Public Member Functions | Protected Member Functions | Protected Attributes

TCPTahoe Class Reference

#include <TCPTahoe.h>

Inheritance diagram for TCPTahoe:
TCPTahoeRenoFamily TCPBaseAlg TCPAlgorithm

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 TCPTahoe ()
virtual void receivedDataAck (uint32 firstSeqAcked)
virtual void receivedDuplicateAck ()

Protected Member Functions

virtual TCPStateVariablescreateStateVariables ()
virtual void recalculateSlowStartThreshold ()
virtual void processRexmitTimer (TCPEventCode &event)

Protected Attributes

TCPTahoeStateVariables *& state

Detailed Description

Implements Tahoe.

Definition at line 34 of file TCPTahoe.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

TCPTahoe::TCPTahoe (  ) 

Member Function Documentation

virtual TCPStateVariables* TCPTahoe::createStateVariables (  )  [inline, protected, virtual]

Create and return a TCPTahoeStateVariables object.

Implements TCPAlgorithm.

Definition at line 41 of file TCPTahoe.h.

        return new TCPTahoeStateVariables();

void TCPTahoe::processRexmitTimer ( TCPEventCode event  )  [protected, virtual]

Redefine what should happen on retransmission

Reimplemented from TCPBaseAlg.

Definition at line 41 of file flavours/

    if (event==TCP_E_ABORT)

    // begin Slow Start (RFC 2581)
    state->snd_cwnd = state->snd_mss;
    if (cwndVector) cwndVector->record(state->snd_cwnd);
    tcpEV << "Begin Slow Start: resetting cwnd to " << state->snd_cwnd
          << ", ssthresh=" << state->ssthresh << "\n";

    state->afterRto = true;

    // Tahoe retransmits only one segment at the front of the queue

void TCPTahoe::recalculateSlowStartThreshold (  )  [protected, virtual]

Utility function to recalculate ssthresh

Definition at line 31 of file flavours/

Referenced by processRexmitTimer(), and receivedDuplicateAck().

    // set ssthresh to flight size/2, but at least 2 MSS
    // (the formula below practically amounts to ssthresh=cwnd/2 most of the time)
    uint32 flight_size = std::min(state->snd_cwnd, state->snd_wnd); // FIXME TODO - Does this formula computes the amount of outstanding data?
    // uint32 flight_size = state->snd_max - state->snd_una;
    state->ssthresh = std::max(flight_size/2, 2*state->snd_mss);
    if (ssthreshVector) ssthreshVector->record(state->ssthresh);

void TCPTahoe::receivedDataAck ( uint32  firstSeqAcked  )  [virtual]

Redefine what should happen when data got acked, to add congestion window management

Reimplemented from TCPBaseAlg.

Definition at line 60 of file flavours/


    // Perform slow start and congestion avoidance.
    if (state->snd_cwnd < state->ssthresh)
        tcpEV << "cwnd<=ssthresh: Slow Start: increasing cwnd by SMSS bytes to ";

        // perform Slow Start. RFC 2581: "During slow start, a TCP increments cwnd
        // by at most SMSS bytes for each ACK received that acknowledges new data."
        state->snd_cwnd += state->snd_mss;

        // Note: we could increase cwnd based on the number of bytes being
        // acknowledged by each arriving ACK, rather than by the number of ACKs
        // that arrive. This is called "Appropriate Byte Counting" (ABC) and is
        // described in RFC 3465 (experimental).
        // int bytesAcked = state->snd_una - firstSeqAcked;
        // state->snd_cwnd += bytesAcked;

        if (cwndVector) cwndVector->record(state->snd_cwnd);

        tcpEV << "cwnd=" << state->snd_cwnd << "\n";
        // perform Congestion Avoidance (RFC 2581)
        int incr = state->snd_mss * state->snd_mss / state->snd_cwnd;
        if (incr==0)
            incr = 1;
        state->snd_cwnd += incr;
        if (cwndVector) cwndVector->record(state->snd_cwnd);

        // Note: some implementations use extra additive constant mss/8 here
        // which is known to be incorrect (RFC 2581 p5)
        // Note 2: RFC 3465 (experimental) "Appropriate Byte Counting" (ABC)
        // would require maintaining a bytes_acked variable here which we don't do

        tcpEV << "cwnd>ssthresh: Congestion Avoidance: increasing cwnd linearly, to " << state->snd_cwnd << "\n";

    // ack and/or cwnd increase may have freed up some room in the window, try sending

void TCPTahoe::receivedDuplicateAck (  )  [virtual]

Redefine what should happen when dupAck was received, to add congestion window management

Reimplemented from TCPBaseAlg.

Definition at line 111 of file flavours/


    if (state->dupacks==DUPTHRESH) // DUPTHRESH = 3
        tcpEV << "Tahoe on dupAck=DUPTHRESH(=3): perform Fast Retransmit, and enter Slow Start:\n";

        // enter Slow Start
        state->snd_cwnd = state->snd_mss;
        if (cwndVector) cwndVector->record(state->snd_cwnd);

        tcpEV << "Set cwnd=" << state->snd_cwnd << ", ssthresh=" << state->ssthresh << "\n";

        // Fast Retransmission: retransmit missing segment without waiting
        // for the REXMIT timer to expire

        // Do not restart REXMIT timer.
        // Note: Restart of REXMIT timer on retransmission is not part of RFC 2581, however optional in RFC 3517 if sent during recovery.
        // Resetting the REXMIT timer is discussed in RFC 2582/3782 (NewReno) and RFC 2988.

Member Data Documentation

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: