Public Member Functions | Protected Attributes | Friends

RepeatTimer Class Reference

Collaboration diagram for RepeatTimer:
Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void setRepeatTimer (unsigned int index, double period, int repeats=1)
unsigned int setRepeatTimer (double period, int repeats=1)
void cancelRepeatTimer (unsigned int index)
void resetRepeatTimer (unsigned int index)
void resetAllRepeatTimers (void)
bool timerExists (unsigned int index)
float remainingRepeatTimer (unsigned int index)
void setContextPointer (unsigned int index, void *data)
void * contextPointer (unsigned int index)
void setContextDestructor (unsigned int index, void(*func)(void *data))
void allocateRepeatTimers (unsigned int count)
void deleteRepeatTimer (unsigned int index)
virtual void init (BaseModule *parent)
virtual void handleRepeatTimer (unsigned int index)

Protected Attributes



class RepeatTimerCore

Detailed Description

Definition at line 12 of file RepeatTimer.h.

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