Public Member Functions

MappingIterator Class Reference
[mapping - classes representing mathematical mappings]

Defines an iterator for a Mapping which is able to iterate over the Mapping. More...

#include <MappingBase.h>

Inherits ConstMappingIterator.

Inherited by BaseFilteredIterator< MappingIterator >, ConstMappingIteratorWrapper, LinearIntplMappingIterator, MultiDimMappingIterator< Interpolator >, MultiDimMappingIterator< Linear >, and TimeMappingIterator< Interpolator >.

Collaboration diagram for MappingIterator:
Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual void setValue (double value)=0
 Changes the value of the Mapping at the current position.

Detailed Description

Defines an iterator for a Mapping which is able to iterate over the Mapping.

See class ConstMapping for details on Mapping iterators.

Implementations of this class are able to change the underlying Mapping at the current position of the iterator with constant complexity.

Karl Wessel

Definition at line 848 of file MappingBase.h.

Member Function Documentation

virtual void MappingIterator::setValue ( double  value  )  [pure virtual]

Changes the value of the Mapping at the current position.

Implementations of this method should provide constant complexity.

Implemented in FilteredMappingIterator, TimeMappingIterator< Interpolator >, LinearIntplMappingIterator, ConstMappingIteratorWrapper, MultiDimMappingIterator< Interpolator >, FilledUpMappingIterator, and MultiDimMappingIterator< Linear >.

Referenced by FilteredMappingIterator::setValue().

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