
decider - decider modules
[phyLayer - physical layer modules]

Collaboration diagram for decider - decider modules:


class  BaseDecider
 Provides some base functionality for most common deciders. More...
class  ChannelState
 Provides information about the current state of the channel: More...
class  DeciderResult
 A class to represent the result of a processed packet (that is not noise) by the Decider. More...
class  Decider
 The basic Decider class. More...
class  DeciderToPhyInterface
 This class is the interface for a Decider to the BasePhyLayer. More...
class  Decider80211
 Decider for the 802.11 modules. More...
class  Decider80211Battery
 Extends Decider80211 by drawing power during receiving of messages. More...
class  Decider802154Narrow
 Decider for the 802.15.4 Narrow band module. More...
class  DeciderResult80211
 Defines an extended DeciderResult for the 80211 protocol which stores the bit-rate of the transmission. More...
class  DeciderResult802154Narrow
 Defines an extended DeciderResult for the 802.15.4 protocol. More...
class  DeciderResultUWBIR
 This class stores results from an UWBIR Decider. It allows to pass to the MAC layer the demodulate bit values, so that it (the MAC layer) can compare these demodulated bit values with the bit values actually encoded by the MAC layer at the origin. More...
class  DeciderUWBIRED
 This class implements a model of an energy detection receiver that demodulates UWB-IR burst position modulation as defined in the IEEE802154A standard (mandatory mode, high PRF). More...
class  DeciderUWBIREDSync
 this Decider models a non-coherent energy-detection receiver that synchronizes on the first sync preamble sequence that is "long enough" and "powerful enough". This is defined with the respective fields tmin and syncThreshold. More...
class  DeciderUWBIREDSyncOnAddress
 this Decider models a non-coherent energy-detection receiver More...
class  SNRThresholdDecider
 Decider implementation which decides a signals correctness by checking its SNR against a threshold. More...