB-IR IEEE 802.15.4A transceiver to allow testing the PHY layer |
AnalogueModel | Interface for the analogue models of the physical layer |
ANSimMobility | Uses the <position_change> elements of the ANSim tool's trace file. See NED file for more info |
PostureTransition::AreaBound | Data type for one instance of the area (space) boundary |
PostureTransition::AreaType | Data type for one instance of area type |
Argument | Defines an argument for a mapping |
ArpHost | A class to convert integer layer addresses |
ArpInterface | Interface every Address resolution protocol (ARP) module has to implement |
BaseApplLayer | Base class for the application layer |
BaseArp | A class to convert integer layer addresses |
BaseBattery | Base class for any power source |
BaseConnectionManager | Module to control the channel and handle all connection related stuff |
BaseDecider | Provides some base functionality for most common deciders |
BaseDelayedIterator< Base, Iterator > | Common base for a Const- and NonConst-Iterator for a DelayedMapping |
BaseDelayedMapping< Base > | Common base for Const- and NonConst-DelayedMapping |
BaseFilteredIterator< Base > | This iterator takes another ConstMappingIterator and does just pipe every method to the passed ConstMappingIterator |
ChannelInfo::BaseIntersectionIterator< C, ItMatrix, ItList > | Iterator for every intersection of a specific interval in a AirFrameMatrix |
BaseLayer | A very simple layer template |
BaseMacLayer | A very simple MAC module template which provides de- and encapsulation of messages using the standard addresses and NetwToMacControlInfo of MiXiM. It also provides basic handling of lower layer messages |
BaseMobility | Base module for all mobility modules |
BaseModule | Base class for all simple modules of a host that want to have access to the BaseUtility module |
BaseNetwLayer | Base class for the network layer |
BasePhyLayer | The BasePhyLayer represents the physical layer of a nic |
BaseUtility | Provides several utilities (mainly Blackboard functionality for a host) |
BaseWorldUtility | Provides information and utility methods as well as Blackboard functionality for the whole simulation |
BatteryAccess | Extends BaseModule by several methods which provide access to the battery module |
BatteryState | Residual capacity of battery |
BatteryStats | Collects and formates statistical data from the battery |
BBItem | Contains detailed information about the items published using the BB |
BBMoBANMessage | |
Flood::Bcast | |
Blackboard | Provides a blackboard like information distribution |
BMacLayer | Implementation of B-MAC (called also Berkeley MAC, Low Power Listening or LPL) |
BonnMotionFile | |
BonnMotionFileCache | |
BonnMotionMobility | Uses the BonnMotion native file format. See NED file for more info |
BreakpointPathlossModel | Basic implementation of a BreakpointPathlossModel. This class can be used to implement the ieee802154 path loss model |
BurstApplLayer | Application layer to test lower layer implementations |
BurstApplLayerBattery | Application layer to test lower layer implementations |
ChannelAccess | Basic class for all physical layers, please don't touch!! |
ChannelInfo | This class is used by the BasePhyLayer to keep track of the AirFrames on the channel |
ChannelState | Provides information about the current state of the channel: |
CircleMobility | Circle movement model. See NED file for more info |
UWBIRIEEE802154APathlossModel::CMconfig | |
PostureTransition::CombinationType | Data type for one instance of space-time combination |
ConcatConstMapping< Operator > | Defines it values by concatenating one or more Mappings to a reference Mapping |
ConcatConstMappingIterator | Deletes its ConstMapping when this iterator is deleted |
IEEE802154A::config | Currently unused |
ConnectionManager | BaseConnectionManager implementation which only defines a specific max interference distance |
ConstantSimpleConstMapping | Represents a constant mathematical mapping (f(x) = c) |
ConstDelayedMapping | Moves another ConstMapping in its time dimension |
ConstInterpolateableIterator< Key, V, Pair, Iterator, Interpolator > | Template for an interpolateable const iterator for any container which maps from a key to a value. This doesn't necessarily has to be a map, but also can be a sorted list of pairs |
ConstMapping | Represents a not changeable mapping (mathematical function) from domain with at least the time to a double value |
ConstMappingIterator | Defines an const iterator for a ConstMapping which is able to iterate over the Mapping |
ConstMappingIteratorWrapper | Wraps an ConstMappingIterator into a MappingIterator interface |
ConstMappingWrapper | Wraps an ConstMapping into a Mapping interface |
ConstSpeedMobility | Controls all movement related things of a host |
Coord | Class for storing host positions |
BaseConnectionManager::CoordSet | Represents an minimalistic (hash)set of GridCoords |
csma | Generic CSMA Mac-Layer |
CSMA802154 | Extends "csma" module by some statistics send up to the upper layer |
CSMAMacLayer | MAC module which provides non-persistent CSMA |
BaseDecider::CSRInfo | Data about an currently ongoing ChannelSenseRequest |
Decider | The basic Decider class |
Decider80211 | Decider for the 802.11 modules |
Decider80211Battery | Extends Decider80211 by drawing power during receiving of messages |
Decider80211MultiChannel | Extends Decider80211 by multi channel support |
Decider802154Narrow | Decider for the 802.15.4 Narrow band module |
DeciderResult | A class to represent the result of a processed packet (that is not noise) by the Decider |
DeciderResult80211 | Defines an extended DeciderResult for the 80211 protocol which stores the bit-rate of the transmission |
DeciderResult802154Narrow | Defines an extended DeciderResult for the 802.15.4 protocol |
DeciderResultUWBIR | This class stores results from an UWBIR Decider. It allows to pass to the MAC layer the demodulate bit values, so that it (the MAC layer) can compare these demodulated bit values with the bit values actually encoded by the MAC layer at the origin |
DeciderToPhyInterface | This class is the interface for a Decider to the BasePhyLayer |
DeciderUWBIRED | This class implements a model of an energy detection receiver that demodulates UWB-IR burst position modulation as defined in the IEEE802154A standard (mandatory mode, high PRF) |
DeciderUWBIREDSync | This Decider models a non-coherent energy-detection receiver that synchronizes on the first sync preamble sequence that is "long enough" and "powerful enough". This is defined with the respective fields tmin and syncThreshold |
DeciderUWBIREDSyncOnAddress | This Decider models a non-coherent energy-detection receiver |
DelayedMapping | Moves another Mapping in its time dimension |
DeviceEntry | Per-device/per-account record of battery consumption, is passed to BatteryStats on finish() |
Dimension | Specifies a dimension for mappings (like time, frequency, etc.) |
DimensionSet | Represents a set of dimensions which is used to define over which dimensions a mapping is defined (the domain of the mapping) |
DrawAmount | Defines the amount of power drawn by a device from a power source |
DroppedPacket | May be published by MAC lyer to indicate why a packet was dropped |
DummyRoute | Placeholder module that simply "translates" netwControlInfo to macControlInfo |
FilledUpMapping | Takes a source ConstMapping with a domain A and a set of KeyEntries for a domain B and creates a clone of the source mapping with the domain B and the KeyEntries passed |
FilledUpMappingIterator | MappingIterator implementation for FilledUpMappings |
FilteredMappingIterator | Non-Const version of the BaseFilteredIterator. Meant to be used for MappingIterator instances |
FindModule< T > | Provides method templates to find omnet modules |
Flood | A simple flooding protocol |
FrameTimer | |
FrameTimerGenerator | |
FWMath | Support functions for mathematical operations |
GlobalTime | |
BaseConnectionManager::GridCoord | Represents a position inside a grid |
HostState | HostState is published by the battery to announce host failure |
IEEE802154A | This class regroups static methods needed to generate a pulse-level representation of an IEEE 802.15.4A UWB PHY frame using the mandatory mode (high PRF) |
ImNotifiable | Clients can receive change notifications from the Blackboard via this interface |
IntensityModel | TODO: Short description for this AnalogueModel |
InterpolateableIterator< Key, V, Container, Interpolator > | Provides an interpolateable iterator for any Container which maps from keys to values which is able to change the underlying Container |
InterpolateableMap< Key, V, Interpolator > | Represents a std::map which is able to interpolate |
Interpolated< V > | Represents an interpolated value of any type |
Interpolated< Mapping * > | Helper class (-specialization) for multiDimMapping which is used by an InterpolateableMap as return value of the "getValue()" - method |
ChannelInfo::IntersectionIterator | Type for a iterator over an AirFrame interval matrix |
JakesFading | Implements Rayleigh fading after Jakes' model |
JakesFadingMapping | Mapping used to represent attenuation of a signal by JakesFading |
Linear< Key, V, Pair, InputIterator > | Given two iterators defining a range of key-value-pairs this class provides linear interpolation of the value at an arbitrary key-position |
Linear< double, Mapping *, std::map< double, Mapping * >::value_type, std::map< double, Mapping * >::const_iterator > | Specialization of the Linear-template which provides LinearInterpolation for pointer two Mappings. Used by MultiDimMapping |
LinearIntplMapping | Helper class which represents a linear interpolation between two other mappings |
LinearIntplMappingIterator | Helper-class for the MultiDimMapping which provides an Iterator which linear interpolates between two other Mapping iterators. Or in other words, it provides an Iterator for an linear interpolated Mapping |
LinearMobility | Linear movement model. See NED file for more info |
LineSegmentsMobilityBase | Base class for mobility models where movement consists of a sequence of linear movements of constant speed |
RadioStateAnalogueModel::ListEntry | Data structure for the list elements |
LMacLayer | Implementation of L-MAC (Lightweight Medium Access Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks [van Hoesel 04] ) |
LogNormalShadowing | Channel state implementing log-normal shadowing |
Mac80211 | An implementation of the 802.11b MAC |
Mac80211MultiChannel | Adds multi channel support to Mac80211 |
MacToNetwControlInfo | Stores control information from mac to upper layer |
MacToPhyControlInfo | Stores information which is needed by the physical layer when sending a MacPkt |
MacToPhyInterface | Defines the methods provided by the phy to the mac layer |
MacToUWBIRPhyControlInfo | This control info allows to store the IEEE802154A config parameters that were used to generate the accompanying signal |
map | |
Mapping | Represents a changeable mapping (mathematical function) from at least time to double |
MappingIterator | Defines an iterator for a Mapping which is able to iterate over the Mapping |
MappingUtils | Provides several utility methods for Mappings |
MassMobility | Models the mobility of with mass, making random motions. See NED file for more info |
MoBANCoordinator | This is the coordinator module of the MoBAN mobility model. It should be instantiated in the top level simulation network in MiXiM, once per WBAN. The coordinator module is the main module that provides the group mobility and correlation between nodes in a WBAN. In the initialization phase, it reads three user defined input files which are the postures specification file, a configuration file which includes all required parameter for specific distributions, and the previously logged mobility pattern, if it is requested to use a logged pattern. Note that all WBAN instances may use the same input files if they are exactly in the same situation |
MoBANLocal | This is the local mobility module of MoBAN. It should be instantiated in each node that belongs to a WBAN. The NED parameter "coordinatorIndex" determine to which WBAN (MoBANCoordinator) it belongs. The current implementation uses the Random Walk Mobility Model (RWMM) for individual (local) movement with a sphere around the node, with given speed and sphere radius of the current posture. The reference point of the node it the current posture, the sphere radius, and the speed is given by the corresponding coordinator through the blackboard. RWMM determines the location of node at ant time relative to the given reference point |
Move | Class to store object position and movement |
MultiDimMapping< Interpolator > | Implementation of the Mapping-interface which is able to represent arbitrary dimensional instances of Mappings by using a tree-like structure of sub-mappings, each representing the values for one of the dimensions |
MultiDimMappingIterator< Interpolator > | Implementation of the MappingIterator-interface which is able to iterate over every value in a MultiDimMapping |
Nearest< Key, V, Pair, InputIterator > | Given two iterators defining a range of key-value-pairs this class provides interpolation of values for an arbitrary key by returning the value of the nearest entry |
Mac80211::NeighborEntry | Data about a neighbor host |
NetwControlInfo | Control info netw messages |
NetworkStackTrafficGen | A module to generate traffic for the NIC, used for testing purposes |
NetwToMacControlInfo | Control info to pass next hop L2 addr from netw to MAC layer |
NextSmaller< Key, V, Pair, InputIterator > | Given two iterators defining a range of key-value-pairs this class provides interpolation of values for an arbitrary key by returning the value of the next smaller entry |
NicEntry | NicEntry is used by ConnectionManager to store the necessary information for each nic |
NicEntry::NicEntryComparator | |
NicEntryDebug | NicEntry is used by ConnectionManager to store the necessary information for each nic |
NicEntryDirect | NicEntry is used by ConnectionManager to store the necessary information for each nic |
NoNextIteratorException | This exception is thrown by the MappingIterators when "next()" or "nextPosition()" is called although "hasNext()" would return false (means there is no next position) |
Packet | Class that keeps track of the number of packets sent |
PairLess< Pair, Key > | Compares a the first value of a pair to a value |
PassedMessage | |
MoBANCoordinator::pattern | Data type for one instance of mobility pattern |
PERModel | This class applies a parameterized packet error rate to incoming packets. This allows the user to easily study the robustness of its system to packet loss |
PhyLayer | Provides initialisation for several AnalogueModels and Deciders from modules directory |
PhyLayerBattery | Extends PhyLayer by adding power consumption for tx, rx and idle |
PhyLayerUWBIR | Physical layer that models an Ultra Wideband Impulse Radio wireless communication system |
phyPER | |
PhyToMacControlInfo | Controlinfo for packets which are send from Physical layer to the MAC layer |
Posture | To store the specification of a posture on the MoBAN mobility model |
PostureTransition | Class to provide spatial and temporal correlation in the posture selection process of the MoBAN mobility model. This class obtains and stores Markovian transition matrices. There is also the possibility to get a steady state vector. In this case, the closest transition matrix to the default Makov matrix is extracted which satisfies the given steady state vector. The class also receives the defined area types and time domains as well as given space-time domains during the initialization phase. During the simulation run, the class provide a functions to return the corresponding markov matrix for a given time and location. It will be used whenever a new posture is going to be selected |
ProbabilisticBroadcast | This class offers a data dissemination service using probabilistic broadcast. Each packet which arrives from upper layer or from the network is (re-)transmitted n times with n = floor(TTL/bcperiod) with probability beta |
ProbBcastNetwControlInfo | Control info IPAC networking messages |
Radio | The class that represents the Radio as a state machine |
RadioStateAnalogueModel | This special AnalogueModel provides filtering of a Signal according to the actual RadioStates the Radio were in during the Signal's time interval |
RadioUWBIR | This class extends the basic radio model |
RandomFreqTimeModel | Sample implementation of an AnalogueModel which uses MultiDimMapping as AttenuationMapping |
RandomFrequencyOnlyModel | Sample implementation of an AnalogueModel which uses MultiDimMapping as AttenuationMapping |
RectangleMobility | Rectangle movement model. See NED file for more info |
RepeatTimer | |
RepeatTimerCore | |
RSAMConstMappingIterator | ConstMapingIterator implementation for a RSAM |
RSAMMapping | This class represents the corresponding mapping to a RadioStateAnalogueModel (RSAM) |
SamplePhyLayer | Simple PhyLayer sub class which is just responsible for creating and initialising its own AnalogueModels and Decider |
SensorApplLayer | Test class for the application layer |
Signal | The signal class stores the physical representation of the signal of an AirFrame |
SimpleBattery | A simple linear model of battery consumption |
SimpleConstMapping | Abstract subclass of ConstMapping which can be used as base for any ConstMapping implementation with read access of constant complexity |
SimpleConstMappingIterator | A fully working ConstIterator-implementation usable with almost every ConstMapping |
SimpleMacLayer | A simple Mac layer implementation which only shows how to create Signals, send them to Phy and receive the from the Phy layer |
SimpleNetwLayer | This is an implementation of a simple network layer which provides only some simple routing (next hop) and message forwarding (only switches) |
SimplePathlossConstMapping | Mapping that represents a Pathloss-function |
SimplePathlossModel | Basic implementation of a SimplePathlossModel that uses SimplePathlossConstMapping (that is subclassed from SimpleConstMapping) as attenuation-Mapping |
SimpleTimeConstMapping | TODO: short description for this class |
SimTracer | |
SNRThresholdDecider | Decider implementation which decides a signals correctness by checking its SNR against a threshold |
Blackboard::Subscriber | Internal class to store subscriber data |
TestApplication | |
TestApplLayer | Test class for the application layer |
ThresholdDecider | A simple Decider implementation which only checks for a received signal if the receiving power is above a certain value |
PostureTransition::TimeBound | Data type for one instance of the time boundary |
PostureTransition::TimeDomainType | Data type for one instance of time domain |
TimeMapping< Interpolator > | Implements the Mapping-interface with an InterpolateableMap from simtime_t to double between which values can be interpolated to represent a Mapping with only time as domain |
TimeMappingIterator< Interpolator > | Provides an implementation of the MappingIterator- Interface which is able to iterate over TimeMappings |
Timer | |
TimerCore | |
RepeatTimerCore::TInfo | |
ProbabilisticBroadcast::tMsgDesc | Store messages in a structure so that we can keep some information needed by the protocol |
TractorMobility | Tractor movement model. See NED file for more info |
TrafficGen | A module to generate a certain rate of traffic |
PostureTransition::TransMatrix | Data type for one instance of Markov transition matrix |
WiseRoute::tRouteTableEntry | |
TurtleMobility | LOGO-style movement model, with the script coming from XML. See NED file for more info |
UnitDisk | |
UWBIRIEEE802154APathlossModel | This class implements the IEEE 802.15.4A Channel Model[1] in the MiXiM omnet++ modeling framework |
UWBIRMac | This class provides helper function for MAC modules that use the UWB-IR IEEE 802.15.4A model |
UWBIRMacPkt | |
UWBIRPacket | Class that keeps track of the number of packets sent |
UWBIRStochasticPathlossModel | This AnalogueModel models implements the Ghassmezadeh stochastic UWB channel models |
WiseRoute | Wiseroute is a simple loop-free routing algorithm that builds a routing tree from a central network point. It is especially useful for wireless sensor networks and convergecast traffic, hence its name (Wireless Sensors Routing). The sink (the device at the center of the network) broadcasts a route building message. Each network node that receives it selects the sink as parent in the routing tree, and rebroadcasts the route building message. This procedure maximizes the probability that all network nodes can join the network, and avoids loops |
WorldUtilityStats | Collects global statistics (like channel usage) from the global blackboard |