Public Member Functions | Protected Attributes

BatteryState Class Reference
[BaseUtility - blackboard related stuffPower consumption - Classes using/defining power consumption]

residual capacity of battery More...

#include <BatteryState.h>

Inherits BBItem.

Collaboration diagram for BatteryState:
Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual BBItemparentObject () const
 Returns an instance of BBItem.
 BatteryState (double n=-1)
 Initializes this battery state with the passed nominal capacity.
double getRel () const
 Residual capacity of battery (relative to nominal capacity).
double getAbs () const
 Residual capacity of battery (in mW-s).
void set (double s)
 Sets the residual capacity of battery (in mW-s).
std::string info () const
 Returns a printable string of this battery state.

Protected Attributes

double nominal
 nominal battery capacity in mW-s (mA-s at nominal voltage)
double absolute
 remaining battery capacity in mW-s

Detailed Description

residual capacity of battery

BatteryState is passed to BatteryStats and should not be used by non-statistics modules. Value may be read as absolute or relative (to nominal) capacity.

Definition at line 31 of file BatteryState.h.

Member Function Documentation

virtual BBItem* BatteryState::parentObject (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Returns an instance of BBItem.

This method is used to get a kind of class hierarchy at runtime.

Reimplemented from BBItem.

Definition at line 33 of file BatteryState.h.


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