Msg File src/linklayer/ethernet/EtherFrame.msg

Name Description
EtherJam (packet)

Represents jam on the Ethernet.

EtherFrame (packet)

Common base class for classes representing Ethernet II and 802.3 frame types, containing their common header fields.

EthernetIIFrame (packet)

Ethernet II headers contain a 16-bit EtherType to identify the encapsulated protocol.

EtherFrameWithLLC (packet)

Ethernet frame with 802.3 LLC header.

EtherFrameWithSNAP (packet)

Ethernet frame with 802.3 LLC and SNAP headers.

EtherPauseFrame (packet)

Ethernet frame used by the PAUSE protocol

EtherAutoconfig (packet)

Ethernet model components (EtherMAC, EtherHub and EtherBus) send this message at the beginning of the simulation, so that "auto"-valued "txrate" and "duplex" parameters of EtherMAC can be initialized. The purpose is similar to Ethernet Auto-Negotiation; however this is NOT meant to be the model of that Ethernet feature. (For example, EtherBus also sends an EtherAutoconfig message in the model, which obviously does not happen in a real Ethernet.)

Source code:

// Copyright (C) 2003 Andras Varga; CTIE, Monash University, Australia
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with this program; if not, see <>.

cplusplus {{
#include "Ethernet.h"
#include "MACAddress.h"
#include "Ieee802Ctrl_m.h" // for enums

class noncobject MACAddress;

class noncobject MessageId;

enum EtherType;

enum SAPCode;

// Represents jam on the Ethernet.
packet EtherJam

// Common base class for classes representing Ethernet II and 802.3 frame types,
// containing their common header fields.
// This class should never be instantiated by the models, only specific
// subclasses: EthernetIIFrame, EtherFrameWithLLC and EtherFrameWithSNAP.
// Source and destination MAC address are stored in data members.
// Other fields include:
//  - preamble: not stored (only contributes length)
//  - length: stored in cMessage length, not stored explicitly
//  - payload: stored a encapsulated packet (cMessage::encapsulate())
//  - crc: represented by cMessage::hasBitError()
packet EtherFrame
    MACAddress dest;
    MACAddress src;
        //MessageId id; -- uncomment for tracing frames

// Ethernet II headers contain a 16-bit EtherType to identify
// the encapsulated protocol.
// Header length: src(6)+dest(6)+etherType(2) = 14 bytes
packet EthernetIIFrame extends EtherFrame
    int etherType;

// Ethernet frame with 802.3 LLC header.
// Header length: src(6)+dest(6)+length(2)+ssap(1)+dsap(1)+control(1) = 17 bytes
packet EtherFrameWithLLC extends EtherFrame
    int ssap;
    int dsap;
    int control;

// Ethernet frame with 802.3 LLC and SNAP headers.
// The fields ssap, dsap and control are not included in the class because
// they are always set to fixed values: 0xAA, 0xAA, 0x03.
// Header length: src(6)+dest(6)+length(2)+ssap(1)+dsap(1)+control(1)+
// orgCode(3)+localCode(2) = 22 bytes
packet EtherFrameWithSNAP extends EtherFrame
    long orgCode;  // SNAP organization code, 0 for IP and ARP
    int localcode; // SNAP local code (stores EtherType for IP and ARP)

// Ethernet frame used by the PAUSE protocol
packet EtherPauseFrame extends EtherFrame
    int pauseTime; // in 512 bit-time units

// Ethernet model components (EtherMAC, EtherHub and EtherBus) send this
// message at the beginning of the simulation, so that "auto"-valued "txrate"
// and "duplex" parameters of EtherMAC can be initialized. The purpose is
// similar to Ethernet Auto-Negotiation; however this is NOT meant to be
// the model of that Ethernet feature. (For example, EtherBus also sends
// an EtherAutoconfig message in the model, which obviously does not happen in
// a real Ethernet.)
// - txrate: EtherMAC with non-auto txrate send configured txrate value;
//   EtherBus sends 10Mbps (0 means not set). Lowest value will be chosen by
//   all EtherMACs, or if no txrate was advertised (all were 0), 100Mbps is chosen.
// - halfDuplex: EtherHub, EtherBus, plus EtherMAC with duplexEnabled=false setting
//   send true. Duplex operation only chosen by a MAC if nobody vetoed it by sending
//   halfDuplex=true.
packet EtherAutoconfig
    double txrate = 0;
    bool halfDuplex = false;