Packet EtherFrame

File: src/linklayer/ethernet/EtherFrame.msg

Common base class for classes representing Ethernet II and 802.3 frame types, containing their common header fields.

This class should never be instantiated by the models, only specific subclasses: EthernetIIFrame, EtherFrameWithLLC and EtherFrameWithSNAP.

Source and destination MAC address are stored in data members. Other fields include:

Usage diagram:

The following diagram shows usage relationships between types. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram. Click here to see the full picture.

Inheritance diagram:

The following diagram shows inheritance relationships for this type. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram. Click here to see the full picture.

Known subclasses:

EtherFrameWithLLC (packet)

Ethernet frame with 802.3 LLC header.

EtherFrameWithSNAP (packet)

Ethernet frame with 802.3 LLC and SNAP headers.

EthernetIIFrame (packet)

Ethernet II headers contain a 16-bit EtherType to identify the encapsulated protocol.

EtherPauseFrame (packet)

Ethernet frame used by the PAUSE protocol


Name Type Description
dest MACAddress
src MACAddress

MessageId id; -- uncomment for tracing frames

Source code:

// Common base class for classes representing Ethernet II and 802.3 frame types,
// containing their common header fields.
// This class should never be instantiated by the models, only specific
// subclasses: EthernetIIFrame, EtherFrameWithLLC and EtherFrameWithSNAP.
// Source and destination MAC address are stored in data members.
// Other fields include:
//  - preamble: not stored (only contributes length)
//  - length: stored in cMessage length, not stored explicitly
//  - payload: stored a encapsulated packet (cMessage::encapsulate())
//  - crc: represented by cMessage::hasBitError()
packet EtherFrame
    MACAddress dest;
    MACAddress src;
        //MessageId id; -- uncomment for tracing frames