Public Member Functions | Protected Types | Protected Member Functions | Protected Attributes

RoutingTable Class Reference

#include <RoutingTable.h>

Inheritance diagram for RoutingTable:
IRoutingTable INotifiable

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 RoutingTable ()
virtual ~RoutingTable ()
virtual void printRoutingTable () const
virtual bool isIPForwardingEnabled ()
virtual IPAddress getRouterId ()
virtual void setRouterId (IPAddress a)

virtual void configureInterfaceForIPv4 (InterfaceEntry *ie)
virtual InterfaceEntrygetInterfaceByAddress (const IPAddress &address) const
Routing functions (query the route table)

virtual bool isLocalAddress (const IPAddress &dest) const
virtual const IPRoutefindBestMatchingRoute (const IPAddress &dest) const
virtual InterfaceEntrygetInterfaceForDestAddr (const IPAddress &dest) const
virtual IPAddress getGatewayForDestAddr (const IPAddress &dest) const
Multicast routing functions

virtual bool isLocalMulticastAddress (const IPAddress &dest) const
virtual MulticastRoutes getMulticastRoutesFor (const IPAddress &dest) const
Route table manipulation

virtual int getNumRoutes () const
virtual const IPRoutegetRoute (int k) const
virtual const IPRoutefindRoute (const IPAddress &target, const IPAddress &netmask, const IPAddress &gw, int metric=0, const char *dev=NULL) const
virtual const IPRoutegetDefaultRoute () const
virtual void addRoute (const IPRoute *entry)
virtual bool deleteRoute (const IPRoute *entry)
virtual std::vector< IPAddressgatherAddresses () const

Protected Types

typedef std::vector< IPRoute * > RouteVector
typedef std::map< IPAddress,
const IPRoute * > 
typedef std::set< IPAddressAddressSet

Protected Member Functions

virtual void configureLoopbackForIPv4 ()
virtual bool routeMatches (const IPRoute *entry, const IPAddress &target, const IPAddress &nmask, const IPAddress &gw, int metric, const char *dev) const
virtual void configureRouterId ()
virtual void updateNetmaskRoutes ()
virtual void updateDisplayString ()
virtual void deleteInterfaceRoutes (InterfaceEntry *entry)
virtual void invalidateCache ()
virtual int numInitStages () const
virtual void initialize (int stage)
virtual void handleMessage (cMessage *)
virtual void receiveChangeNotification (int category, const cPolymorphic *details)

Protected Attributes

IPAddress routerId
bool IPForward
RouteVector routes
RouteVector multicastRoutes
RoutingCache routingCache
AddressSet localAddresses

Detailed Description

Represents the routing table. This object has one instance per host or router. It has methods to manage the route table and the interface table, so one can achieve functionality similar to the "route" and "ifconfig" commands.

See the NED documentation for general overview.

This is a simple module without gates, it requires function calls to it (message handling does nothing). Methods are provided for reading and updating the interface table and the route table, as well as for unicast and multicast routing.

Interfaces are dynamically registered: at the start of the simulation, every L2 module adds its own interface entry to the table.

The route table is read from a file (RoutingTableParser); the file can also fill in or overwrite interface settings. The route table can also be read and modified during simulation, typically by routing protocol implementations (e.g. OSPF).

Entries in the route table are represented by IPRoute objects. IPRoute objects can be polymorphic: if a routing protocol needs to store additional data, it can simply subclass from IPRoute, and add the derived object to the table.

Uses RoutingTableParser to read routing files (.irt, .mrt).

See also:
InterfaceEntry, IPv4InterfaceData, IPRoute

Definition at line 72 of file RoutingTable.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef std::set<IPAddress> RoutingTable::AddressSet [protected]

Definition at line 93 of file RoutingTable.h.

typedef std::vector<IPRoute *> RoutingTable::RouteVector [protected]

Definition at line 84 of file RoutingTable.h.

typedef std::map<IPAddress, const IPRoute *> RoutingTable::RoutingCache [protected]

Definition at line 89 of file RoutingTable.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

RoutingTable::RoutingTable (  ) 

Definition at line 47 of file


RoutingTable::~RoutingTable (  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 51 of file

    for (unsigned int i=0; i<routes.size(); i++)
        delete routes[i];
    for (unsigned int i=0; i<multicastRoutes.size(); i++)
        delete multicastRoutes[i];

Member Function Documentation

void RoutingTable::addRoute ( const IPRoute entry  )  [virtual]

Adds a route to the routing table. Note that once added, routes cannot be modified; you must delete and re-add them instead.

Definition at line 417 of file


    // check for null address and default route
    if (entry->getHost().isUnspecified() != entry->getNetmask().isUnspecified())
        error("addRoute(): to add a default route, set both host and netmask to zero");

    if (entry->getHost().doAnd(entry->getNetmask().isUnspecified()).getInt() != 0)
        error("addRoute(): suspicious route: host %s has 1-bits outside netmask %s",
              entry->getHost().str().c_str(), entry->getNetmask().str().c_str());

    // check that the interface exists
    if (!entry->getInterface())
        error("addRoute(): interface cannot be NULL");

    // if this is a default route, remove old default route (we're replacing it)
    if (entry->getNetmask().isUnspecified() && getDefaultRoute()!=NULL)

    // add to tables
    if (!entry->getHost().isMulticast())


    nb->fireChangeNotification(NF_IPv4_ROUTE_ADDED, entry);

void RoutingTable::configureInterfaceForIPv4 ( InterfaceEntry ie  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 247 of file

Referenced by initialize().

    IPv4InterfaceData *d = new IPv4InterfaceData();

    // metric: some hints: OSPF cost (2e9/bps value), MS KB article Q299540, ...
    d->setMetric((int)ceil(2e9/ie->getDatarate())); // use OSPF cost as default

void RoutingTable::configureLoopbackForIPv4 (  )  [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 272 of file

Referenced by initialize().

    InterfaceEntry *ie = ift->getFirstLoopbackInterface();

    // add IPv4 info. Set as address by default --
    // we may reconfigure later it to be the routerId
    IPv4InterfaceData *d = new IPv4InterfaceData();

void RoutingTable::configureRouterId (  )  [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 118 of file

Referenced by initialize().

    if (routerId.isUnspecified())  // not yet configured
        const char *routerIdStr = par("routerId").stringValue();
        if (!strcmp(routerIdStr, "auto"))  // non-"auto" cases already handled in stage 1
            // choose highest interface address as routerId
            for (int i=0; i<ift->getNumInterfaces(); ++i)
                InterfaceEntry *ie = ift->getInterface(i);
                if (!ie->isLoopback() && ie->ipv4Data()->getIPAddress().getInt() > routerId.getInt())
                    routerId = ie->ipv4Data()->getIPAddress();
    else // already configured
        // if there is no interface with routerId yet, assign it to the loopback address;
        // TODO find out if this is a good practice, in which situations it is useful etc.
        if (getInterfaceByAddress(routerId)==NULL)
            InterfaceEntry *lo0 = ift->getFirstLoopbackInterface();

void RoutingTable::deleteInterfaceRoutes ( InterfaceEntry entry  )  [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 201 of file

Referenced by receiveChangeNotification().

    RouteVector::iterator it = routes.begin();
    while (it != routes.end())
        IPRoute *route = *it;
        if (route->getInterface() == entry)
            it = routes.begin();  // iterator became invalid -- start over

bool RoutingTable::deleteRoute ( const IPRoute entry  )  [virtual]

Deletes the given route from the routing table. Returns true if the route was deleted correctly, false if it was not in the routing table.

Definition at line 450 of file

Referenced by addRoute(), and deleteInterfaceRoutes().


    RouteVector::iterator i = std::find(routes.begin(), routes.end(), entry);
    if (i!=routes.end())
        nb->fireChangeNotification(NF_IPv4_ROUTE_DELETED, entry); // rather: going to be deleted
        delete entry;
        return true;
    i = std::find(multicastRoutes.begin(), multicastRoutes.end(), entry);
    if (i!=multicastRoutes.end())
        nb->fireChangeNotification(NF_IPv4_ROUTE_DELETED, entry); // rather: going to be deleted
        delete entry;
        return true;
    return false;

const IPRoute * RoutingTable::findBestMatchingRoute ( const IPAddress dest  )  const [virtual]

The routing function.

Definition at line 319 of file

Referenced by getGatewayForDestAddr(), and getInterfaceForDestAddr().

    Enter_Method("findBestMatchingRoute(%u.%u.%u.%u)", dest.getDByte(0), dest.getDByte(1), dest.getDByte(2), dest.getDByte(3)); // note: str().c_str() too slow here

    RoutingCache::iterator it = routingCache.find(dest);
    if (it != routingCache.end())
        return it->second;

    // find best match (one with longest prefix)
    // default route has zero prefix length, so (if exists) it'll be selected as last resort
    const IPRoute *bestRoute = NULL;
    uint32 longestNetmask = 0;
    for (RouteVector::const_iterator i=routes.begin(); i!=routes.end(); ++i)
        const IPRoute *e = *i;
        if (IPAddress::maskedAddrAreEqual(dest, e->getHost(), e->getNetmask()) &&  // match
            (!bestRoute || e->getNetmask().getInt() > longestNetmask))  // longest so far
            bestRoute = e;
            longestNetmask = e->getNetmask().getInt();
    routingCache[dest] = bestRoute;
    return bestRoute;

const IPRoute * RoutingTable::findRoute ( const IPAddress target,
const IPAddress netmask,
const IPAddress gw,
int  metric = 0,
const char *  dev = NULL 
) const [virtual]

Finds the first route with the given parameters.

Definition at line 407 of file

    int n = getNumRoutes();
    for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
        if (routeMatches(getRoute(i), target, netmask, gw, metric, dev))
            return getRoute(i);
    return NULL;

std::vector< IPAddress > RoutingTable::gatherAddresses (  )  const [virtual]

Utility function: Returns a vector of all addresses of the node.

Definition at line 236 of file

    std::vector<IPAddress> addressvector;

    for (int i=0; i<ift->getNumInterfaces(); ++i)
    return addressvector;

const IPRoute * RoutingTable::getDefaultRoute (  )  const [virtual]

Finds and returns the default route, or NULL if it doesn't exist

Definition at line 398 of file

Referenced by addRoute().

    int n = (int)routes.size();
    for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
        if (routes[i]->getNetmask().isUnspecified())
            return routes[i];
    return NULL;

IPAddress RoutingTable::getGatewayForDestAddr ( const IPAddress dest  )  const [virtual]

Convenience function based on findBestMatchingRoute().

Returns the gateway to send the destination. Returns null address if the destination is not in routing table or there is no gateway (local delivery).

Definition at line 353 of file

    Enter_Method("getGatewayForDestAddr(%u.%u.%u.%u)", dest.getDByte(0), dest.getDByte(1), dest.getDByte(2), dest.getDByte(3)); // note: str().c_str() too slow here

    const IPRoute *e = findBestMatchingRoute(dest);
    return e ? e->getGateway() : IPAddress();

InterfaceEntry * RoutingTable::getInterfaceByAddress ( const IPAddress address  )  const [virtual]

Returns an interface given by its address. Returns NULL if not found.

Definition at line 256 of file

Referenced by configureRouterId().

    Enter_Method("getInterfaceByAddress(%u.%u.%u.%u)", addr.getDByte(0), addr.getDByte(1), addr.getDByte(2), addr.getDByte(3)); // note: str().c_str() too slow here

    if (addr.isUnspecified())
        return NULL;
    for (int i=0; i<ift->getNumInterfaces(); ++i)
        InterfaceEntry *ie = ift->getInterface(i);
        if (ie->ipv4Data()->getIPAddress()==addr)
            return ie;
    return NULL;

InterfaceEntry * RoutingTable::getInterfaceForDestAddr ( const IPAddress dest  )  const [virtual]

Convenience function based on findBestMatchingRoute().

Returns the interface Id to send the packets with dest as destination address, or -1 if destination is not in routing table.

Definition at line 345 of file

    Enter_Method("getInterfaceForDestAddr(%u.%u.%u.%u)", dest.getDByte(0), dest.getDByte(1), dest.getDByte(2), dest.getDByte(3)); // note: str().c_str() too slow here

    const IPRoute *e = findBestMatchingRoute(dest);
    return e ? e->getInterface() : NULL;

MulticastRoutes RoutingTable::getMulticastRoutesFor ( const IPAddress dest  )  const [virtual]

Returns routes for a multicast address.

Definition at line 362 of file

    Enter_Method("getMulticastRoutesFor(%u.%u.%u.%u)", dest.getDByte(0), dest.getDByte(1), dest.getDByte(2), dest.getDByte(3)); // note: str().c_str() too slow here here

    MulticastRoutes res;
    for (RouteVector::const_iterator i=multicastRoutes.begin(); i!=multicastRoutes.end(); ++i)
        const IPRoute *e = *i;
        if (IPAddress::maskedAddrAreEqual(dest, e->getHost(), e->getNetmask()))
            MulticastRoute r;
            r.interf = e->getInterface();
            r.gateway = e->getGateway();
    return res;

int RoutingTable::getNumRoutes (  )  const [virtual]

Returns the total number of routes (unicast, multicast, plus the default route).

Definition at line 383 of file

Referenced by findRoute(), and printRoutingTable().

    return routes.size()+multicastRoutes.size();

const IPRoute * RoutingTable::getRoute ( int  k  )  const [virtual]

Returns the kth route. The returned route cannot be modified; you must delete and re-add it instead. This rule is emphasized by returning a const pointer.

Definition at line 388 of file

Referenced by findRoute(), and printRoutingTable().

    if (k < (int)routes.size())
        return routes[k];
    k -= routes.size();
    if (k < (int)multicastRoutes.size())
        return multicastRoutes[k];
    return NULL;

virtual IPAddress RoutingTable::getRouterId (  )  [inline, virtual]

Returns routerId.

Definition at line 163 of file RoutingTable.h.

{return routerId;}

void RoutingTable::handleMessage ( cMessage *  msg  )  [protected, virtual]

Raises an error.

Definition at line 161 of file

    opp_error("This module doesn't process messages");

void RoutingTable::initialize ( int  stage  )  [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 59 of file

    if (stage==0)
        // get a pointer to the NotificationBoard module and IInterfaceTable
        nb = NotificationBoardAccess().get();
        ift = InterfaceTableAccess().get();

        IPForward = par("IPForward").boolValue();

        nb->subscribe(this, NF_INTERFACE_CREATED);
        nb->subscribe(this, NF_INTERFACE_DELETED);
        nb->subscribe(this, NF_INTERFACE_STATE_CHANGED);
        nb->subscribe(this, NF_INTERFACE_CONFIG_CHANGED);
        nb->subscribe(this, NF_INTERFACE_IPv4CONFIG_CHANGED);

    else if (stage==1)
        // L2 modules register themselves in stage 0, so we can only configure
        // the interfaces in stage 1.
        const char *filename = par("routingFile");

        // At this point, all L2 modules have registered themselves (added their
        // interface entries). Create the per-interface IPv4 data structures.
        IInterfaceTable *interfaceTable = InterfaceTableAccess().get();
        for (int i=0; i<interfaceTable->getNumInterfaces(); ++i)

        // read routing table file (and interface configuration)
        RoutingTableParser parser(ift, this);
        if (*filename && parser.readRoutingTableFromFile(filename)==-1)
            error("Error reading routing table file %s", filename);

        // set routerId if param is not "" (==no routerId) or "auto" (in which case we'll
        // do it later in stage 3, after network configurators configured the interfaces)
        const char *routerIdStr = par("routerId").stringValue();
        if (strcmp(routerIdStr, "") && strcmp(routerIdStr, "auto"))
            routerId = IPAddress(routerIdStr);
    else if (stage==3)
        // routerID selection must be after stage==2 when network autoconfiguration
        // assigns interface addresses

        // we don't use notifications during initialize(), so we do it manually.
        // Should be in stage=3 because autoconfigurator runs in stage=2.


void RoutingTable::invalidateCache (  )  [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 219 of file

Referenced by addRoute(), deleteRoute(), receiveChangeNotification(), and updateNetmaskRoutes().


virtual bool RoutingTable::isIPForwardingEnabled (  )  [inline, virtual]

IP forwarding on/off

Definition at line 158 of file RoutingTable.h.

{return IPForward;}

bool RoutingTable::isLocalAddress ( const IPAddress dest  )  const [virtual]

Checks if the address is a local one, i.e. one of the host's.

Definition at line 287 of file

    Enter_Method("isLocalAddress(%u.%u.%u.%u)", dest.getDByte(0), dest.getDByte(1), dest.getDByte(2), dest.getDByte(3)); // note: str().c_str() too slow here

    if (localAddresses.empty())
        // collect interface addresses if not yet done
        for (int i=0; i<ift->getNumInterfaces(); i++)
            IPAddress interfaceAddr = ift->getInterface(i)->ipv4Data()->getIPAddress();

    AddressSet::iterator it = localAddresses.find(dest);
    return it!=localAddresses.end();

bool RoutingTable::isLocalMulticastAddress ( const IPAddress dest  )  const [virtual]

Checks if the address is in one of the local multicast group address list.

Definition at line 305 of file

    Enter_Method("isLocalMulticastAddress(%u.%u.%u.%u)", dest.getDByte(0), dest.getDByte(1), dest.getDByte(2), dest.getDByte(3)); // note: str().c_str() too slow here

    for (int i=0; i<ift->getNumInterfaces(); i++)
        InterfaceEntry *ie = ift->getInterface(i);
        if (ie->ipv4Data()->isMemberOfMulticastGroup(dest))
            return true;
    return false;

virtual int RoutingTable::numInitStages (  )  const [inline, protected, virtual]

Definition at line 125 of file RoutingTable.h.

{return 4;}

void RoutingTable::printRoutingTable (  )  const [virtual]

For debugging

Definition at line 225 of file

    EV << "-- Routing table --\n";
    ev.printf("%-16s %-16s %-16s %-3s %s\n",
              "Destination", "Gateway", "Netmask", "Iface");

    for (int i=0; i<getNumRoutes(); i++)
        EV << getRoute(i)->detailedInfo() << "\n";
    EV << "\n";

void RoutingTable::receiveChangeNotification ( int  category,
const cPolymorphic *  details 
) [protected, virtual]

Called by the NotificationBoard whenever a change of a category occurs to which this client has subscribed.

Implements INotifiable.

Definition at line 166 of file

    if (simulation.getContextType()==CTX_INITIALIZE)
        return;  // ignore notifications during initialize

    printNotificationBanner(category, details);

    if (category==NF_INTERFACE_CREATED)
        // add netmask route for the new interface
    else if (category==NF_INTERFACE_DELETED)
        // remove all routes that point to that interface
        InterfaceEntry *entry = check_and_cast<InterfaceEntry*>(details);
    else if (category==NF_INTERFACE_STATE_CHANGED)
    else if (category==NF_INTERFACE_CONFIG_CHANGED)
    else if (category==NF_INTERFACE_IPv4CONFIG_CHANGED)
        // if anything IPv4-related changes in the interfaces, interface netmask
        // based routes have to be re-built.

bool RoutingTable::routeMatches ( const IPRoute entry,
const IPAddress target,
const IPAddress nmask,
const IPAddress gw,
int  metric,
const char *  dev 
) const [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 478 of file

Referenced by findRoute().

    if (!target.isUnspecified() && !target.equals(entry->getHost()))
        return false;
    if (!nmask.isUnspecified() && !nmask.equals(entry->getNetmask()))
        return false;
    if (!gw.isUnspecified() && !gw.equals(entry->getGateway()))
        return false;
    if (metric && metric!=entry->getMetric())
        return false;
    if (dev && strcmp(dev, entry->getInterfaceName()))
        return false;

    return true;

virtual void RoutingTable::setRouterId ( IPAddress  a  )  [inline, virtual]

Sets routerId.

Definition at line 168 of file RoutingTable.h.

{routerId = a;}

void RoutingTable::updateDisplayString (  )  [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 147 of file

Referenced by addRoute(), deleteRoute(), and updateNetmaskRoutes().

    if (!ev.isGUI())

    std::stringstream os;

    if (!routerId.isUnspecified())
        os << "routerId: " << routerId <<"\n";

    os << "" << routes.size() << "+" << multicastRoutes.size() << " routes";
    getDisplayString().setTagArg("t", 0, os.str().c_str());

void RoutingTable::updateNetmaskRoutes (  )  [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 496 of file

Referenced by initialize(), and receiveChangeNotification().

    // first, delete all routes with src=IFACENETMASK
    for (unsigned int k=0; k<routes.size(); k++)
        if (routes[k]->getSource()==IPRoute::IFACENETMASK)
            routes.erase(routes.begin()+(k--));  // '--' is necessary because indices shift down

    // then re-add them, according to actual interface configuration
    for (int i=0; i<ift->getNumInterfaces(); i++)
        InterfaceEntry *ie = ift->getInterface(i);
        if (ie->ipv4Data()->getNetmask()!=IPAddress::ALLONES_ADDRESS)
            IPRoute *route = new IPRoute();


Member Data Documentation

bool RoutingTable::IPForward [protected]

Definition at line 79 of file RoutingTable.h.

Referenced by initialize().

Definition at line 94 of file RoutingTable.h.

Referenced by invalidateCache(), and isLocalAddress().

Definition at line 76 of file RoutingTable.h.

Referenced by addRoute(), deleteRoute(), and initialize().

Definition at line 78 of file RoutingTable.h.

Referenced by configureRouterId(), initialize(), and updateDisplayString().

Definition at line 90 of file RoutingTable.h.

Referenced by findBestMatchingRoute(), and invalidateCache().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: