Here is a list of all documented class members with links to the class documentation for each member:
- h -
- handleACKframe()
: Mac80211
- handleAirFrame()
: BasePhyLayer
, PhyLayerUWBIR
, PhyLayerBattery
- handleAirFrameEndReceive()
: BasePhyLayer
- handleAirFrameFirstReceive()
: BasePhyLayer
- handleAirFrameReceiving()
: BasePhyLayer
- handleAirFrameStartReceive()
: BasePhyLayer
- handleBorderMsg()
: BaseMobility
- handleBroadcastMsg()
: Mac80211
- handleChannelSenseRequest()
: BaseDecider
, BasePhyLayer
, Decider
, DeciderUWBIRED
, ThresholdDecider
- handleCTSframe()
: Mac80211
- handleDATAframe()
: Mac80211
- handleEndContentionTimer()
: Mac80211
- handleEndSifsTimer()
: Mac80211
- handleEndTransmission()
: Mac80211
- handleHeaderOver()
: ThresholdDecider
- handleHostState()
: BaseModule
, BurstApplLayerBattery
, PhyLayerBattery
, PhyLayerUWBIR
, SimpleBattery
- handleIfOutside()
: BaseMobility
- handleLowerControl()
: SensorApplLayer
, BMacLayer
, csma
, CSMAMacLayer
, LMacLayer
, Mac80211
, DummyRoute
, ProbabilisticBroadcast
, WiseRoute
, Aggregation
, NetworkStackTrafficGen
, BaseApplLayer
, BaseLayer
, BaseMacLayer
, BaseNetwLayer
- handleLowerMsg()
: BaseApplLayer
, BaseLayer
, BaseMacLayer
, BaseNetwLayer
, TestApplLayer
, BurstApplLayerBattery
, SensorApplLayer
, TrafficGen
, AlohaMacLayer
, BMacLayer
, csma
, CSMAMacLayer
, LMacLayer
, Mac80211
, AdaptiveProbabilisticBroadcast
, DummyRoute
, Flood
, ProbabilisticBroadcast
, WiseRoute
, Aggregation
, NetworkStackTrafficGen
- handleMessage()
: BaseArp
, BaseLayer
, BaseMobility
, Blackboard
, BasePhyLayer
, RepeatTimerCore
, TimerCore
, MoBANCoordinator
, ArpHost
, SamplePhyLayer
- handleMsgForMe()
: Mac80211
- handleMsgNotForMe()
: Mac80211
- handleNavTimer()
: Mac80211
- handleNewSenseRequest()
: BaseDecider
- handleNewSignal()
: ThresholdDecider
- handleRTSframe()
: Mac80211
- handleSelfMessage()
: BasePhyLayer
- handleSelfMsg()
: BurstApplLayer
, Mac80211
, BMacLayer
, BaseApplLayer
, BaseLayer
, BaseMacLayer
, BaseMobility
, BaseNetwLayer
, TestApplLayer
, BurstApplLayerBattery
, SensorApplLayer
, TrafficGen
, csma
, CSMAMacLayer
, LMacLayer
, LineSegmentsMobilityBase
, MassMobility
, AdaptiveProbabilisticBroadcast
, DummyRoute
, Flood
, ProbabilisticBroadcast
, WiseRoute
, NetworkStackTrafficGen
, Aggregation
- handleSenseRequestEnd()
: BaseDecider
- handleSignalOver()
: ThresholdDecider
- handleTimeoutTimer()
: Mac80211
- handleUpperControl()
: BaseNetwLayer
, NetworkStackTrafficGen
, BaseApplLayer
, BaseLayer
, BaseMacLayer
, SensorApplLayer
, DummyRoute
, Aggregation
- handleUpperControlMessage()
: BasePhyLayer
- handleUpperMessage()
: BasePhyLayer
, PhyLayerBattery
- handleUpperMsg()
: Mac80211
, DummyRoute
, Flood
, WiseRoute
, SensorApplLayer
, BaseMacLayer
, BaseNetwLayer
, Aggregation
, NetworkStackTrafficGen
, BaseApplLayer
, LMacLayer
, ProbabilisticBroadcast
, BMacLayer
, BaseLayer
, csma
, CSMAMacLayer
- hasArgVal()
: Argument
- hasDimension()
: DimensionSet
- hasFrequency
: SimplePathlossConstMapping
- hasNext()
: ConstMappingIterator
, LinearIntplMappingIterator
, RSAMConstMappingIterator
, ConstMappingIteratorWrapper
, MultiDimMappingIterator< Interpolator >
, TimeMappingIterator< Interpolator >
, SimpleConstMappingIterator
, ConstInterpolateableIterator< Key, V, Pair, Iterator, Interpolator >
- headerLength
: ProbabilisticBroadcast
, WiseRoute
, BaseApplLayer
, BaseNetwLayer
, BMacLayer
, BasePhyLayer
, BaseMacLayer
- hostId
: BaseMobility
, BaseModule
, BaseLayer
, NicEntry
- hostMove
: JakesFading
- hostPtr
: BaseMobility
- hostsLatency()
: SensorApplLayer
- hostState
: BaseUtility
- HostState()
: HostState
- hostStateCat
: SimpleBattery
, BaseModule