Simple Module ICMPv6

Package: inet.networklayer.icmpv6
File: src/networklayer/icmpv6/ICMPv6.ned

C++ definition

ICMPv6 implementation.

To send ICMPv6 Echo Request, send any message to port pingIn with IPv6ControlInfo attached. The message will be used as ping payload (encapsulated into an ICMPv6Message). When ICMPv6 Echo Reply is received, the payload message will be sent to pingOut.

See also: IPv6, RoutingTable6, IPv6NeighbourDiscovery


Usage diagram:

The following diagram shows usage relationships between types. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram. Click here to see the full picture.

Inheritance diagram:

The following diagram shows inheritance relationships for this type. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram. Click here to see the full picture.

Used in compound modules:

If a module type shows up more than once, that means it has been defined in more than one NED file.

NetworkLayer6 (compound module)

Represents an IPv6 network layer (L3).


Name Value Description
display i=block/control


Name Direction Size Description
ipv6In input
ipv6Out output
pingIn input

ping requests from app

pingOut output
errorOut output

for errors

Source code:

// ICMPv6 implementation.
// To send ICMPv6 Echo Request, send any message to port pingIn with IPv6ControlInfo
// attached. The message will be used as ping payload (encapsulated into an ICMPv6Message).
// When ICMPv6 Echo Reply is received, the payload message will be sent to pingOut.
// @see IPv6, RoutingTable6, IPv6NeighbourDiscovery
//#FIXME gate descriptions needed...
simple ICMPv6
        input ipv6In;
        output ipv6Out;
        input pingIn; // ping requests from app
        output pingOut;
        output errorOut;  // for errors