Compound Module EtherSwitch2

Package: inet.nodes.ethernet
File: src/nodes/ethernet/EtherSwitch2.ned

Model of an Ethernet switch built with EtherMAC2, which means that all ports are operating in strictly full-duplex mode. Use EtherSwitch if you need half-duplex operation on some ports.

This model does not contain the spanning tree algorithm.

MACRelayUnit EtherMAC2

Usage diagram:

The following diagram shows usage relationships between types. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram. Click here to see the full picture.

Inheritance diagram:

The following diagram shows inheritance relationships for this type. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram. Click here to see the full picture.


SwitchedDuplexLAN (network) (no description)


Name Type Default value Description
relayUnitType string "MACRelayUnitNP"

type of the MACRelayUnit; currently possible values are MACRelayUnitNP and MACRelayUnitPP


Name Value Description
labels node
display i=device/switch


Name Direction Size Description
ethg [ ] inout

Unassigned submodule parameters:

Name Type Default value Description
relayUnit.addressTableFile string

set to empty string if not used

relayUnit.addressTableSize int

max size of address table

relayUnit.agingTime double

max idle time for address table entries (when it expires, entry is removed from the table)

mac.address string "auto"

MAC address as hex string (12 hex digits), or "auto". "auto" values will be replaced by a generated MAC address in init stage 0.

mac.txQueueLimit int 1000

maximum number of frames queued up for transmission; additional frames are dropped. Only used if queueModule==""

mac.mtu int 1500

Source code:

// Model of an Ethernet switch built with EtherMAC2, which means
// that all ports are operating in strictly full-duplex mode.
// Use EtherSwitch if you need half-duplex operation on some ports.
// This model does not contain the spanning tree algorithm.
module EtherSwitch2
        string relayUnitType = default("MACRelayUnitNP"); // type of the MACRelayUnit; currently possible
                                                          // values are MACRelayUnitNP and MACRelayUnitPP
        inout ethg[] @labels(EtherFrame-conn);

        relayUnit: <relayUnitType> like MACRelayUnit {
        mac[sizeof(ethg)]: EtherMAC2 {
                promiscuous = true;
                queueModule = "";
        for i=0..sizeof(ethg)-1 {
            mac[i].upperLayerIn <-- relayUnit.lowerLayerOut[i];
            mac[i].upperLayerOut --> relayUnit.lowerLayerIn[i];
            mac[i].phys <--> ethg[i];