Public Member Functions | Protected Attributes

TestApplication Class Reference

Inherits BaseModule.

Collaboration diagram for TestApplication:
Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual void initialize (int stage)
 Basic initialization for all modules.
virtual void handleMessage (cMessage *msg)
virtual void finish ()

Protected Attributes

int dataOut
int dataIn
int ctrlOut
int ctrlIn
cMessage * delayTimer
int nbPackets
int remainingPackets
int headerLength
int nodeAddr
int dstAddr
double trafficParam
bool debug
 Debug switch for all other modules.
bool stats
bool trace
bool flood
bool isTransmitting
int nbPacketsReceived
vector< cStdDev > latencies
cOutVector latenciesRaw
cStdDev testStat

Detailed Description

Definition at line 14 of file TestApplication.h.

Member Function Documentation

void TestApplication::initialize ( int  stage  )  [virtual]

Basic initialization for all modules.

Subscription to Blackboard should be in stage==0, and firing notifications in stage==1 or later.

NOTE: You have to call this in the initialize() function of the inherited class!

Reimplemented from BaseModule.

Definition at line 6 of file

References debug.


    if (stage == 0) {
        // begin by connecting the gates
        // to allow messages exchange
        dataOut = findGate("lowerGateOut");
        dataIn = findGate("lowerGateIn");
        ctrlOut = findGate("lowerControlOut");
        ctrlIn = findGate("lowerControlIn");

        // Retrieve parameters
        debug = par("debug").boolValue();
        stats = par("stats").boolValue();
        trace = par("trace").boolValue();

        isTransmitting = false;

        nbPackets = par("nbPackets");
        trafficParam = par("trafficParam").doubleValue();
        nodeAddr = par("nodeAddr");
  dstAddr = par("dstAddr");
        flood = par("flood").boolValue();
        PAYLOAD_SIZE = par("payloadSize"); // data field size
        PAYLOAD_SIZE = PAYLOAD_SIZE * 8; // convert to bits
        // Configure internal state variables and objects
        nbPacketsReceived = 0;
        remainingPackets = nbPackets;

        INITIAL_DELAY = 5; // initial delay before sending first packet

        // start timer if needed
        if (nodeAddr != 0 && remainingPackets > 0) {
            delayTimer = new cMessage("app-delay-timer");
            scheduleAt(simTime() + INITIAL_DELAY +uniform(0,0.001), delayTimer); // we add a small shift to avoid systematic collisions
        } else {
            delayTimer = 0;

        if (stats) {
            // we should collect statistics
            cModule *host = getParentModule();
            int nbNodes = host->size();
            for (int i = 0; i < nbNodes; i++) {
                std::ostringstream oss;
                oss << "latency";
                oss << i;
                cStdDev aLatency(oss.str().c_str());

        if (trace) {
            // record all packet arrivals



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