Public Member Functions | Static Public Member Functions | Static Public Attributes | Private Attributes | Static Private Attributes

MACAddress Class Reference

#include <MACAddress.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 MACAddress ()
 MACAddress (const char *hexstr)
 MACAddress (const MACAddress &other)
MACAddressoperator= (const MACAddress &other)
unsigned int getAddressSize () const
unsigned char getAddressByte (unsigned int k) const
void setAddressByte (unsigned int k, unsigned char addrbyte)
bool tryParse (const char *hexstr)
void setAddress (const char *hexstr)
unsigned char * getAddressBytes ()
void setAddressBytes (unsigned char *addrbytes)
void setBroadcast ()
bool isBroadcast () const
bool isMulticast () const
bool isUnspecified () const
std::string str () const
bool equals (const MACAddress &other) const
bool operator== (const MACAddress &other) const
bool operator!= (const MACAddress &other) const
int compareTo (const MACAddress &other) const
InterfaceToken formInterfaceIdentifier () const

Static Public Member Functions

static MACAddress generateAutoAddress ()

Static Public Attributes

static const MACAddress BROADCAST_ADDRESS

Private Attributes

unsigned char address [6]

Static Private Attributes

static unsigned int autoAddressCtr

Detailed Description

Stores an IEEE 802 MAC address (6 octets = 48 bits).

Definition at line 34 of file MACAddress.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

MACAddress::MACAddress (  ) 

Default constructor initializes address bytes to zero.

Definition at line 64 of file


MACAddress::MACAddress ( const char *  hexstr  ) 

Constructor which accepts a hex string (12 hex digits, may also contain spaces, hyphens and colons)

Definition at line 69 of file


MACAddress::MACAddress ( const MACAddress other  )  [inline]

Copy constructor.

Definition at line 61 of file MACAddress.h.


Member Function Documentation

int MACAddress::compareTo ( const MACAddress other  )  const

Returns -1, 0 or 1 as result of comparison of 2 addresses.

Definition at line 159 of file

Referenced by MACRelayUnitBase::MAC_compare::operator()().

    return memcmp(address, other.address, MAC_ADDRESS_BYTES);

bool MACAddress::equals ( const MACAddress other  )  const
InterfaceToken MACAddress::formInterfaceIdentifier (  )  const

Create interface identifier (IEEE EUI-64) which can be used by IPv6 stateless address autoconfiguration.

Definition at line 164 of file

Referenced by EtherMACBase::registerInterface().

    const unsigned char *b = address;
    uint32 high = (b[0]<<24) | (b[1]<<16) | (b[2]<<8) | 0xff;
    uint32 low =  (0xfe<<24) | (b[3]<<16) | (b[4]<<8) | b[5];
    return InterfaceToken(low, high, 64);

MACAddress MACAddress::generateAutoAddress (  )  [static]

Generates a unique address which begins with 0a:aa and ends in a unique suffix.

Definition at line 172 of file

Referenced by EtherMACBase::initializeMACAddress().


    unsigned char addrbytes[6];
    addrbytes[0] = 0x0A;
    addrbytes[1] = 0xAA;
    addrbytes[2] = (autoAddressCtr>>24)&0xff;
    addrbytes[3] = (autoAddressCtr>>16)&0xff;
    addrbytes[4] = (autoAddressCtr>>8)&0xff;
    addrbytes[5] = (autoAddressCtr)&0xff;

    MACAddress addr;
    return addr;

unsigned char MACAddress::getAddressByte ( unsigned int  k  )  const

Returns the kth byte of the address.

Definition at line 85 of file

    if (k>=6) throw cRuntimeError("Array of size 6 indexed with %d", k);
    return address[k];

unsigned char* MACAddress::getAddressBytes (  )  [inline]

Returns pointer to internal binary representation of address (array of 6 unsigned chars).

Definition at line 99 of file MACAddress.h.

{return address;}

unsigned int MACAddress::getAddressSize (  )  const

Returns 6.

Definition at line 80 of file

    return 6;

bool MACAddress::isBroadcast (  )  const

Returns true this is the broadcast address (hex ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff).

Definition at line 134 of file

    return (address[0]&address[1]&address[2]&address[3]&address[4]&address[5])==0xff;

bool MACAddress::isMulticast (  )  const [inline]

Returns true this is a multicast logical address (starts with bit 1).

Definition at line 119 of file MACAddress.h.

{return address[0]&0x80;};

bool MACAddress::isUnspecified (  )  const
bool MACAddress::operator!= ( const MACAddress other  )  const [inline]

Returns true if the two addresses are not equal.

Definition at line 144 of file MACAddress.h.

{return !(*this).equals(other);}

MACAddress & MACAddress::operator= ( const MACAddress other  ) 


Definition at line 74 of file

    memcpy(address, other.address, MAC_ADDRESS_BYTES);
    return *this;

bool MACAddress::operator== ( const MACAddress other  )  const [inline]

Returns true if the two addresses are equal.

Definition at line 139 of file MACAddress.h.

{return (*this).equals(other);}

void MACAddress::setAddress ( const char *  hexstr  ) 

Converts address value from hex string (12 hex digits, may also contain spaces, hyphens and colons)

Definition at line 118 of file

Referenced by EtherMACBase::initializeMACAddress(), MACAddress(), and EtherAppCli::resolveDestMACAddress().

    if (!tryParse(hexstr))
        throw cRuntimeError("MACAddress: wrong address syntax '%s': 12 hex digits expected, with optional embedded spaces, hyphens or colons", hexstr);

void MACAddress::setAddressByte ( unsigned int  k,
unsigned char  addrbyte 

Sets the kth byte of the address.

Definition at line 91 of file

    if (k>=6) throw cRuntimeError("Array of size 6 indexed with %d", k);
    address[k] = addrbyte;

void MACAddress::setAddressBytes ( unsigned char *  addrbytes  ) 

Sets address bytes. The argument should point to an array of 6 unsigned chars.

Definition at line 124 of file

Referenced by generateAutoAddress(), and ARP::processOutboundPacket().

    memcpy(address, addrbytes, MAC_ADDRESS_BYTES);

void MACAddress::setBroadcast (  ) 

Sets the address to the broadcast address (hex ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff).

Definition at line 129 of file


std::string MACAddress::str (  )  const

Converts address to a hex string.

Definition at line 144 of file

Referenced by EtherMACBase::initializeMACAddress(), and operator<<().

    char buf[20];
    char *s = buf;
    for (int i=0; i<MAC_ADDRESS_BYTES; i++, s+=3)
    return std::string(buf);

bool MACAddress::tryParse ( const char *  hexstr  ) 

Sets the address and returns true if the syntax of the string is correct. (See setAddress() for the syntax.)

Definition at line 97 of file

Referenced by EtherAppCli::resolveDestMACAddress(), and setAddress().

    if (!hexstr)
        return false;

    // check syntax
    int numHexDigits = 0;
    for (const char *s = hexstr; *s; s++) {
        if (isxdigit(*s))
        else if (*s!=' ' && *s!=':' && *s!='-')
            return false; // wrong syntax
    if (numHexDigits != 2*MAC_ADDRESS_BYTES)
        return false;

    // convert
    hextobin(hexstr, address, MAC_ADDRESS_BYTES);
    return true;

Member Data Documentation

unsigned char MACAddress::address[6] [private]
unsigned int MACAddress::autoAddressCtr [static, private]

Definition at line 38 of file MACAddress.h.

Referenced by generateAutoAddress().

Returns the broadcast (ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff) MAC address

Definition at line 45 of file MACAddress.h.

Referenced by IPv6::fragmentAndRoute(), and IPv6::routeMulticastPacket().

Returns the unspecified (null) MAC address

Definition at line 42 of file MACAddress.h.

Referenced by IPv6NeighbourDiscovery::resolveNeighbour().

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