Public Member Functions | Protected Attributes

DeciderUWBIREDSyncOnAddress Class Reference
[IEEE 802.15.4A - Classes that implement the IEEE 802.15.4A UWB PHY.decider - decider modules]

this Decider models a non-coherent energy-detection receiver More...

#include <DeciderUWBIREDSyncOnAddress.h>

Inherits DeciderUWBIRED.

Collaboration diagram for DeciderUWBIREDSyncOnAddress:
Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 DeciderUWBIREDSyncOnAddress (DeciderToPhyInterface *iface, PhyLayerUWBIR *_uwbiface, double _syncThreshold, bool _syncAlwaysSucceeds, bool _stats, bool _trace, int _addr, bool alwaysFailOnDataInterference)
virtual bool attemptSync (Signal *signal)
virtual simtime_t processSignal (AirFrame *frame)
 This function processes a AirFrame given by the PhyLayer and returns the time point when Decider wants to be given the AirFrame again.

Protected Attributes

AirFrame * currFrame
int syncAddress

Detailed Description

this Decider models a non-coherent energy-detection receiver

that that always synchronizes successfully on frames coming from a particular node. It can be used to approximate quasi-orthogonal UWB modulations and private time hopping sequences (you should also configure the Decider adequately). It can also be used to study the robustness to interference of the data segment while neglecting interference on the sync preamble.

Citation of the following publication is appreciated if you use the MiXiM UWB PHY model for a publication of your own. J. Rousselot, J.-D. Decotignie, An ultra-wideband impulse radio PHY layer model for network simulation. SIMULATION January 2011 vol. 87 no. 1-2 82-112.

For more information, see also:

[1] J. Rousselot, J.-D. Decotignie, An ultra-wideband impulse radio PHY layer model for network simulation. SIMULATION January 2011 vol. 87 no. 1-2 82-112. [2] J. Rousselot, Ultra Low Power Communication Protocols for UWB Impulse Radio Wireless Sensor Networks. EPFL Thesis 4720, 2010. [3] A High-Precision Ultra Wideband Impulse Radio Physical Layer Model for Network Simulation, Jérôme Rousselot, Jean-Dominique Decotignie, Second International Omnet++ Workshop,Simu'TOOLS, Rome, 6 Mar 09.

Definition at line 58 of file DeciderUWBIREDSyncOnAddress.h.

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