
netwLayer - network layer modules

Collaboration diagram for netwLayer - network layer modules:


class  AddressingInterface
 Interface for modules which assign L2 and L3 addresses for modules. More...
class  ArpInterface
 Interface every Address resolution protocol (ARP) module has to implement. More...
class  BaseArp
 A class to convert integer layer addresses. More...
class  BaseNetwLayer
 Base class for the network layer. More...
class  MacToNetwControlInfo
 Stores control information from mac to upper layer. More...
class  NetwControlInfo
 Control info netw messages. More...
class  NetwToMacControlInfo
 Control info to pass next hop L2 addr from netw to MAC layer. More...
class  AdaptiveProbabilisticBroadcast
 This class extends ProbabilisticBroadcast by adding an algorithm which adapts broadcasting parameters according to network conditions. More...
class  ArpHost
 A class to convert integer layer addresses. More...
class  DummyRoute
 Placeholder module that simply "translates" netwControlInfo to macControlInfo. More...
class  Flood
 A simple flooding protocol. More...
class  ProbabilisticBroadcast
 This class offers a data dissemination service using probabilistic broadcast. Each packet which arrives from upper layer or from the network is (re-)transmitted n times with n = floor(TTL/bcperiod) with probability beta. More...
class  WiseRoute
 Wiseroute is a simple loop-free routing algorithm that builds a routing tree from a central network point. It is especially useful for wireless sensor networks and convergecast traffic, hence its name (Wireless Sensors Routing). The sink (the device at the center of the network) broadcasts a route building message. Each network node that receives it selects the sink as parent in the routing tree, and rebroadcasts the route building message. This procedure maximizes the probability that all network nodes can join the network, and avoids loops. More...