Public Member Functions | Protected Attributes

MacToUWBIRPhyControlInfo Class Reference
[IEEE 802.15.4A - Classes that implement the IEEE 802.15.4A UWB PHY.phyLayer - physical layer modulesmacLayer - MAC layer modules]

This control info allows to store the IEEE802154A config parameters that were used to generate the accompanying signal. More...

#include <MacToUWBIRPhyControlInfo.h>

Inherits MacToPhyControlInfo.

Collaboration diagram for MacToUWBIRPhyControlInfo:
Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 MacToUWBIRPhyControlInfo (Signal *signal=0, IEEE802154A::config cfg=IEEE802154A::cfg_mandatory_16M)
IEEE802154A::config getConfig ()

Protected Attributes

IEEE802154A::config cfg

Detailed Description

This control info allows to store the IEEE802154A config parameters that were used to generate the accompanying signal.

Definition at line 17 of file MacToUWBIRPhyControlInfo.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: