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SimplePathlossModel Class Reference
[analogueModels - AnalogueModel implementations]

Basic implementation of a SimplePathlossModel that uses SimplePathlossConstMapping (that is subclassed from SimpleConstMapping) as attenuation-Mapping. More...

#include <SimplePathlossModel.h>

Inherits AnalogueModel.

Collaboration diagram for SimplePathlossModel:
Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 SimplePathlossModel (double alpha, double carrierFrequency, const Move *myMove, bool useTorus, const Coord &playgroundSize, bool debug)
 Initializes the analogue model. myMove and playgroundSize need to be valid as long as this instance exists.
virtual void filterSignal (Signal &s)
 Filters a specified Signal by adding an attenuation over time to the Signal.
virtual double calcPathloss (const Coord &myPos, const Coord &sendersPos)
 Method to calculate the attenuation value for pathloss.

Protected Attributes

double pathLossAlphaHalf
 Path loss coefficient.
double carrierFrequency
 carrier frequency needed for calculation
const MovemyMove
 stores my Move pattern
const bool useTorus
 Information needed about the playground.
const CoordplaygroundSize
 The size of the playground.
bool debug
 Whether debug messages should be displayed.


class SimplePathlossConstMapping

Detailed Description

Basic implementation of a SimplePathlossModel that uses SimplePathlossConstMapping (that is subclassed from SimpleConstMapping) as attenuation-Mapping.

An example config.xml for this AnalogueModel can be the following:

	<AnalogueModel type="SimplePathlossModel">
		<!-- Environment parameter of the pathloss formula
			 If ommited default value is 3.5-->
		<parameter name="alpha" type="double" value="3.5"/>

		<!-- Carrier frequency of the signal in Hz
			 If ommited the carrier frequency from the
			 connection manager is taken if available
			 otherwise set to default frequency of 2.412e+9-->
		<parameter name="carrierFrequency" type="double" value="2.412e+9"/>

Definition at line 85 of file SimplePathlossModel.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

SimplePathlossModel::SimplePathlossModel ( double  alpha,
double  carrierFrequency,
const Move myMove,
bool  useTorus,
const Coord playgroundSize,
bool  debug 
) [inline]

Initializes the analogue model. myMove and playgroundSize need to be valid as long as this instance exists.

The constructor needs some specific knowledge in order to create its mapping properly:

alpha the coefficient alpha (specified e.g. in config.xml and passed in constructor call)
carrierFrequency the carrier frequency
myMove a pointer to the hosts move pattern
useTorus information about the playground the host is moving in
playgroundSize information about the playground the host is moving in
debug display debug messages?

Definition at line 125 of file SimplePathlossModel.h.

Member Function Documentation

double SimplePathlossModel::calcPathloss ( const Coord myPos,
const Coord sendersPos 
) [virtual]

Method to calculate the attenuation value for pathloss.

Functionality is similar to pathloss-calculation in BasicSnrEval from Mobility-frame work.

Note: This method is not used directly anymore. Instead the actual pathloss is calculated in SimplePathlossConstMappings "getValue()" method.

Definition at line 77 of file

References carrierFrequency, M_PI, pathLossAlphaHalf, playgroundSize, BaseWorldUtility::speedOfLight, Coord::sqrdist(), Coord::sqrTorusDist(), and useTorus.

   * maybe we can reuse an already calculated value for the square-distance
   * at this point.
  double sqrdistance = 0.0;

  if (useTorus)
    sqrdistance = myPos.sqrTorusDist(sendersPos, playgroundSize);
  } else
    sqrdistance = myPos.sqrdist(sendersPos);

  splmEV << "sqrdistance is: " << sqrdistance << endl;

  double attenuation = 1.0;
  // wavelength in metres
  double wavelength = (BaseWorldUtility::speedOfLight/carrierFrequency);

  splmEV << "wavelength is: " << wavelength << endl;

  if (sqrdistance > 1.0)
    attenuation = (wavelength * wavelength) / (16.0 * M_PI * M_PI)
            * (pow(sqrdistance, -1.0*pathLossAlphaHalf));

  splmEV << "attenuation is: " << attenuation << endl;

  return attenuation;

void SimplePathlossModel::filterSignal ( Signal s  )  [virtual]

Filters a specified Signal by adding an attenuation over time to the Signal.

Get start of the signal

claim the Move pattern of the sender from the Signal

Calculate the distance factor

Implements AnalogueModel.

Definition at line 28 of file

References Signal::addAttenuation(), carrierFrequency, Dimension::frequency, ConstMapping::getDimensionSet(), Signal::getMove(), Move::getPositionAt(), Signal::getSignalLength(), Signal::getSignalStart(), Signal::getTransmissionPower(), DimensionSet::hasDimension(), M_PI, myMove, pathLossAlphaHalf, playgroundSize, BaseWorldUtility::speedOfLight, Coord::sqrdist(), Coord::sqrTorusDist(), DimensionSet::timeDomain, DimensionSet::timeFreqDomain, and useTorus.


  simtime_t sStart = s.getSignalStart();
  simtime_t sEnd = s.getSignalLength() + sStart;

  Coord sendersPos = s.getMove().getPositionAt(sStart);
  Coord myPos = myMove.getPositionAt(sStart);

  double sqrDistance = useTorus ? myPos.sqrTorusDist(sendersPos, playgroundSize)
                  : myPos.sqrdist(sendersPos);

  splmEV << "sqrdistance is: " << sqrDistance << endl;

  if(sqrDistance <= 1.0) {
    //attenuation is negligible

  // wavelength in meters (this is only used for debug purposes here
  // the actual effect of the wavelength on the attenuation is
  // calculated in SimplePathlossConstMappings "getValue()" method).
  double wavelength = (BaseWorldUtility::speedOfLight/carrierFrequency);
  splmEV << "wavelength is: " << wavelength << endl;

  // the part of the attenuation only depending on the distance
  double distFactor = pow(sqrDistance, -pathLossAlphaHalf) / (16.0 * M_PI * M_PI);
  splmEV << "distance factor is: " << distFactor << endl;

  //is our signal to attenuate defined over frequency?
  bool hasFrequency = s.getTransmissionPower()->getDimensionSet().hasDimension(Dimension::frequency);
  splmEV << "Signal contains frequency dimension: " << (hasFrequency ? "yes" : "no") << endl;

  const DimensionSet& domain = hasFrequency ? DimensionSet::timeFreqDomain : DimensionSet::timeDomain;

  //create the Attenuation mapping which takes the distance factor as parameter
  //to calculate the attenuation from this and the frequency used for the transmission
  //see the classes "getValue()" for more
  SimplePathlossConstMapping* attMapping = new SimplePathlossConstMapping(

  /* at last add the created attenuation mapping to the signal */

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