
analogueModels - AnalogueModel implementations
[phyLayer - physical layer modules]

Collaboration diagram for analogueModels - AnalogueModel implementations:


class  AnalogueModel
 Interface for the analogue models of the physical layer. More...
class  BreakpointPathlossModel
 Basic implementation of a BreakpointPathlossModel. This class can be used to implement the ieee802154 path loss model. More...
class  IntensityModel
 TODO: Short description for this AnalogueModel. More...
class  JakesFadingMapping
 Mapping used to represent attenuation of a signal by JakesFading. More...
class  JakesFading
 Implements Rayleigh fading after Jakes' model. More...
class  LogNormalShadowing
 Channel state implementing log-normal shadowing. More...
class  PERModel
 This class applies a parameterized packet error rate to incoming packets. This allows the user to easily study the robustness of its system to packet loss. More...
class  SimplePathlossConstMapping
 Mapping that represents a Pathloss-function. More...
class  SimplePathlossModel
 Basic implementation of a SimplePathlossModel that uses SimplePathlossConstMapping (that is subclassed from SimpleConstMapping) as attenuation-Mapping. More...
class  UWBIRIEEE802154APathlossModel
 This class implements the IEEE 802.15.4A Channel Model[1] in the MiXiM omnet++ modeling framework. More...
class  UWBIRStochasticPathlossModel
 This AnalogueModel models implements the Ghassmezadeh stochastic UWB channel models. More...
class  RandomFreqTimeModel
 Sample implementation of an AnalogueModel which uses MultiDimMapping as AttenuationMapping. More...
class  RandomFrequencyOnlyModel
 Sample implementation of an AnalogueModel which uses MultiDimMapping as AttenuationMapping. More...