Packet ICMPv6Message

File: src/networklayer/icmpv6/ICMPv6Message.msg

Represents an ICMPv6 packet.

Notes: 1. number of octets excluding the error datagram that is usually appended in optInfo, i.e. the Type|CODE|CHECKSUM|UNUSED/POINTER/MTU/OTHER as defined in RFC2463 2. Any ICMP type with MSB set, i.e. >=128 is an Informational ICMP message

Usage diagram:

The following diagram shows usage relationships between types. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram. Click here to see the full picture.

Inheritance diagram:

The following diagram shows inheritance relationships for this type. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram. Click here to see the full picture.

Known subclasses:

ICMPv6DestUnreachableMsg (packet)

Notes: 1. As defined in RFC2463: Section 3

ICMPv6EchoReplyMsg (packet)

ICMPv6 Echo Reply packet. Data is attached through encapsulation (see

ICMPv6EchoRequestMsg (packet)

ICMPv6 Echo Request packet (RFC2463: Section 4). Data is attached through encapsulation (see

ICMPv6PacketTooBigMsg (packet) (no description)
ICMPv6ParamProblemMsg (packet) (no description)
ICMPv6TimeExceededMsg (packet) (no description)
IPv6NDMessage (packet)

Neighbour Discovery for IPv6. RFC 2461


Name Type Description
type int

int code; //TODO: this should be specific to different ICMP types.

Source code:

// Represents an ICMPv6 packet.
// Notes:
//    1. number of octets excluding the error datagram that is usually appended
//       in optInfo, i.e. the Type|CODE|CHECKSUM|UNUSED/POINTER/MTU/OTHER
//       as defined in RFC2463
//    2. Any ICMP type with MSB set, i.e. >=128 is an Informational ICMP message
packet ICMPv6Message
    int type @enum(ICMPv6Type);
        //int code; //TODO: this should be specific to different ICMP types.