Public Member Functions | Protected Attributes

Packet Class Reference
[BaseUtility - blackboard related stuffutils - utility classes]

Class that keeps track of the number of packets sent. More...

#include <Packet.h>

Inherits BBItem.

Collaboration diagram for Packet:
Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual BBItemparentObject () const
 Returns an instance of BBItem.
 Packet (long bitLength, long rcvd=0, long sent=0)
double getNbPacketsReceived () const
double getNbBitsReceived () const
double getNbPacketsReceivedNoRS () const
double getNbPacketsSent () const
double getNbBitsSent () const
void setNbPacketsReceived (int n)
void setNbPacketsReceivedNoRS (int n)
void setNbPacketsSent (int n)
void setBitLength (long bitLength)
long getBitLength () const
void setHost (int h)
int getHost ()
bool isSent () const
void setPacketSent (bool isSent)
std::string info () const
 Enables inspection.

Protected Attributes

long nbPacketsReceived
 number of packets generated.
long nbPacketsReceivedNoRS
long nbPacketsSent
long packetBitLength
 The size of each of the received and sent packet.
bool sent
int host

Detailed Description

Class that keeps track of the number of packets sent.

Andreas K�pke, Karl Wessel
See also:

Definition at line 35 of file Packet.h.

Member Function Documentation

virtual BBItem* Packet::parentObject (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Returns an instance of BBItem.

This method is used to get a kind of class hierarchy at runtime.

Reimplemented from BBItem.

Definition at line 37 of file Packet.h.


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