Here is a list of all documented class members with links to the class documentation for each member:
- c -
- calcChannelSenseRSSI()
: BaseDecider
, Decider80211
- calcInterfDist()
: ConnectionManager
, UnitDisk
, BaseConnectionManager
- calcPathloss()
: SimplePathlossModel
- calcTXCurrentForPacket()
: PhyLayerBattery
- calculatePropagationDelay()
: ChannelAccess
- calculateRSSIMapping()
: BaseDecider
- calculateSnrMapping()
: BaseDecider
- calculateXY()
: RectangleMobility
, TractorMobility
- canAnswerCSR()
: BaseDecider
, SNRThresholdDecider
- cancelRepeatTimer()
: RepeatTimerCore
- cancelScheduledMessage()
: BasePhyLayer
, DeciderToPhyInterface
- cancelTimer()
: Timer
, TimerCore
- canDiscardInterval()
: ChannelInfo
- capmAh
: SimpleBattery
- carrierFrequency
: BreakpointPathlossModel
, JakesFading
, SimplePathlossModel
- catBitrate
: Mac80211
- catDroppedPacket
: BMacLayer
, csma
, LMacLayer
- categoryName()
: Blackboard
- catHostState
: BaseUtility
- catIndication
: LMacLayer
- catMove
: ChannelAccess
, BaseUtility
- catPacket
: TrafficGen
, WorldUtilityStats
- catPassedMsg
: BaseLayer
- catRadioState
: LMacLayer
- catRefMove
: MoBANLocal
- cc
: ChannelAccess
: CSMAMacLayer
- ccaDetectionTime
: csma
- centerFreq
: Mac80211
- centerFrequency
: Decider80211
- chAccess
: NicEntry
- changeDisplayColor()
: BMacLayer
: MacToPhyInterface
- channelChanged()
: Decider
, Decider80211MultiChannel
, Decider802154Narrow
- channelInfo
: BasePhyLayer
- channelModel
: UWBIRIEEE802154APathlossModel
- ChannelState()
: ChannelState
- channelStateChanged()
: BaseDecider
- checkAndCleanFrom()
: ChannelInfo
- checkAndCleanInterval()
: ChannelInfo
- checkFreeGates
: NicEntryDebug
- checkGrid()
: BaseConnectionManager
- checkIfAboveThreshold()
: SNRThresholdDecider
- checkIfOutside()
: BaseMobility
- checkIfSignalOk()
: Decider80211
, Decider80211MultiChannel
- checkInterval
: BMacLayer
- chSenseStart
: Mac80211
- cleanAnalogueModelUntil()
: Radio
- cleanUpUntil()
: RadioStateAnalogueModel
- CLength
: IEEE802154A
- client
: Blackboard::Subscriber
- clone()
: Mapping
, TimeMapping< Interpolator >
, LinearIntplMapping
, ConstMappingWrapper
, MultiDimMapping< Interpolator >
, DelayedMapping
- close()
: FWMath
- collectFreeGates()
: NicEntryDebug
- collectGates()
: NicEntryDebug
: Decider80211
- combinationList
: PostureTransition
- CombinationList
: PostureTransition
- comp
: Linear< double, Mapping *, std::map< double, Mapping * >::value_type, std::map< double, Mapping * >::const_iterator >
- compare()
: Argument
- ConcatConstMapping()
: ConcatConstMapping< Operator >
- connectTo()
: NicEntry
, NicEntryDebug
, NicEntryDirect
- const_iterator
: Argument
: csma
- constClone()
: ConstDelayedMapping
, ConstMapping
, Mapping
, SimpleConstMapping
, ConstantSimpleConstMapping
, ConstMappingWrapper
, ConcatConstMapping< Operator >
, RSAMMapping
, JakesFadingMapping
, SimplePathlossConstMapping
, SimpleTimeConstMapping
- ConstInterpolateableIterator()
: ConstInterpolateableIterator< Key, V, Pair, Iterator, Interpolator >
- ConstIntersectionIterator
: ChannelInfo
- ConstMapping()
: ConstMapping
- ConstMappingList
: Signal
- contention
: Mac80211
- contextPointer()
: Timer
, RepeatTimerCore
, TimerCore
- controlDuration
: LMacLayer
- Coord()
: Coord
- CoordSet()
: BaseConnectionManager::CoordSet
- coreDebug
: BaseArp
, BaseConnectionManager
, ChannelAccess
, NicEntry
, BaseMacLayer
, BaseMobility
, BaseNetwLayer
, TestApplLayer
- count
: Argument
- createConcatenatedMapping()
: ConcatConstMapping< Operator >
- createConstantMapping()
: BaseMacLayer
- createConstIterator()
: ConstMappingWrapper
, ConstMapping
, Mapping
, SimpleConstMapping
, ConcatConstMapping< Operator >
, RSAMMapping
, ConstMapping
, SimpleConstMapping
, RSAMMapping
, ConcatConstMapping< Operator >
, ConstMappingWrapper
- createIterator()
: FilledUpMapping
, ConstMappingWrapper
, LinearIntplMapping
, MultiDimMapping< Interpolator >
, DelayedMapping
, MultiDimMapping< Interpolator >
, TimeMapping< Interpolator >
, LinearIntplMapping
, DelayedMapping
, TimeMapping< Interpolator >
, Mapping
, ConstMappingWrapper
, FilledUpMapping
, Mapping
- createKeyEntries()
: SimpleConstMapping
- createMacPkt()
: SimpleMacLayer
- createMapping()
: SimpleMacLayer
, MappingUtils
- createNewRadio()
: Radio
- createRandomFreqTimeModel()
: SamplePhyLayer
- createRandomFrequencyOnlyModel()
: SamplePhyLayer
- createRectangleMapping()
: BaseMacLayer
- createSignal()
: Mac80211
, BaseMacLayer
- createSingleFrequencyMapping()
: BaseMacLayer
- createSubSignal()
: MultiDimMapping< Interpolator >
, FilledUpMapping
- current
: BaseConnectionManager::CoordSet
- currentActivity
: DeviceEntry
- currentAngle
: MassMobility
- currentChannel
: Radio
- currentChannelSenseRequest
: BaseDecider
- currentIFS
: Mac80211
- currentlyTracking
: RadioStateAnalogueModel
- currentPattern
: MoBANCoordinator
- currentPosture
: MoBANCoordinator
- currentSignal
: BaseDecider
- currentSignals
: ThresholdDecider
- currentSpeed
: MassMobility
- CurrList
: RSAMConstMappingIterator
- currSlot
: LMacLayer