Public Member Functions | Public Attributes | Protected Attributes | Private Attributes

TCPDumper Class Reference

#include <TCPDump.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 TCPDumper (std::ostream &o)
 ~TCPDumper ()
void setVerbosity (const int32 verbosityLevel)
void ipDump (const char *label, IPDatagram *dgram, const char *comment=NULL)
void sctpDump (const char *label, SCTPMessage *sctpmsg, const std::string &srcAddr, const std::string &destAddr, const char *comment=NULL)
void dump (const char *label, const char *msg)
void tcpDump (bool l2r, const char *label, IPDatagram *dgram, const char *comment=NULL)
void tcpDump (bool l2r, const char *label, TCPSegment *tcpseg, const std::string &srcAddr, const std::string &destAddr, const char *comment=NULL)
void dumpIPv6 (bool l2r, const char *label, IPv6Datagram_Base *dgram, const char *comment=NULL)
void udpDump (bool l2r, const char *label, IPDatagram *dgram, const char *comment)
const char * intToChunk (int32 type)

Public Attributes

FILE * dumpfile

Protected Attributes

int32 seq
std::ostream * outp

Private Attributes

int verbosity

Detailed Description

Dumps SCTP packets in tcpdump format.

Definition at line 70 of file TCPDump.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

TCPDumper::TCPDumper ( std::ostream &  o  ) 

Definition at line 36 of file

     outp = &out;

TCPDumper::~TCPDumper (  ) 

Definition at line 41 of file


Member Function Documentation

void TCPDumper::dump ( const char *  label,
const char *  msg 

Definition at line 343 of file

Referenced by TCPDump::finish().

     std::ostream& out = *outp;

     // seq and time (not part of the tcpdump format)
     char buf[30];
     sprintf(buf,"[%.3f%s] ", simulation.getSimTime().dbl(), label);
     out << buf;

     out << msg << "\n";

void TCPDumper::dumpIPv6 ( bool  l2r,
const char *  label,
IPv6Datagram_Base *  dgram,
const char *  comment = NULL 

Definition at line 424 of file

Referenced by TCPDump::handleMessage().

     cMessage *encapmsg = dgram->getEncapsulatedMsg();
     if (dynamic_cast<TCPSegment *>(encapmsg))
          // if TCP, dump as TCP
          tcpDump(l2r, label, (TCPSegment *)encapmsg, dgram->getSrcAddress().str(), dgram->getDestAddress().str(), comment);
          // some other packet, dump what we can
          std::ostream& out = *outp;

          // seq and time (not part of the tcpdump format)
          char buf[30];
          sprintf(buf,"[%.3f%s] ", SIMTIME_DBL(simTime()), label);
          out << buf;

          // packet class and name
          out << "? " << encapmsg->getClassName() << " \"" << encapmsg->getName() << "\"\n";

const char * TCPDumper::intToChunk ( int32  type  ) 

Definition at line 322 of file

     switch (type)
          case 0: return "DATA";
          case 1: return "INIT";
          case 2: return "INIT_ACK";
          case 3: return "SACK";
          case 4: return "HEARTBEAT";
          case 5: return "HEARTBEAT_ACK";
          case 6: return "ABORT";
          case 7: return "SHUTDOWN";
          case 8: return "SHUTDOWN_ACK";
          case 9: return "ERRORTYPE";
          case 10: return "COOKIE_ECHO";
          case 11: return "COOKIE_ACK";
          case 14: return "SHUTDOWN_COMPLETE";
     return "";

void TCPDumper::ipDump ( const char *  label,
IPDatagram *  dgram,
const char *  comment = NULL 

Definition at line 45 of file

Referenced by TCPDump::handleMessage().

     if (dynamic_cast<SCTPMessage *>(dgram->getEncapsulatedMsg()))
          SCTPMessage *sctpmsg = check_and_cast<SCTPMessage *>(dgram->getEncapsulatedMsg());
          if (dgram->hasBitError())
          sctpDump(label, sctpmsg, dgram->getSrcAddress().str(), dgram->getDestAddress().str(), comment);
          delete dgram;

void TCPDumper::sctpDump ( const char *  label,
SCTPMessage sctpmsg,
const std::string &  srcAddr,
const std::string &  destAddr,
const char *  comment = NULL 

Definition at line 58 of file

Referenced by TCPDump::handleMessage(), ipDump(), and udpDump().

     std::ostream& out = *outp;
     uint32 numberOfChunks;
     SCTPChunk* chunk;
     uint8 type;
     // seq and time (not part of the tcpdump format)
     char buf[30];
     sprintf(buf,"[%.3f%s] ", simulation.getSimTime().dbl(), label);
     out << buf;

     // src/dest
     out << srcAddr  << "." << sctpmsg->getSrcPort()  << " > ";

     out << destAddr << "." << sctpmsg->getDestPort() << ": ";
     if (sctpmsg->hasBitError())
     numberOfChunks = sctpmsg->getChunksArraySize();
     out << "numberOfChunks="<<numberOfChunks<<" VTag="<<sctpmsg->getTag()<<"\n";
     if (sctpmsg->hasBitError())
          out << "Packet has bit error!!\n";
     for (uint32 i=0; i<numberOfChunks; i++)
          chunk = (SCTPChunk*)sctpmsg->getChunks(i);
          type  = chunk->getChunkType();
          switch (type)
                case INIT:
                     out << "INIT ";
                case INIT_ACK:
                     out << "INIT_ACK ";
                case COOKIE_ECHO:
                     out << "COOKIE_ECHO ";
                case COOKIE_ACK:
                     out << "COOKIE_ACK ";
                case DATA:
                     out << "DATA ";
                case SACK:
                     out << "SACK ";
                case HEARTBEAT:
                     out << "HEARTBEAT ";
                case HEARTBEAT_ACK:
                     out << "HEARTBEAT_ACK ";
                case ABORT:
                     out << "ABORT ";
                case SHUTDOWN:
                     out << "SHUTDOWN ";
                case SHUTDOWN_ACK:
                     out << "SHUTDOWN_ACK ";
                case SHUTDOWN_COMPLETE:
                     out << "SHUTDOWN_COMPLETE ";
                case ERRORTYPE:
                     out << "ERROR";


     if (verbosity >= 1)
          out << endl;
          for (uint32 i=0; i<numberOfChunks; i++)
                chunk = (SCTPChunk*)sctpmsg->getChunks(i);
                type    = chunk->getChunkType();

                sprintf(buf,  "   %3u: ", i + 1);
                out << buf;
                switch (type)
                     case INIT:
                          SCTPInitChunk* initChunk;
                          initChunk = check_and_cast<SCTPInitChunk *>(chunk);
                          out << "INIT[InitiateTag=";
                          out << initChunk->getInitTag();
                          out << "; a_rwnd=";
                          out << initChunk->getA_rwnd();
                          out << "; OS=";
                          out << initChunk->getNoOutStreams();
                          out << "; IS=";
                          out << initChunk->getNoInStreams();
                          out << "; InitialTSN=";
                          out << initChunk->getInitTSN();
                          if (initChunk->getAddressesArraySize() > 0)
                                out <<"; Addresses=";
                                for (uint32 i = 0; i < initChunk->getAddressesArraySize(); i++)
                                     if (i > 0)
                                          out << ",";
                                     if (initChunk->getAddresses(i).isIPv6())
                                          out << initChunk->getAddresses(i).str();
                                          out << initChunk->getAddresses(i);

                          out <<"]";
                     case INIT_ACK:
                          SCTPInitAckChunk* initackChunk;
                          initackChunk = check_and_cast<SCTPInitAckChunk *>(chunk);
                          out << "INIT_ACK[InitiateTag=";
                          out << initackChunk->getInitTag();
                          out << "; a_rwnd=";
                          out << initackChunk->getA_rwnd();
                          out << "; OS=";
                          out << initackChunk->getNoOutStreams();
                          out << "; IS=";
                          out << initackChunk->getNoInStreams();
                          out << "; InitialTSN=";
                          out << initackChunk->getInitTSN();
                          out << "; CookieLength=";
                          out << initackChunk->getCookieArraySize();
                          if (initackChunk->getAddressesArraySize() > 0)
                                out <<"; Addresses=";
                                for (uint32 i = 0; i < initackChunk->getAddressesArraySize(); i++)
                                     if (i > 0)
                                          out << ",";
                                     out << initackChunk->getAddresses(i);
                          out <<"]";
                     case COOKIE_ECHO:
                          out << "COOKIE_ECHO[CookieLength=";
                          out <<     chunk->getBitLength()/8 - 4;
                          out <<"]";
                     case COOKIE_ACK:
                          out << "COOKIE_ACK ";
                     case DATA:
                          SCTPDataChunk* dataChunk;
                          dataChunk = check_and_cast<SCTPDataChunk *>(chunk);
                          out << "DATA[TSN=";
                          out << dataChunk->getTsn();
                          out << "; SID=";
                          out << dataChunk->getSid();
                          out << "; SSN=";
                          out << dataChunk->getSsn();
                          out << "; PPID=";
                          out << dataChunk->getPpid();
                          out << "; PayloadLength=";
                          out << dataChunk->getBitLength()/8 - 16;
                          out <<"]";
                     case SACK:
                          SCTPSackChunk* sackChunk;
                          sackChunk = check_and_cast<SCTPSackChunk *>(chunk);
                          out << "SACK[CumTSNAck=";
                          out << sackChunk->getCumTsnAck();
                          out << "; a_rwnd=";
                          out << sackChunk->getA_rwnd();
                          if (sackChunk->getGapStartArraySize() > 0)
                                out <<"; Gaps=";
                                for (uint32 i = 0; i < sackChunk->getGapStartArraySize(); i++)
                                     if (i > 0)
                                          out << ", ";
                                     out << sackChunk->getGapStart(i) << "-" << sackChunk->getGapStop(i);
                          if (sackChunk->getDupTsnsArraySize() > 0)
                                out <<"; Dups=";
                                for (uint32 i = 0; i < sackChunk->getDupTsnsArraySize(); i++)
                                     if (i > 0)
                                          out << ", ";
                                     out << sackChunk->getDupTsns(i);
                          out <<"]";
                     case HEARTBEAT:
                          SCTPHeartbeatChunk* heartbeatChunk;
                          heartbeatChunk = check_and_cast<SCTPHeartbeatChunk *>(chunk);
                          out << "HEARTBEAT[InfoLength=";
                          out <<     chunk->getBitLength()/8 - 4;
                          out << "; time=";
                          out << heartbeatChunk->getTimeField();
                          out <<"]";
                     case HEARTBEAT_ACK:
                          out << "HEARTBEAT_ACK[InfoLength=";
                          out <<     chunk->getBitLength()/8 - 4;
                          out <<"]";
                     case ABORT:
                          SCTPAbortChunk* abortChunk;
                          abortChunk = check_and_cast<SCTPAbortChunk *>(chunk);
                          out << "ABORT[T-Bit=";
                          out << abortChunk->getT_Bit();
                          out << "]";
                     case SHUTDOWN:
                          SCTPShutdownChunk* shutdown;
                          shutdown = check_and_cast<SCTPShutdownChunk *>(chunk);
                          out << "SHUTDOWN[CumTSNAck=";
                          out << shutdown->getCumTsnAck();
                          out << "]";
                     case SHUTDOWN_ACK:
                          out << "SHUTDOWN_ACK ";
                     case SHUTDOWN_COMPLETE:
                          out << "SHUTDOWN_COMPLETE ";
                     case ERRORTYPE:
                          SCTPErrorChunk* errorChunk;
                          errorChunk = check_and_cast<SCTPErrorChunk*>(chunk);
                          uint32 numberOfParameters = errorChunk->getParametersArraySize();
                          uint32 parameterType;
                          for (uint32 i=0; i<numberOfParameters; i++)
                                SCTPParameter* param = (SCTPParameter*)errorChunk->getParameters(i);
                                parameterType   = param->getParameterType();


                out << endl;
     // comment
     if (comment)
          out << "# " << comment;

     out << endl;

void TCPDumper::setVerbosity ( const int32  verbosityLevel  )  [inline]

Definition at line 78 of file TCPDump.h.

Referenced by TCPDump::initialize().

            verbosity = verbosityLevel;

void TCPDumper::tcpDump ( bool  l2r,
const char *  label,
IPDatagram *  dgram,
const char *  comment = NULL 

Definition at line 400 of file

Referenced by dumpIPv6(), and TCPDump::handleMessage().

     cMessage *encapmsg = dgram->getEncapsulatedMsg();
     if (dynamic_cast<TCPSegment *>(encapmsg))
          // if TCP, dump as TCP
          tcpDump(l2r, label, (TCPSegment *)encapmsg, dgram->getSrcAddress().str(), dgram->getDestAddress().str(), comment);
          // some other packet, dump what we can
          std::ostream& out = *outp;

          // seq and time (not part of the tcpdump format)
          char buf[30];
          sprintf(buf,"[%.3f%s] ", SIMTIME_DBL(simTime()), label);
          out << buf;

          // packet class and name
          out << "? " << encapmsg->getClassName() << " \"" << encapmsg->getName() << "\"\n";

void TCPDumper::tcpDump ( bool  l2r,
const char *  label,
TCPSegment tcpseg,
const std::string &  srcAddr,
const std::string &  destAddr,
const char *  comment = NULL 

Definition at line 447 of file

     std::ostream& out = *outp;

    // seq and time (not part of the tcpdump format)
    char buf[30];
    sprintf(buf,"[%.3f%s] ", SIMTIME_DBL(simTime()), label);
    out << buf;
    // src/dest ports
    if (l2r)
        out << srcAddr << "." << tcpseg->getSrcPort() << " > ";
        out << destAddr << "." << tcpseg->getDestPort() << ": ";
        out << destAddr << "." << tcpseg->getDestPort() << " < ";
        out << srcAddr << "." << tcpseg->getSrcPort() << ": ";

    // flags
    bool flags = false;
    if (tcpseg->getUrgBit()) {flags=true; out << "U ";}
    if (tcpseg->getAckBit()) {flags=true; out << "A ";}
    if (tcpseg->getPshBit()) {flags=true; out << "P ";}
    if (tcpseg->getRstBit()) {flags=true; out << "R ";}
    if (tcpseg->getSynBit()) {flags=true; out << "S ";}
    if (tcpseg->getFinBit()) {flags=true; out << "F ";}
    if (!flags) {out << ". ";}

    // data-seqno
    if (tcpseg->getPayloadLength()>0 || tcpseg->getSynBit())
        out << tcpseg->getSequenceNo() << ":" << tcpseg->getSequenceNo()+tcpseg->getPayloadLength();
        out << "(" << tcpseg->getPayloadLength() << ") ";

    // ack
    if (tcpseg->getAckBit())
        out << "ack " << tcpseg->getAckNo() << " ";

    // window
    out << "win " << tcpseg->getWindow() << " ";

    // urgent
    if (tcpseg->getUrgBit())
        out << "urg " << tcpseg->getUrgentPointer() << " ";

    // options present?
    if (tcpseg->getHeaderLength() > 20)
        std::string direction = "sent";
        if (l2r) // change direction
            {direction = "received";}

        unsigned short numOptions = tcpseg->getOptionsArraySize();
        out << "\nTCP Header Option(s) " << direction << ":\n";
        for (int i=0; i<numOptions; i++)
            TCPOption option = tcpseg->getOptions(i);
            unsigned short kind = option.getKind();
            unsigned short length = option.getLength();
            out << (i+1) << ". option kind=" << kind << " length=" << length << "\n";

    // comment
    if (comment)
        out << "# " << comment;

     out << endl;

void TCPDumper::udpDump ( bool  l2r,
const char *  label,
IPDatagram *  dgram,
const char *  comment 

Definition at line 365 of file

Referenced by TCPDump::handleMessage().

    cMessage *encapmsg = dgram->getEncapsulatedMsg();
    if (dynamic_cast<UDPPacket *>(encapmsg))
        std::ostream& out = *outp;

        // seq and time (not part of the tcpdump format)
        char buf[30];
        sprintf(buf,"[%.3f%s] ", simulation.getSimTime().dbl(), label);
        out << buf;
        UDPPacket* udppkt = check_and_cast<UDPPacket*>(encapmsg);

        // src/dest
        if (l2r)
            out << dgram->getSrcAddress().str() << "." << udppkt->getSourcePort() << " > ";
            out << dgram->getDestAddress().str() << "." << udppkt->getDestinationPort() << ": ";
            out << dgram->getDestAddress().str() << "." << udppkt->getDestinationPort() << " < ";
            out << dgram->getSrcAddress().str() << "." << udppkt->getSourcePort() << ": ";

        //out << endl;
        out << "UDP: Payload length=" << udppkt->getByteLength()-8 << endl;
        if (udppkt->getSourcePort()==9899 || udppkt->getDestinationPort() == 9899)
            if (dynamic_cast<SCTPMessage *>(udppkt->getEncapsulatedMsg()))
                sctpDump("", (SCTPMessage *)(udppkt->getEncapsulatedMsg()), std::string(l2r?"A":"B"),std::string(l2r?"B":"A"));

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 90 of file TCPDump.h.

Referenced by TCPDump::finish(), TCPDump::handleMessage(), and TCPDump::initialize().

std::ostream* TCPDumper::outp [protected]

Definition at line 74 of file TCPDump.h.

Referenced by dump(), dumpIPv6(), sctpDump(), tcpDump(), TCPDumper(), and udpDump().

int32 TCPDumper::seq [protected]

Definition at line 73 of file TCPDump.h.

int TCPDumper::verbosity [private]

Definition at line 92 of file TCPDump.h.

Referenced by sctpDump(), and setVerbosity().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: