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ProbabilisticBroadcast Class Reference
[netwLayer - network layer modules]

This class offers a data dissemination service using probabilistic broadcast. Each packet which arrives from upper layer or from the network is (re-)transmitted n times with n = floor(TTL/bcperiod) with probability beta. More...

#include <ProbabilisticBroadcast.h>

Inherits BaseNetwLayer.

Inherited by AdaptiveProbabilisticBroadcast.

Collaboration diagram for ProbabilisticBroadcast:
Collaboration graph

List of all members.


struct  tMsgDesc
 Store messages in a structure so that we can keep some information needed by the protocol. More...

Public Member Functions

virtual void initialize (int)
 Initialization of the module and some variables.
virtual void finish ()
 Called when the simulation has finished.

Protected Types

enum  messagesTypes {
typedef struct
 Store messages in a structure so that we can keep some information needed by the protocol.
typedef set< unsigned int > MsgIdSet
typedef multimap< simtime_t,
tMsgDesc * > 

Protected Member Functions

virtual void handleUpperMsg (cMessage *msg)
 Handle messages from upper layer.
virtual void handleLowerMsg (cMessage *msg)
 Handle messages from lower layer.
virtual void handleSelfMsg (cMessage *msg)
 Handle self messages.
virtual void handleLowerControl (cMessage *msg)
 Handle control messages from lower layer.
virtual bool messageKnown (unsigned int msgId)
 Checks whether a message is known (= kept in memory) or not.
virtual bool debugMessageKnown (unsigned int msgId)
 Checks whether a message is known (= kept in memory) or not.
virtual void insertMessage (simtime_t bcastDelay, tMsgDesc *msgDesc)
 Insert a message in both known ID list and message queue. If the message comes in front of the queue (i.e. it will be the next one to be broadcasted, the broadcastTimer is reset accordingly.
virtual tMsgDescpopFirstMessageUpdateQueue (void)
 Returns the descriptor of the first message in the queue, then remove its pointer from the queue and its id from the known IDs list. Then re-schedule the broadcastTimer to the broadcast instant of the new first element in the list.
virtual ProbabilisticBroadcastPkt * encapsMsg (cMessage *msg)
 Returns a network layer packet which encapsulates the upper layer packet passed to the function.
virtual cMessage * decapsMsg (ProbabilisticBroadcastPkt *msg)
 extracts and returns the application layer packet which is encapsulated in the network layer packet given in argument.
virtual void insertNewMessage (ProbabilisticBroadcastPkt *pkt, bool iAmInitialSender=false)
 Insert a new message in both known ID list and message queue. The message comes either from upper layer or from lower layer. In both cases, it will be inserted in the queue with a broadcast attempt delay taken uniformly between 0 and min(broadcast period, TTL) in order to implement a random backoff for the first broadcast of a message.

Static Protected Member Functions

static long getNextID ()

Protected Attributes

simtime_t broadcastPeriod
 Period (in sim time) between two broadcast attempts. Read from omnetpp.ini.
double beta
 Probability of each broadcast attempt. Read from omnetpp.ini.
simtime_t timeToLive
int maxNbBcast
 Maximal number of broadcast attempts for each packet. Read from omnetpp.ini.
int maxFirstBcastBackoff
 Maximal back-off before first broadcast attempt [seconds]. Read from omnetpp.ini.
simtime_t timeInQueueAfterDeath
 How long the message should be kept in queue after its died. That way the message is known if the node receives one of its copy that isn't dead because of TTL de-synchronization due to MAC backoff, propagation delay and clock drift. Read from omnetpp.ini.
int headerLength
 Length of the NetwPkt header Read from omnetpp.ini.
bool trace
bool stats
bool debug
 Debug switch for all other modules.
cMessage * broadcastTimer
MsgIdSet knownMsgIds
TimeMsgMap msgQueue
MsgIdSet debugMsgIdSet
int convertedMacBroadcastAddr
long nbDataPacketsReceived
long nbDataPacketsSent
long nbHops
int debugNbMessageKnown
long nbDataPacketsForwarded
cOutVector oneHopLatencies

Static Protected Attributes

static long id_counter = 0

Detailed Description

This class offers a data dissemination service using probabilistic broadcast. Each packet which arrives from upper layer or from the network is (re-)transmitted n times with n = floor(TTL/bcperiod) with probability beta.

Damien Piguet

Definition at line 36 of file ProbabilisticBroadcast.h.

Member Function Documentation

void ProbabilisticBroadcast::insertMessage ( simtime_t  bcastDelay,
tMsgDesc msgDesc 
) [protected, virtual]

Insert a message in both known ID list and message queue. If the message comes in front of the queue (i.e. it will be the next one to be broadcasted, the broadcastTimer is reset accordingly.

bcastDelay relative (to now) simulator time of next broadcast attempt.
msg descriptor of the message to insert in the queue.

Definition at line 238 of file

References BaseNetwLayer::myNetwAddr.

Referenced by handleSelfMsg(), and insertNewMessage().

  TimeMsgMap::iterator pos;
  simtime_t bcastTime = simTime() + bcastDelay;

  EV << "PBr: " << simTime() << " n"  << myNetwAddr << "         insertMessage() bcastDelay = " << bcastDelay << " Msg ID = " << msgDesc->pkt->getId() << endl;
  // update TTL field of the message to the value it will have when taken out of the list
  msgDesc->pkt->setAppTtl(msgDesc->pkt->getAppTtl() - bcastDelay);
  // insert message ID in ID list.
  // insert key value pair <broadcast time, pointer to message> in message queue.
  pos = msgQueue.insert(make_pair(bcastTime, msgDesc));
  // if the message has been inserted in the front of the list, it means that it
  // will be the next message to be broadcasted, therefore we have to re-schedule
  // the broadcast timer to the message's broadcast instant.
  if (pos == msgQueue.begin()) {
    EV << "PBr: " << simTime() << " n"  << myNetwAddr << "         message inserted in the front, reschedule it." << endl;
    scheduleAt(bcastTime, broadcastTimer);

void ProbabilisticBroadcast::insertNewMessage ( ProbabilisticBroadcastPkt *  pkt,
bool  iAmInitialSender = false 
) [protected, virtual]

Insert a new message in both known ID list and message queue. The message comes either from upper layer or from lower layer. In both cases, it will be inserted in the queue with a broadcast attempt delay taken uniformly between 0 and min(broadcast period, TTL) in order to implement a random backoff for the first broadcast of a message.

msgDesc descriptor of the message to insert in the queue.
iAmInitialSender message comes from upper layer, I am its creator and initial sender.

Definition at line 309 of file

References broadcastPeriod, insertMessage(), maxFirstBcastBackoff, and BaseNetwLayer::myNetwAddr.

Referenced by handleLowerMsg(), and handleUpperMsg().

  simtime_t ttl = pkt->getAppTtl();

  if (ttl > 0) {
    simtime_t bcastDelay;
    tMsgDesc* msgDesc;

    // insert packet in queue with delay in [0, min(TTL, broadcast period)].
    // since the insertion schedules the message for its first broadcast attempt,
    // we use a uniform random back-off taken between now and the broadcast delay
    // to avoid having all nodes in the neighborhood forward the packet at the same
    // time. Backoffs used at MAC layer are thought to be too short.
    if (broadcastPeriod < maxFirstBcastBackoff)
      bcastDelay = broadcastPeriod;
      bcastDelay = maxFirstBcastBackoff;
    if (bcastDelay > ttl)
      bcastDelay = ttl;
    EV << "PBr: " << simTime() << " n"  << myNetwAddr << " insertNewMessage(): insert packet " << pkt->getId() << " with delay "
       << bcastDelay << endl;
    // create container for message and initialize container's values.
    msgDesc = new tMsgDesc;
    msgDesc->pkt = pkt;
    msgDesc->nbBcast = 0;  // so far, pkt has been forwarded zero times.
    msgDesc->initialSend = iAmInitialSender;
    insertMessage(uniform(0, bcastDelay), msgDesc);
  else {
    EV << "PBr: " << simTime() << " n"  << myNetwAddr << " insertNewMessage(): got new packet with TTL = 0." << endl;
    delete pkt;

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