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Decider80211 Class Reference
[decider - decider modulesIEEE 802.11 - Classes for the IEEE 802.11 implementation of MiXiM]

Decider for the 802.11 modules. More...

#include <Decider80211.h>

Inherits BaseDecider.

Inherited by Decider80211Battery.

Collaboration diagram for Decider80211:
Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Types

enum  Decider80211ControlKinds { NOTHING = 22100, BITERROR, COLLISION, LAST_DECIDER_80211_CONTROL_KIND }

Control message kinds used by this Decider.


Public Member Functions

 Decider80211 (DeciderToPhyInterface *phy, double threshold, double sensitivity, int channel, int myIndex=-1, bool debug=false)
 Initializes the Decider with a pointer to its PhyLayer and specific values for threshold and sensitivity.

Protected Member Functions

virtual DeciderResultcheckIfSignalOk (AirFrame *frame)
 Checks if the passed completed AirFrame was received correctly.
virtual simtime_t processNewSignal (AirFrame *frame)
 Processes a new Signal. Returns the time it wants to handle the signal again.
virtual simtime_t processSignalEnd (AirFrame *frame)
 Processes a received AirFrame.
bool packetOk (double snirMin, int lengthMPDU, double bitrate)
 computes if packet is ok or has errors
virtual double calcChannelSenseRSSI (simtime_t start, simtime_t end)
 Calculates the RSSI value for the passed interval.

Protected Attributes

double snrThreshold
 threshold value for checking a SNR-map (SNR-threshold)
double centerFrequency
 The center frequency on which the decider listens for signals.

Detailed Description

Decider for the 802.11 modules.

Depending on the minimum of the snr included in the PhySDU this module computes a bit error probability. The header (1 Mbit/s) is always modulated with DBQPSK. The PDU is normally modulated either with DBPSK (1 and 2 Mbit/s) or CCK (5.5 and 11 Mbit/s). CCK is not easy to model, therefore it is modeled as DQPSK with a 16-QAM for 5.5 Mbit/s and a 256-QAM for 11 Mbit/s.

Marc L�bbers, David Raguin, Karl Wessel(port for MiXiM)

Definition at line 29 of file Decider80211.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

Control message kinds used by this Decider.


The decider has recognized a bit error in the packet.


Packet lost due to collision.


Sub-classing deciders should begin their own kinds at this value.

Definition at line 32 of file Decider80211.h.

    NOTHING = 22100,

Member Function Documentation

double Decider80211::calcChannelSenseRSSI ( simtime_t  start,
simtime_t  end 
) [protected, virtual]

Calculates the RSSI value for the passed interval.

This method is called by BaseDecider when it answers a ChannelSenseRequest or calculates the current channel state.

Returns the maximum RSSI value inside the passed time interval and the channel the Decider currently listens to.

Reimplemented from BaseDecider.

Definition at line 62 of file

References BaseDecider::calculateRSSIMapping(), centerFrequency, MappingUtils::findMax(), Dimension::frequency_static(), Argument::setArgValue(), Argument::setTime(), and DimensionSet::timeFreqDomain.

  Mapping* rssiMap = calculateRSSIMapping(start, end);

  Argument min(DimensionSet::timeFreqDomain);
  min.setArgValue(Dimension::frequency_static(), centerFrequency - 11e6);
  Argument max(DimensionSet::timeFreqDomain);
  max.setArgValue(Dimension::frequency_static(), centerFrequency + 11e6);

  double rssi = MappingUtils::findMax(*rssiMap, min, max);

  delete rssiMap;

  return rssi;

DeciderResult * Decider80211::checkIfSignalOk ( AirFrame *  frame  )  [protected, virtual]

Checks if the passed completed AirFrame was received correctly.

Returns the result as a DeciderResult

The result of the decider for the passed AirFrame.

Reimplemented in Decider80211MultiChannel.

Definition at line 80 of file

References BaseDecider::calculateSnrMapping(), centerFrequency, Mapping::createConstIterator(), MappingUtils::findMin(), Dimension::frequency_static(), Signal::getBitrate(), Signal::getSignalLength(), Signal::getSignalStart(), ConstMappingIterator::getValue(), ConstMappingIterator::next(), packetOk(), Argument::setArgValue(), Argument::setTime(), snrThreshold, and DimensionSet::timeFreqDomain.

Referenced by processSignalEnd().

  // check if the snrMapping is above the Decider's specific threshold,
  // i.e. the Decider has received it correctly

  // first collect all necessary information
  Mapping* snrMap = calculateSnrMapping(frame);

  Signal& s = frame->getSignal();
  simtime_t start = s.getSignalStart();
  simtime_t end = start + s.getSignalLength();

  start = start + RED_PHY_HEADER_DURATION; //its ok if the phy header is received only
                       //partly - TODO: maybe solve this nicer
  Argument min(DimensionSet::timeFreqDomain);
  min.setArgValue(Dimension::frequency_static(), centerFrequency - 11e6);
  Argument max(DimensionSet::timeFreqDomain);
  max.setArgValue(Dimension::frequency_static(), centerFrequency + 11e6);

  double snirMin = MappingUtils::findMin(*snrMap, min, max);

  deciderEV << " snrMin: " << snirMin << endl;

  ConstMappingIterator* bitrateIt = s.getBitrate()->createConstIterator();
  bitrateIt->next(); //iterate to payload bitrate indicator
  double payloadBitrate = bitrateIt->getValue();
  delete bitrateIt;

  DeciderResult80211* result = 0;

  if (snirMin > snrThreshold) {
    if(packetOk(snirMin, frame->getBitLength() - (int)PHY_HEADER_LENGTH, payloadBitrate)) {
      result = new DeciderResult80211(true, payloadBitrate, snirMin);
    } else {
      deciderEV << "Packet has BIT ERRORS! It is lost!\n";
      result = new DeciderResult80211(false, payloadBitrate, snirMin);
  } else {
    deciderEV << "Packet has ERRORS! It is lost!\n";
    result = new DeciderResult80211(false, payloadBitrate, snirMin);

  delete snrMap;
  snrMap = 0;

  return result;

simtime_t Decider80211::processNewSignal ( AirFrame *  frame  )  [protected, virtual]

Processes a new Signal. Returns the time it wants to handle the signal again.

Default implementation checks if the signals receiving power is above the sensitivity of the radio and we are not already trying to receive another AirFrame. If thats the case it waits for the end of the signal.

Reimplemented from BaseDecider.

Reimplemented in Decider80211MultiChannel.

Definition at line 26 of file

References centerFrequency, BaseDecider::currentSignal, Dimension::frequency_static(), Signal::getReceivingPower(), Signal::getSignalLength(), Signal::getSignalStart(), Decider::notAgain, BaseDecider::sensitivity, Argument::setArgValue(), BaseDecider::setChannelIdleStatus(), Argument::setTime(), and DimensionSet::timeFreqDomain.

  if(currentSignal.first != 0) {
    deciderEV << "Already receiving another AirFrame!" << endl;
    return notAgain;

  // get the receiving power of the Signal at start-time and center frequency
  Signal& signal = frame->getSignal();
  Argument start(DimensionSet::timeFreqDomain);
  start.setArgValue(Dimension::frequency_static(), centerFrequency);

  double recvPower = signal.getReceivingPower()->getValue(start);

  // check whether signal is strong enough to receive
  if ( recvPower < sensitivity )
    deciderEV << "Signal is to weak (" << recvPower << " < " << sensitivity
        << ") -> do not receive." << endl;
    // Signal too weak, we can't receive it, tell PhyLayer that we don't want it again
    return notAgain;

  // Signal is strong enough, receive this Signal and schedule it
  deciderEV << "Signal is strong enough (" << recvPower << " > " << sensitivity
      << ") -> Trying to receive AirFrame." << endl;

  currentSignal.first = frame;
  currentSignal.second = EXPECT_END;

  //channel turned busy

  return ( signal.getSignalStart() + signal.getSignalLength() );

simtime_t Decider80211::processSignalEnd ( AirFrame *  frame  )  [protected, virtual]

Processes a received AirFrame.

The SNR-mapping for the Signal is created and checked against the Deciders SNR-threshold. Depending on that the received AirFrame is either sent up to the MAC-Layer or dropped.

usually return a value for: 'do not pass it again'

Reimplemented from BaseDecider.

Definition at line 172 of file

References BITERROR, checkIfSignalOk(), BaseDecider::currentSignal, DeciderResult::isSignalCorrect(), Decider::notAgain, Decider::phy, DeciderToPhyInterface::sendControlMsg(), DeciderToPhyInterface::sendUp(), and BaseDecider::setChannelIdleStatus().

  // here the Signal is finally processed

  DeciderResult* result = checkIfSignalOk(frame);

  if (result->isSignalCorrect())
    deciderEV << "packet was received correctly, it is now handed to upper layer...\n";
    // go on with processing this AirFrame, send it to the Mac-Layer
    phy->sendUp(frame, result);
  } else
    deciderEV << "packet was not received correctly, sending it as control message to upper layer\n";
    Mac80211Pkt* mac = static_cast<Mac80211Pkt*>(frame->decapsulate());
    delete result;

  // we have processed this AirFrame and we prepare to receive the next one
  currentSignal.first = 0;

  //channel is idle now

  return notAgain;

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