Packet GenericAppMsg

File: src/applications/tcpapp/GenericAppMsg.msg

Message class for generic request-reply style applications. The client sends a GenericAppMsg which contains the number of bytes the client wants the server to send back as reply.

This way intelligence (behaviour specific to the modelled application, e.g. HTTP, SMB, database protocol) needs only to be present in the client, and the server model can be kept simple and dumb.

See also: TCPGenericSrvApp, TCPGenericCliAppBase (C++ only)

Usage diagram:

The following diagram shows usage relationships between types. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram. Click here to see the full picture.

Inheritance diagram:

The following diagram shows inheritance relationships for this type. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram. Click here to see the full picture.


Name Type Description
serverClose bool

with TCP: if true, server should close the connection after sending the reply

expectedReplyLength int

in bytes

replyDelay double

reply after this many seconds

Source code:

// Message class for generic request-reply style applications.
// The client sends a GenericAppMsg which contains the number of
// bytes the client wants the server to send back as reply.
// This way intelligence (behaviour specific to the modelled application,
// e.g. HTTP, SMB, database protocol) needs only to be present in
// the client, and the server model can be kept simple and dumb.
// @see TCPGenericSrvApp, TCPGenericCliAppBase (C++ only)
packet GenericAppMsg
    int expectedReplyLength; // in bytes
    double replyDelay;       // reply after this many seconds
    bool serverClose;        // with TCP: if true, server should close the
                             // connection after sending the reply