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ARP Class Reference

#include <ARP.h>

List of all members.


struct  ARPCacheEntry

Public Types

typedef std::map< IPAddress,
ARPCacheEntry * > 
typedef std::vector< cMessage * > MsgPtrVector

Public Member Functions

 ARP ()
virtual ~ARP ()

Protected Member Functions

virtual void initialize ()
virtual void handleMessage (cMessage *msg)
virtual void finish ()
virtual void processOutboundPacket (cMessage *msg)
virtual void sendPacketToNIC (cMessage *msg, InterfaceEntry *ie, const MACAddress &macAddress)
virtual void initiateARPResolution (ARPCacheEntry *entry)
virtual void sendARPRequest (InterfaceEntry *ie, IPAddress ipAddress)
virtual void requestTimedOut (cMessage *selfmsg)
virtual bool addressRecognized (IPAddress destAddr, InterfaceEntry *ie)
virtual void processARPPacket (ARPPacket *arp)
virtual void updateARPCache (ARPCacheEntry *entry, const MACAddress &macAddress)
virtual void dumpARPPacket (ARPPacket *arp)
virtual void updateDisplayString ()

Protected Attributes

simtime_t retryTimeout
int retryCount
simtime_t cacheTimeout
bool doProxyARP
long numResolutions
long numFailedResolutions
long numRequestsSent
long numRepliesSent
ARPCache arpCache
cQueue pendingQueue
int nicOutBaseGateId

Detailed Description

ARP implementation.

Definition at line 40 of file ARP.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef std::map<IPAddress, ARPCacheEntry*> ARP::ARPCache

Definition at line 43 of file ARP.h.

typedef std::vector<cMessage*> ARP::MsgPtrVector

Definition at line 45 of file ARP.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ARP::ARP (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 82 of file ARP.h.


ARP::~ARP (  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 75 of file

    while (!arpCache.empty())
        ARPCache::iterator i = arpCache.begin();
        delete (*i).second;

Member Function Documentation

bool ARP::addressRecognized ( IPAddress  destAddr,
InterfaceEntry ie 
) [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 308 of file

Referenced by processARPPacket().

    if (rt->isLocalAddress(destAddr))
        return true;

    // respond to Proxy ARP request: if we can route this packet (and the
    // output port is different from this one), say yes
    if (!doProxyARP)
        return false;
    InterfaceEntry *rtie = rt->getInterfaceForDestAddr(destAddr);
    return rtie!=NULL && rtie!=ie;

void ARP::dumpARPPacket ( ARPPacket *  arp  )  [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 321 of file

Referenced by processARPPacket().

    EV << (arp->getOpcode()==ARP_REQUEST ? "ARP_REQ" : arp->getOpcode()==ARP_REPLY ? "ARP_REPLY" : "unknown type")
       << "  src=" << arp->getSrcIPAddress() << " / " << arp->getSrcMACAddress()
       << "  dest=" << arp->getDestIPAddress() << " / " << arp->getDestMACAddress() << "\n";

void ARP::finish (  )  [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 67 of file

    recordScalar("ARP requests sent", numRequestsSent);
    recordScalar("ARP replies sent", numRepliesSent);
    recordScalar("ARP resolutions", numResolutions);
    recordScalar("failed ARP resolutions", numFailedResolutions);

void ARP::handleMessage ( cMessage *  msg  )  [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 85 of file

    if (msg->isSelfMessage())
    else if (dynamic_cast<ARPPacket *>(msg))
        ARPPacket *arp = (ARPPacket *)msg;
    else // not ARP
    if (ev.isGUI())

void ARP::initialize (  )  [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 42 of file

    ift = InterfaceTableAccess().get();
    rt = RoutingTableAccess().get();

    nicOutBaseGateId = gateSize("nicOut")==0 ? -1 : gate("nicOut",0)->getId();

    retryTimeout = par("retryTimeout");
    retryCount = par("retryCount");
    cacheTimeout = par("cacheTimeout");
    doProxyARP = par("proxyARP");


    // init statistics
    numRequestsSent = numRepliesSent = 0;
    numResolutions = numFailedResolutions = 0;


void ARP::initiateARPResolution ( ARPCacheEntry entry  )  [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 223 of file

Referenced by processOutboundPacket().

    IPAddress nextHopAddr = entry->myIter->first;
    entry->pending = true;
    entry->numRetries = 0;
    entry->lastUpdate = 0;
    sendARPRequest(entry->ie, nextHopAddr);

    // start timer
    cMessage *msg = entry->timer = new cMessage("ARP timeout");
    scheduleAt(simTime()+retryTimeout, msg);


void ARP::processARPPacket ( ARPPacket *  arp  )  [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 329 of file

Referenced by handleMessage().

    EV << "ARP packet " << arp << " arrived:\n";

    // extract input port
    IPRoutingDecision *controlInfo = check_and_cast<IPRoutingDecision*>(arp->removeControlInfo());
    InterfaceEntry *ie = ift->getInterfaceById(controlInfo->getInterfaceId());
    delete controlInfo;

    // Recipe a'la RFC 826:
    // ?Do I have the hardware type in ar$hrd?
    // Yes: (almost definitely)
    //   [optionally check the hardware length ar$hln]
    //   ?Do I speak the protocol in ar$pro?
    //   Yes:
    //     [optionally check the protocol length ar$pln]
    //     Merge_flag := false
    //     If the pair <protocol type, sender protocol address> is
    //         already in my translation table, update the sender
    //         hardware address field of the entry with the new
    //         information in the packet and set Merge_flag to true.
    //     ?Am I the target protocol address?
    //     Yes:
    //       If Merge_flag is false, add the triplet <protocol type,
    //           sender protocol address, sender hardware address> to
    //           the translation table.
    //       ?Is the opcode ares_op$REQUEST?  (NOW look at the opcode!!)
    //       Yes:
    //         Swap hardware and protocol fields, putting the local
    //             hardware and protocol addresses in the sender fields.
    //         Set the ar$op field to ares_op$REPLY
    //         Send the packet to the (new) target hardware address on
    //             the same hardware on which the request was received.

    MACAddress srcMACAddress = arp->getSrcMACAddress();
    IPAddress srcIPAddress = arp->getSrcIPAddress();

    if (srcMACAddress.isUnspecified())
        error("wrong ARP packet: source MAC address is empty");
    if (srcIPAddress.isUnspecified())
        error("wrong ARP packet: source IP address is empty");

    bool mergeFlag = false;
    // "If ... sender protocol address is already in my translation table"
    ARPCache::iterator it = arpCache.find(srcIPAddress);
    if (it!=arpCache.end())
        // "update the sender hardware address field"
        ARPCacheEntry *entry = (*it).second;
        updateARPCache(entry, srcMACAddress);
        mergeFlag = true;

    // "?Am I the target protocol address?"
    // if Proxy ARP is enabled, we also have to reply if we're a router to the dest IP address
    if (addressRecognized(arp->getDestIPAddress(), ie))
        // "If Merge_flag is false, add the triplet protocol type, sender
        // protocol address, sender hardware address to the translation table"
        if (!mergeFlag)
            ARPCacheEntry *entry;
            if (it!=arpCache.end())
                entry = (*it).second;
                entry = new ARPCacheEntry();
                ARPCache::iterator where = arpCache.insert(arpCache.begin(), std::make_pair(srcIPAddress,entry));
                entry->myIter = where;
                entry->ie = ie;

                entry->pending = false;
                entry->timer = NULL;
                entry->numRetries = 0;
            updateARPCache(entry, srcMACAddress);

        // "?Is the opcode ares_op$REQUEST?  (NOW look at the opcode!!)"
        switch (arp->getOpcode())
            case ARP_REQUEST:
                EV << "Packet was ARP REQUEST, sending REPLY\n";

                // find our own IP address and MAC address on the given interface
                MACAddress myMACAddress = ie->getMacAddress();
                IPAddress myIPAddress = ie->ipv4Data()->getIPAddress();

                // "Swap hardware and protocol fields", etc.
                IPAddress origDestAddress = arp->getDestIPAddress();
                delete arp->removeControlInfo();
                sendPacketToNIC(arp, ie, srcMACAddress);
            case ARP_REPLY:
                EV << "Discarding packet\n";
                delete arp;
            case ARP_RARP_REQUEST: error("RARP request received: RARP is not supported");
            case ARP_RARP_REPLY: error("RARP reply received: RARP is not supported");
            default: error("Unsupported opcode %d in received ARP packet",arp->getOpcode());
        // address not recognized
        EV << "IP address " << arp->getDestIPAddress() << " not recognized, dropping ARP packet\n";
        delete arp;

void ARP::processOutboundPacket ( cMessage *  msg  )  [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 113 of file

Referenced by handleMessage().

    EV << "Packet " << msg << " arrived from higher layer, ";

    // get next hop address from control info in packet
    IPRoutingDecision *controlInfo = check_and_cast<IPRoutingDecision*>(msg->removeControlInfo());
    IPAddress nextHopAddr = controlInfo->getNextHopAddr();
    InterfaceEntry *ie = ift->getInterfaceById(controlInfo->getInterfaceId());
    delete controlInfo;

    // if output interface is not broadcast, don't bother with ARP
    if (!ie->isBroadcast())
        EV << "output interface " << ie->getName() << " is not broadcast, skipping ARP\n";
        send(msg, nicOutBaseGateId + ie->getNetworkLayerGateIndex());

    // determine what address to look up in ARP cache
    if (!nextHopAddr.isUnspecified())
        EV << "using next-hop address " << nextHopAddr << "\n";
        // try proxy ARP
        IPDatagram *datagram = check_and_cast<IPDatagram *>(msg);
        nextHopAddr = datagram->getDestAddress();
        EV << "no next-hop address, using destination address " << nextHopAddr << " (proxy ARP)\n";

    // Handle multicast IP addresses. RFC 1112, section 6.4 says:
    // "An IP host group address is mapped to an Ethernet multicast address
    // by placing the low-order 23 bits of the IP address into the low-order
    // 23 bits of the Ethernet multicast address 01-00-5E-00-00-00 (hex).
    // Because there are 28 significant bits in an IP host group address,
    // more than one host group address may map to the same Ethernet multicast
    // address."
    if (nextHopAddr.isMulticast())
        // FIXME: we do a simpler solution right now: send to the Broadcast MAC address
        EV << "destination address is multicast, sending packet to broadcast MAC address\n";
        static MACAddress broadcastAddr("FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF");
        sendPacketToNIC(msg, ie, broadcastAddr);
#if 0
        // experimental RFC 1112 code
        // TBD needs counterpart to be implemented in EtherMAC processReceivedDataFrame().
        unsigned char macBytes[6];
        macBytes[0] = 0x01;
        macBytes[1] = 0x00;
        macBytes[2] = 0x5e;
        macBytes[3] = nextHopAddr.getDByte(1) & 0x7f;
        macBytes[4] = nextHopAddr.getDByte(2);
        macBytes[5] = nextHopAddr.getDByte(3);
        MACAddress multicastMacAddr;
        sendPacketToNIC(msg, ie, multicastMacAddr);

    // try look up
    ARPCache::iterator it = arpCache.find(nextHopAddr);
    //ASSERT(it==arpCache.end() || ie==(*it).second->ie); // verify: if arpCache gets keyed on InterfaceEntry* too, this becomes unnecessary
    if (it==arpCache.end())
        // no cache entry: launch ARP request
        ARPCacheEntry *entry = new ARPCacheEntry();
        ARPCache::iterator where = arpCache.insert(arpCache.begin(), std::make_pair(nextHopAddr,entry));
        entry->myIter = where; // note: "inserting a new element into a map does not invalidate iterators that point to existing elements"
        entry->ie = ie;

        EV << "Starting ARP resolution for " << nextHopAddr << "\n";

        // and queue up packet
    else if ((*it).second->pending)
        // an ARP request is already pending for this address -- just queue up packet
        EV << "ARP resolution for " << nextHopAddr << " is pending, queueing up packet\n";
    else if ((*it).second->lastUpdate+cacheTimeout<simTime())
        EV << "ARP cache entry for " << nextHopAddr << " expired, starting new ARP resolution\n";

        // cache entry stale, send new ARP request
        ARPCacheEntry *entry = (*it).second;
        entry->ie = ie; // routing table may have changed

        // and queue up packet
        // valid ARP cache entry found, flag msg with MAC address and send it out
        EV << "ARP cache hit, MAC address for " << nextHopAddr << " is " << (*it).second->macAddress << ", sending packet down\n";
        sendPacketToNIC(msg, ie, (*it).second->macAddress);

void ARP::requestTimedOut ( cMessage *  selfmsg  )  [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 273 of file

Referenced by handleMessage().

    ARPCacheEntry *entry = (ARPCacheEntry *)selfmsg->getContextPointer();
    if (entry->numRetries < retryCount)
        // retry
        IPAddress nextHopAddr = entry->myIter->first;
        EV << "ARP request for " << nextHopAddr << " timed out, resending\n";
        sendARPRequest(entry->ie, nextHopAddr);
        scheduleAt(simTime()+retryTimeout, selfmsg);

    // max retry count reached: ARP failure.
    // throw out entry from cache, delete pending messages
    MsgPtrVector& pendingPackets = entry->pendingPackets;
    EV << "ARP timeout, max retry count " << retryCount << " for "
       << entry->myIter->first << " reached. Dropping " << pendingPackets.size()
       << " waiting packets from the queue\n";
    while (!pendingPackets.empty())
        MsgPtrVector::iterator i = pendingPackets.begin();
        cMessage *msg = (*i);
        delete msg;
    delete selfmsg;
    delete entry;

void ARP::sendARPRequest ( InterfaceEntry ie,
IPAddress  ipAddress 
) [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 250 of file

Referenced by initiateARPResolution(), and requestTimedOut().

    // find our own IP address and MAC address on the given interface
    MACAddress myMACAddress = ie->getMacAddress();
    IPAddress myIPAddress = ie->ipv4Data()->getIPAddress();

    // both must be set

    // fill out everything in ARP Request packet except dest MAC address
    ARPPacket *arp = new ARPPacket("arpREQ");

    static MACAddress broadcastAddress("ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff");
    sendPacketToNIC(arp, ie, broadcastAddress);

void ARP::sendPacketToNIC ( cMessage *  msg,
InterfaceEntry ie,
const MACAddress macAddress 
) [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 239 of file

Referenced by processARPPacket(), processOutboundPacket(), sendARPRequest(), and updateARPCache().

    // add control info with MAC address
    Ieee802Ctrl *controlInfo = new Ieee802Ctrl();

    // send out
    send(msg, nicOutBaseGateId + ie->getNetworkLayerGateIndex());

void ARP::updateARPCache ( ARPCacheEntry entry,
const MACAddress macAddress 
) [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 456 of file

Referenced by processARPPacket().

    EV << "Updating ARP cache entry: " << entry->myIter->first << " <--> " << macAddress << "\n";

    // update entry
    if (entry->pending)
        entry->pending = false;
        delete cancelEvent(entry->timer);
        entry->timer = NULL;
        entry->numRetries = 0;
    entry->macAddress = macAddress;
    entry->lastUpdate = simTime();

    // process queued packets
    MsgPtrVector& pendingPackets = entry->pendingPackets;
    while (!pendingPackets.empty())
        MsgPtrVector::iterator i = pendingPackets.begin();
        cMessage *msg = (*i);
        EV << "Sending out queued packet " << msg << "\n";
        sendPacketToNIC(msg, entry->ie, macAddress);

void ARP::updateDisplayString (  )  [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 104 of file

Referenced by handleMessage().

    std::stringstream os;

    os << arpCache.size() << " cache entries\nsent req:" << numRequestsSent
            << " repl:" << numRepliesSent << " fail:" << numFailedResolutions;
    getDisplayString().setTagArg("t", 0, os.str().c_str());

Member Data Documentation

ARPCache ARP::arpCache [protected]
simtime_t ARP::cacheTimeout [protected]

Definition at line 65 of file ARP.h.

Referenced by initialize(), and processOutboundPacket().

bool ARP::doProxyARP [protected]

Definition at line 66 of file ARP.h.

Referenced by addressRecognized(), and initialize().

IInterfaceTable* ARP::ift [protected]

Definition at line 78 of file ARP.h.

Referenced by initialize(), processARPPacket(), and processOutboundPacket().

int ARP::nicOutBaseGateId [protected]

Definition at line 76 of file ARP.h.

Referenced by initialize(), processOutboundPacket(), and sendPacketToNIC().

long ARP::numFailedResolutions [protected]

Definition at line 69 of file ARP.h.

Referenced by finish(), initialize(), requestTimedOut(), and updateDisplayString().

long ARP::numRepliesSent [protected]

Definition at line 71 of file ARP.h.

Referenced by finish(), initialize(), processARPPacket(), and updateDisplayString().

long ARP::numRequestsSent [protected]

Definition at line 70 of file ARP.h.

Referenced by finish(), initialize(), sendARPRequest(), and updateDisplayString().

long ARP::numResolutions [protected]

Definition at line 68 of file ARP.h.

Referenced by finish(), initialize(), and initiateARPResolution().

cQueue ARP::pendingQueue [protected]

Definition at line 75 of file ARP.h.

Referenced by initialize(), processOutboundPacket(), requestTimedOut(), and updateARPCache().

int ARP::retryCount [protected]

Definition at line 64 of file ARP.h.

Referenced by initialize(), and requestTimedOut().

simtime_t ARP::retryTimeout [protected]

Definition at line 63 of file ARP.h.

Referenced by initialize(), initiateARPResolution(), and requestTimedOut().

IRoutingTable* ARP::rt [protected]

Definition at line 79 of file ARP.h.

Referenced by addressRecognized(), and initialize().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: