Classes |
class | UWBIRIEEE802154APathlossModel |
| This class implements the IEEE 802.15.4A Channel Model[1] in the MiXiM omnet++ modeling framework. More...
class | UWBIRStochasticPathlossModel |
| This AnalogueModel models implements the Ghassmezadeh stochastic UWB channel models. More...
class | AlohaMacLayer |
| this class implements a basic Aloha MAC protocol for an UWB-IR IEEE 802.15.4A transceiver to allow testing the PHY layer. More...
class | UWBIRMac |
| This class provides helper function for MAC modules that use the UWB-IR IEEE 802.15.4A model. More...
class | DeciderResultUWBIR |
| This class stores results from an UWBIR Decider. It allows to pass to the MAC layer the demodulate bit values, so that it (the MAC layer) can compare these demodulated bit values with the bit values actually encoded by the MAC layer at the origin. More...
class | DeciderUWBIRED |
| This class implements a model of an energy detection receiver that demodulates UWB-IR burst position modulation as defined in the IEEE802154A standard (mandatory mode, high PRF). More...
class | DeciderUWBIREDSync |
| this Decider models a non-coherent energy-detection receiver that synchronizes on the first sync preamble sequence that is "long enough" and "powerful enough". This is defined with the respective fields tmin and syncThreshold. More...
class | DeciderUWBIREDSyncOnAddress |
| this Decider models a non-coherent energy-detection receiver More...
class | MacToUWBIRPhyControlInfo |
| This control info allows to store the IEEE802154A config parameters that were used to generate the accompanying signal. More...
class | PhyLayerUWBIR |
| Physical layer that models an Ultra Wideband Impulse Radio wireless communication system. More...
class | RadioUWBIR |
| This class extends the basic radio model. More...
class | IEEE802154A |
| This class regroups static methods needed to generate a pulse-level representation of an IEEE 802.15.4A UWB PHY frame using the mandatory mode (high PRF). More...