Here is a list of all documented class members with links to the class documentation for each member:
- g -
- GateList
: NicEntry
- get()
: HostState
- getAbs()
: BatteryState
- getAirFrames()
: ChannelInfo
- getAlphaMean()
: Posture
- getAlphaSD()
: Posture
- getAnalogueModel()
: Radio
- getAnalogueModelFromName()
: BasePhyLayer
, PhyLayer
, PhyLayerUWBIR
, SamplePhyLayer
- getArgValue()
: Argument
- getAttenuation()
: Signal
- getBER()
: DeciderResult802154Narrow
- getBitErrorRate()
: MacToNetwControlInfo
- getBitrate()
: Signal
, DeciderResult80211
, DeciderResult802154Narrow
- getCategory()
: Blackboard
- getCellEntries()
: BaseConnectionManager
- getCellForCoordinate()
: BaseConnectionManager
- getChannel()
: Mac80211MultiChannel
- getChannelInfo()
: BaseDecider
, BasePhyLayer
, DeciderToPhyInterface
, Decider80211MultiChannel
- getChannelState()
: SNRThresholdDecider
, ThresholdDecider
, BaseDecider
, BasePhyLayer
, Decider
, MacToPhyInterface
, DeciderUWBIRED
- getConnectionManager()
: ChannelAccess
, BaseMacLayer
- getCriticality()
: ProbBcastNetwControlInfo
- getCurrentChannel()
: Radio
- getCurrentRadioChannel()
: BasePhyLayer
, DeciderToPhyInterface
, MacToPhyInterface
- getCurrentState()
: Radio
- getDeciderFromName()
: BasePhyLayer
, PhyLayer
, PhyLayerBattery
, PhyLayerUWBIR
, SamplePhyLayer
- getDeciderResult()
: PhyToMacControlInfo
- getDelay()
: BaseDelayedMapping< Base >
- getDimension()
: MultiDimMapping< Interpolator >
- getDimensionID()
: Dimension
- getDimensions()
: Argument
- getDimensionSet()
: ConstMapping
- getDirection()
: Move
- getEarliestInfoPoint()
: ChannelInfo
- getFile()
: BonnMotionFileCache
- getGateList()
: BaseConnectionManager
, NicEntry
- getHostState()
: BaseUtility
- getID()
: Dimension
- getId()
: ProbBcastNetwControlInfo
- getInstance()
: BonnMotionFileCache
- getIntersections()
: ChannelInfo
- getLastHopMac()
: MacToNetwControlInfo
- getMacAddr()
: ArpInterface
, BaseArp
, ArpHost
- getMatrix()
: PostureTransition
- getmaxSize()
: BaseConnectionManager::CoordSet
- getMaxSpeed()
: Posture
- getMinSpeed()
: Posture
- getMove()
: Signal
- getName()
: Dimension
- getNbRadioChannels()
: BasePhyLayer
, MacToPhyInterface
- getNetwAddr()
: NetwControlInfo
, ArpHost
- getNextHopMac()
: NetwToMacControlInfo
- getNextPosition()
: ConstMappingIterator
, SimpleConstMappingIterator
, TimeMappingIterator< Interpolator >
, LinearIntplMappingIterator
, ConstMappingIteratorWrapper
, MultiDimMappingIterator< Interpolator >
, RSAMConstMappingIterator
- getNode()
: BaseModule
- getOutGateTo()
: BaseConnectionManager
, NicEntry
- getParametersFromXML()
: BasePhyLayer
- getPgs()
: BaseWorldUtility
- getPhyHeaderLength()
: BasePhyLayer
, MacToPhyInterface
- getPos()
: BaseUtility
- getPosition()
: SimpleConstMappingIterator
, ConstInterpolateableIterator< Key, V, Pair, Iterator, Interpolator >
, ConstMappingIterator
, TimeMappingIterator< Interpolator >
, LinearIntplMappingIterator
, ConstMappingIteratorWrapper
, MultiDimMappingIterator< Interpolator >
, RSAMConstMappingIterator
- getPositionAt()
: Move
- getPostureID()
: Posture
- getPostureName()
: Posture
- getPropagationDelay()
: Signal
- getPs()
: Posture
- getRadioState()
: MacToPhyInterface
, BasePhyLayer
- getRadius()
: Posture
- getRandomPosition()
: BaseMobility
, BaseWorldUtility
- getReason()
: DroppedPacket
- getReceivingPower()
: Signal
- getRefMapping()
: ConcatConstMapping< Operator >
- getRel()
: BatteryState
- getRoute()
: WiseRoute
- getRSSI()
: ChannelState
, MacToNetwControlInfo
, DeciderResult802154Narrow
- getSignalLength()
: Signal
- getSignalStart()
: Signal
- getSignalState()
: BaseDecider
- getSimTime()
: BasePhyLayer
, DeciderToPhyInterface
- getSize()
: BaseConnectionManager::CoordSet
- getSnr()
: DeciderResult802154Narrow
, DeciderResult80211
- getSpeed()
: Move
, Posture
- getStartPos()
: Move
- getStartTime()
: Move
- getThermalNoise()
: DeciderToPhyInterface
, BasePhyLayer
- getTime()
: Argument
, RadioStateAnalogueModel::ListEntry
- getTransmissionPower()
: Signal
- getTtl()
: ProbBcastNetwControlInfo
- getType()
: DrawAmount
- getUniqueAirFrameId()
: BaseWorldUtility
- getUtility()
: BasePhyLayer
, DeciderToPhyInterface
- getValue()
: ConstInterpolateableIterator< Key, V, Pair, Iterator, Interpolator >
, MultiDimMapping< Interpolator >
, ConstantSimpleConstMapping
, SimpleTimeConstMapping
, ConstMappingIterator
, SimpleConstMappingIterator
, ConcatConstMapping< Operator >
, ConstMapping
, TurtleMobility
, MultiDimMappingIterator< Interpolator >
, RSAMConstMappingIterator
, TimeMapping< Interpolator >
, DrawAmount
, SimpleConstMapping
, JakesFadingMapping
, RadioStateAnalogueModel::ListEntry
, RSAMMapping
, ConstMappingWrapper
, TimeMappingIterator< Interpolator >
, SimplePathlossConstMapping
, ConstMappingIteratorWrapper
, ConstantSimpleConstMapping
, LinearIntplMappingIterator
, LinearIntplMapping
- getVoltage()
: SimpleBattery
, BaseBattery
- getWorldUtility()
: BasePhyLayer
, DeciderToPhyInterface
- getX()
: Coord
- getY()
: Coord
- getZ()
: Coord
- goToBorder()
: BaseMobility
- gotoNextStatement()
: TurtleMobility
- GridCoord()
: BaseConnectionManager::GridCoord
- gridDim
: BaseConnectionManager