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MACRelayUnitPP Class Reference

#include <MACRelayUnitPP.h>

Inheritance diagram for MACRelayUnitPP:

List of all members.


struct  PortBuffer

Public Member Functions

 MACRelayUnitPP ()
virtual ~MACRelayUnitPP ()

Protected Member Functions

virtual void handleIncomingFrame (EtherFrame *msg)
virtual void processFrame (cMessage *msg)
Redefined cSimpleModule member functions.

virtual void initialize ()
virtual void handleMessage (cMessage *msg)
virtual void finish ()

Protected Attributes

simtime_t processingTime
int bufferSize
long highWatermark
int pauseUnits
simtime_t pauseInterval
int bufferUsed
simtime_t pauseLastSent
long numProcessedFrames
long numDroppedFrames
cOutVector bufferLevel

Detailed Description

An implementation of the MAC Relay Unit that assumes one processor assigned to each incoming port, with separate queues.

Definition at line 31 of file MACRelayUnitPP.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

MACRelayUnitPP::MACRelayUnitPP (  ) 

Definition at line 35 of file

    buffer = NULL;

MACRelayUnitPP::~MACRelayUnitPP (  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 40 of file

    delete [] buffer;

Member Function Documentation

void MACRelayUnitPP::finish (  )  [protected, virtual]

Writes statistics.

Definition at line 184 of file

    recordScalar("processed frames", numProcessedFrames);
    recordScalar("dropped frames", numDroppedFrames);

void MACRelayUnitPP::handleIncomingFrame ( EtherFrame *  msg  )  [protected, virtual]

Handle incoming Ethernet frame: if buffer full discard it, otherwise, insert it into buffer and start processing if processor is free.

Definition at line 106 of file

Referenced by handleMessage().

    // If buffer not full, insert payload frame into buffer and process the frame in parallel.

    long length = frame->getByteLength();
    if (length + bufferUsed < bufferSize)
        int inputport = frame->getArrivalGate()->getIndex();
        buffer[inputport].port = inputport;
        bufferUsed += length;

        // send PAUSE if above watermark
        if (pauseUnits>0 && highWatermark>0 && bufferUsed>=highWatermark && simTime()-pauseLastSent>pauseInterval)
            // send PAUSE on all ports
            for (int i=0; i<numPorts; i++)
                sendPauseFrame(i, pauseUnits);
            pauseLastSent = simTime();

        if (buffer[inputport].cpuBusy)
            EV << "Port CPU " << inputport << " busy, incoming frame " << frame << " enqueued for later processing\n";
            EV << "Port CPU " << inputport << " free, begin processing of incoming frame " << frame << endl;
            buffer[inputport].cpuBusy = true;
            cMessage *msg = new cMessage("endProcessing");
            scheduleAt(simTime() + processingTime, msg);
    // Drop the frame and record the number of dropped frames
        EV << "Buffer full, dropping frame " << frame << endl;
        delete frame;

    // Record statistics of buffer usage levels

void MACRelayUnitPP::handleMessage ( cMessage *  msg  )  [protected, virtual]

Calls handleIncomingFrame() for frames arrived from outside, and processFrame() for self messages.

Definition at line 92 of file

    if (!msg->isSelfMessage())
        // Frame received from MAC unit
        handleIncomingFrame(check_and_cast<EtherFrame *>(msg));
        // Self message signal used to indicate a frame has been finished processing

void MACRelayUnitPP::initialize (  )  [protected, virtual]

Read parameters parameters.

Reimplemented from MACRelayUnitBase.

Definition at line 45 of file


    bufferLevel.setName("buffer level");

    numProcessedFrames = numDroppedFrames = 0;

    processingTime = par("processingTime");
    bufferSize = par("bufferSize");
    highWatermark = par("highWatermark");
    pauseUnits = par("pauseUnits");

    // 1 pause unit is 512 bit times; we assume 100Mb MACs here.
    // We send a pause again when previous one is about to expire.
    pauseInterval = pauseUnits*512.0/100000.0;

    pauseLastSent = 0;

    bufferUsed = 0;

    buffer = new PortBuffer[numPorts];
    for (int i = 0; i < numPorts; ++i)
        buffer[i].port = i;
        buffer[i].cpuBusy = false;

        char qname[20];

    EV << "Parameters of (" << getClassName() << ") " << getFullPath() << "\n";
    EV << "processing time: " << processingTime << "\n";
    EV << "ports: " << numPorts << "\n";
    EV << "buffer size: " << bufferSize << "\n";
    EV << "address table size: " << addressTableSize << "\n";
    EV << "aging time: " << agingTime << "\n";
    EV << "high watermark: " << highWatermark << "\n";
    EV << "pause time: " << pauseUnits << "\n";
    EV << "\n";

void MACRelayUnitPP::processFrame ( cMessage *  msg  )  [protected, virtual]

Triggered when a frame has completed processing, it routes the frame to the appropriate port, and starts processing the next frame.

Definition at line 152 of file

Referenced by handleMessage().

    // Extract frame from the appropriate buffer;
    PortBuffer *pBuff = (PortBuffer*)msg->getContextPointer();
    EtherFrame *frame = (EtherFrame*)pBuff->queue.pop();
    long length = frame->getByteLength();
    int inputport = pBuff->port;

    EV << "Port CPU " << inputport << " completed processing of frame " << frame << endl;

    handleAndDispatchFrame(frame, inputport);

    bufferUsed -= length;


    // Process next frame in queue if they are pending
    if (!pBuff->queue.empty())
        EV << "Begin processing of next frame\n";
        scheduleAt(simTime()+processingTime, msg);
        EV << "Port CPU idle\n";
        pBuff->cpuBusy = false;
        delete msg;

Member Data Documentation

cOutVector MACRelayUnitPP::bufferLevel [protected]

Definition at line 61 of file MACRelayUnitPP.h.

Referenced by handleIncomingFrame(), initialize(), and processFrame().

int MACRelayUnitPP::bufferSize [protected]

Definition at line 48 of file MACRelayUnitPP.h.

Referenced by handleIncomingFrame(), and initialize().

int MACRelayUnitPP::bufferUsed [protected]

Definition at line 54 of file MACRelayUnitPP.h.

Referenced by handleIncomingFrame(), initialize(), and processFrame().

Definition at line 49 of file MACRelayUnitPP.h.

Referenced by handleIncomingFrame(), and initialize().

Definition at line 60 of file MACRelayUnitPP.h.

Referenced by finish(), handleIncomingFrame(), and initialize().

Definition at line 59 of file MACRelayUnitPP.h.

Referenced by finish(), initialize(), and processFrame().

simtime_t MACRelayUnitPP::pauseInterval [protected]

Definition at line 51 of file MACRelayUnitPP.h.

Referenced by handleIncomingFrame(), and initialize().

simtime_t MACRelayUnitPP::pauseLastSent [protected]

Definition at line 56 of file MACRelayUnitPP.h.

Referenced by handleIncomingFrame(), and initialize().

int MACRelayUnitPP::pauseUnits [protected]

Definition at line 50 of file MACRelayUnitPP.h.

Referenced by handleIncomingFrame(), and initialize().

simtime_t MACRelayUnitPP::processingTime [protected]

Definition at line 47 of file MACRelayUnitPP.h.

Referenced by handleIncomingFrame(), initialize(), and processFrame().

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