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Decider802154Narrow Class Reference
[decider - decider modulesIEEE 802.15.4 - Classes for the IEEE 802.15.4 implementation of MiXiM]

Decider for the 802.15.4 Narrow band module. More...

#include <Decider802154Narrow.h>

Inherits BaseDecider.

Collaboration diagram for Decider802154Narrow:
Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Types


Public Member Functions

 Decider802154Narrow (DeciderToPhyInterface *phy, int myIndex, bool debug, int sfdLength, double BER_LOWER_BOUND, const std::string &modulation, int phyHeaderLength, bool recordStats)
 Initializes the Decider with a pointer to its PhyLayer and specific values for threshold and sensitivity.
virtual void channelChanged (int newChannel)
 Called by phy layer to indicate that the channel this radio currently listens to has changed.
virtual void finish ()
 Method to be called by an OMNeT-module during its own finish(), to enable a decider to do some things.

Protected Member Functions

virtual simtime_t processNewSignal (AirFrame *frame)
 Process a new signal the first time.
virtual simtime_t processSignalHeader (AirFrame *frame)
 Processes the end of the header of a received Signal.
virtual simtime_t processSignalEnd (AirFrame *frame)
 Process the end of a signal.
double getBERFromSNR (double snr)
bool syncOnSFD (AirFrame *frame)
double evalBER (AirFrame *frame)
double n_choose_k (int n, int k)
 Helper function to compute BER from SNR using analytical formulas.

Protected Attributes

int sfdLength
 Start Frame Delimiter length in bits.
 Minimum bit error rate. If SNIR is high, computed ber could be higher than maximum radio performance. This value is an upper bound to the performance.
std::string modulation
 modulation type
int phyHeaderLength
 PHY header length in bits.
cOutVector snirDropped
cOutVector snirReceived
cOutVector snrlog
cOutVector berlog
bool recordStats
Tracked statistic values.

unsigned long nbFramesWithInterference
unsigned long nbFramesWithoutInterference
unsigned long nbFramesWithInterferenceDropped
unsigned long nbFramesWithoutInterferenceDropped

Detailed Description

Decider for the 802.15.4 Narrow band module.

Jerome Rousselot, Amre El-Hoiydi, Marc Loebbers, Karl Wessel (port for MiXiM)

Definition at line 21 of file Decider802154Narrow.h.

Member Function Documentation

void Decider802154Narrow::channelChanged ( int  newChannel  )  [virtual]

Called by phy layer to indicate that the channel this radio currently listens to has changed.

Sub-classing deciders which support multiple channels should override this method to handle the effects of channel changes on ongoing receptions.

newChannel The new channel the radio has changed to.

Reimplemented from Decider.

Definition at line 239 of file

  //TODO: stop receiving

simtime_t Decider802154Narrow::processSignalEnd ( AirFrame *  frame  )  [protected, virtual]

Process the end of a signal.

Checks if signal was received correct and sends it up to the MAC layer.

Reimplemented from BaseDecider.

Definition at line 83 of file

References BER_LOWER_BOUND, BaseDecider::calcChannelSenseRSSI(), BaseDecider::calculateSnrMapping(), ConstMapping::createConstIterator(), BaseDecider::currentSignal, Signal::getBitrate(), DeciderToPhyInterface::getChannelInfo(), ConstMappingIterator::getNextPosition(), ConstMappingIterator::getPosition(), Signal::getSignalLength(), Signal::getSignalStart(), Argument::getTime(), ConstMappingIterator::getValue(), ConstMapping::getValue(), ConstMappingIterator::hasNext(), ConstMappingIterator::next(), Decider::notAgain, BaseDecider::PACKET_DROPPED, Decider::phy, MappingUtils::post(), DeciderToPhyInterface::sendControlMsg(), DeciderToPhyInterface::sendUp(), BaseDecider::setChannelIdleStatus(), snirDropped, and snirReceived.

  ConstMapping* snrMapping = calculateSnrMapping(frame);

  Signal& s = frame->getSignal();
  simtime_t start = s.getSignalStart();
  simtime_t end = start + s.getSignalLength();

  AirFrameVector channel;
  phy->getChannelInfo(start, end, channel);
  bool hasInterference = channel.size() > 1;

  if(hasInterference) {
  } else {

  double bitrate = s.getBitrate()->getValue(Argument(start));

  double avgBER = 0;
  double bestBER = 0.5;
  double snirAvg = 0;
  bool noErrors = true;
  double ber;
  double errorProbability;

  simtime_t receivingStart = MappingUtils::post(start);
  Argument argStart(receivingStart);
  ConstMappingIterator* iter = snrMapping->createConstIterator(argStart);
  double snirMin = iter->getValue();
  // Evaluate bit errors for each snr value
  // and stops as soon as we have an error.
  // TODO: add error correction code.

  simtime_t curTime = iter->getPosition().getTime();
  simtime_t snrDuration;
  while(curTime < end) {
    //get SNR for this interval
    double snr = iter->getValue();

    //determine end of this interval
    simtime_t nextTime = end; //either the end of the signal...
    if(iter->hasNext()) {   //or the position of the next entry
      const Argument& argNext = iter->getNextPosition();
      nextTime = std::min(argNext.getTime(), nextTime);
      iter->next(); //the iterator will already point to the next entry

    if (noErrors) {
      snrDuration = nextTime - curTime;

      int nbBits = int (snrDuration.dbl() * bitrate);

      // non-coherent detection of m-ary orthogonal signals in an AWGN
      // Channel
      // Digital Communications, John G. Proakis, section 4.3.2
      // p. 212, (4.3.32)
      //  Pm = sum(n=1,n=M-1){(-1)^(n+1)choose(M-1,n) 1/(n+1) exp(-nkgamma/(n+1))}
      // Pb = 2^(k-1)/(2^k - 1) Pm

      ber = std::max(getBERFromSNR(snr), BER_LOWER_BOUND);
      avgBER = ber*nbBits;
      snirAvg = snirAvg + snr*snrDuration.dbl();

      if(ber < bestBER) {
        bestBER = ber;
      errorProbability = 1.0 - pow((1.0 - ber), nbBits);
      noErrors = errorProbability < uniform(0, 1);
    if (snr < snirMin)
      snirMin = snr;

    curTime = nextTime;
  delete iter;
  delete snrMapping;

  avgBER = avgBER / frame->getBitLength();
  snirAvg = snirAvg / (end - start);
  //double rssi = 10*log10(snirAvg);
  double rssi = calcChannelSenseRSSI(start, end);
  if (noErrors)
          new DeciderResult802154Narrow(true, bitrate, snirMin, avgBER, rssi));
    if(recordStats) {
      snirReceived.record(10*log10(snirMin));  // in dB
  } else {
    MacPkt* mac = static_cast<MacPkt*> (frame->decapsulate());

    DeciderResult802154Narrow* result =
      new DeciderResult802154Narrow(false, bitrate, snirMin, avgBER, rssi);
    PhyToMacControlInfo* cInfo = new PhyToMacControlInfo(result);
    if(recordStats) {
      snirDropped.record(10*log10(snirMin));  // in dB
    if(hasInterference) {
    } else {

  //decoding is done
  currentSignal.first = 0;

  //channel is back idle

  //TODO: publish rssi and channel state
  return notAgain;

simtime_t Decider802154Narrow::processSignalHeader ( AirFrame *  frame  )  [protected, virtual]

Processes the end of the header of a received Signal.

Returns the time it wants to handle the signal again.

Default implementation does not handle signal headers.

Reimplemented from BaseDecider.

Definition at line 60 of file

References BaseDecider::currentSignal, Signal::getSignalLength(), Signal::getSignalStart(), Decider::notAgain, Decider::phy, DeciderToPhyInterface::sendControlMsg(), and BaseDecider::setChannelIdleStatus().

  if (!syncOnSFD(frame)) {
    currentSignal.first = 0;
    //channel is back idle
    return notAgain;

  // store this frame as signal to receive and set state
//  currentSignal.first = frame;
  currentSignal.second = EXPECT_END;

  //channel is busy now

  //TODO: publish rssi and channel state
  // Inform the MAC that we started receiving a frame
  phy->sendControlMsg(new cMessage("start_rx",RECEPTION_STARTED));
  Signal& s = frame->getSignal();
  return s.getSignalStart() + s.getSignalLength();

Member Data Documentation

cOutVector Decider802154Narrow::berlog [protected]

log ber value each time we enter getBERFromSNR

Definition at line 61 of file Decider802154Narrow.h.

Referenced by Decider802154Narrow().

cOutVector Decider802154Narrow::snirDropped [protected]

log minimum snir values of dropped packets

Definition at line 51 of file Decider802154Narrow.h.

Referenced by Decider802154Narrow(), and processSignalEnd().

cOutVector Decider802154Narrow::snirReceived [protected]

log minimum snir values of received packets

Definition at line 54 of file Decider802154Narrow.h.

Referenced by Decider802154Narrow(), and processSignalEnd().

cOutVector Decider802154Narrow::snrlog [protected]

log snr value each time we enter getBERFromSNR

Definition at line 58 of file Decider802154Narrow.h.

Referenced by Decider802154Narrow().

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