Protected Member Functions

FlatNetworkConfigurator6 Class Reference

#include <FlatNetworkConfigurator6.h>

List of all members.

Protected Member Functions

virtual int numInitStages () const
virtual void initialize (int stage)
virtual void handleMessage (cMessage *msg)
virtual void configureAdvPrefixes (cTopology &topo)
virtual void addOwnAdvPrefixRoutes (cTopology &topo)
virtual void addStaticRoutes (cTopology &topo)
virtual void setDisplayString (int numIPNodes, int numNonIPNodes)
virtual bool isIPNode (cTopology::Node *node)

Detailed Description

Configures IPv6 addresses and routing tables for a "flat" network, "flat" meaning that all hosts and routers will have the same network address.

For more info please see the NED file.

Definition at line 33 of file FlatNetworkConfigurator6.h.

Member Function Documentation

void FlatNetworkConfigurator6::addOwnAdvPrefixRoutes ( cTopology &  topo  )  [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 133 of file

Referenced by initialize().

    // add globally routable prefixes to routing table
    for (int i = 0; i < topo.getNumNodes(); i++)
        cTopology::Node *node = topo.getNode(i);

        // skip bus types
        if (!isIPNode(node))

        RoutingTable6 *rt = IPAddressResolver().routingTable6Of(node->getModule());
        IInterfaceTable *ift = IPAddressResolver().interfaceTableOf(node->getModule());

        // skip hosts
        if (!rt->par("isRouter").boolValue())

        // add globally routable prefixes to routing table
        for (int x = 0; x < ift->getNumInterfaces(); x++)
            InterfaceEntry *ie = ift->getInterface(x);

            if (ie->isLoopback())

            for (int y = 0; y < ie->ipv6Data()->getNumAdvPrefixes(); y++)
                if (ie->ipv6Data()->getAdvPrefix(y).prefix.isGlobal())
                                                ie->getInterfaceId(), 0);

void FlatNetworkConfigurator6::addStaticRoutes ( cTopology &  topo  )  [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 168 of file

Referenced by initialize().

    int numIPNodes = 0;

    // fill in routing tables
    for (int i = 0; i < topo.getNumNodes(); i++)
        cTopology::Node *destNode = topo.getNode(i);

        // skip bus types
        if (!isIPNode(destNode))
    void addOrUpdateOwnAdvPrefix(const IPv6Address& destPrefix, int prefixLength,
                                 int interfaceId, simtime_t expiryTime);

        numIPNodes++; // FIXME split into num hosts, num routers
        RoutingTable6 *destRt = IPAddressResolver().routingTable6Of(destNode->getModule());
        IInterfaceTable *destIft = IPAddressResolver().interfaceTableOf(destNode->getModule());

        // don't add routes towards hosts
        if (!destRt->par("isRouter").boolValue())

        // get a list of globally routable prefixes from the dest node
        std::vector<const IPv6InterfaceData::AdvPrefix*> destPrefixes;
        for (int x = 0; x < destIft->getNumInterfaces(); x++)
            InterfaceEntry *destIf = destIft->getInterface(x);

            if (destIf->isLoopback())

            for (int y = 0; y < destIf->ipv6Data()->getNumAdvPrefixes(); y++)
                if (destIf->ipv6Data()->getAdvPrefix(y).prefix.isGlobal())

        std::string destModName = destNode->getModule()->getFullName();

        // calculate shortest paths from everywhere towards destNode

        // add route (with dest=destPrefixes) to every router routing table in the network
        for (int j = 0; j < topo.getNumNodes(); j++)
            if (i == j)
            if (!isIPNode(topo.getNode(j)))

            cTopology::Node *atNode = topo.getNode(j);
            if (atNode->getNumPaths() == 0)
                continue;       // not connected

            RoutingTable6 *rt = IPAddressResolver().routingTable6Of(atNode->getModule());
            IInterfaceTable *ift = IPAddressResolver().interfaceTableOf(atNode->getModule());

            // skip hosts' routing tables
            if (!rt->par("isRouter").boolValue())

            // determine the local interface id
            cGate *localGate = atNode->getPath(0)->getLocalGate();
            InterfaceEntry *localIf = ift->getInterfaceByNodeOutputGateId(localGate->getId());

            // determine next hop link address. That's a bit tricky because
            // the directly adjacent cTopo node might be a non-IP getNode(ethernet switch etc)
            // so we have to "seek through" them.
            cTopology::Node *prevNode = atNode;
            // if there's no ethernet switch between atNode and it's next hop
            // neighbour, we don't go into the following while() loop
            while (!isIPNode(prevNode->getPath(0)->getRemoteNode()))
                prevNode = prevNode->getPath(0)->getRemoteNode();

            // ok, the next hop is now just one step away from prevNode
            cGate *remoteGate = prevNode->getPath(0)->getRemoteGate();
            cModule *nextHop = remoteGate->getOwnerModule();
            IInterfaceTable *nextHopIft = IPAddressResolver().interfaceTableOf(nextHop);
            InterfaceEntry *nextHopOnlinkIf = nextHopIft->getInterfaceByNodeInputGateId(remoteGate->getId());

            // find link-local address for next hop
            IPv6Address nextHopLinkLocalAddr = nextHopOnlinkIf->ipv6Data()->getLinkLocalAddress();

            // traverse through address of each node
            // add to route table
            for (unsigned int k = 0; k < destPrefixes.size(); k++)
                rt->addStaticRoute(destPrefixes[k]->prefix, destPrefixes[k]->prefixLength,
                                   localIf->getInterfaceId(), nextHopLinkLocalAddr);

    // update display string
    setDisplayString(numIPNodes, topo.getNumNodes()-numIPNodes);

void FlatNetworkConfigurator6::configureAdvPrefixes ( cTopology &  topo  )  [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 77 of file

Referenced by initialize().

    // assign advertised prefixes to all router interfaces
    for (int i = 0; i < topo.getNumNodes(); i++)
        // skip bus types
        if (!isIPNode(topo.getNode(i)))

        int nodeIndex = i;

        // find interface table and assign address to all (non-loopback) interfaces
        cModule *mod = topo.getNode(i)->getModule();
        IInterfaceTable *ift = IPAddressResolver().interfaceTableOf(mod);
        RoutingTable6 *rt = IPAddressResolver().routingTable6Of(mod);

        // skip hosts
        if (!rt->par("isRouter").boolValue())

        // assign prefix to interfaces
        for (int k = 0; k < ift->getNumInterfaces(); k++)
            InterfaceEntry *ie = ift->getInterface(k);
            if (!ie->ipv6Data() || ie->isLoopback())
            if (ie->ipv6Data()->getNumAdvPrefixes()>0)
                continue;  // already has one

            // add a prefix
            IPv6Address prefix(0xaaaa0000+nodeIndex, ie->getNetworkLayerGateIndex()<<16, 0, 0);

            IPv6InterfaceData::AdvPrefix p;
            p.prefix = prefix;
            p.prefixLength = 64;
            // RFC 2461:6.2.1. Only default values are used in FlatNetworkConfigurator6
            // Default: 2592000 seconds (30 days), fixed (i.e., stays the same in
            // consecutive advertisements).
            p.advValidLifetime = 2592000;
            // Default: TRUE
            p.advOnLinkFlag = true;
            // Default: 604800 seconds (7 days), fixed (i.e., stays the same in consecutive
            // advertisements).
            p.advPreferredLifetime = 604800;
            // Default: TRUE
            p.advAutonomousFlag = true;

            // add a link-local address (tentative) if it doesn't have one
            if (ie->ipv6Data()->getLinkLocalAddress().isUnspecified())
                ie->ipv6Data()->assignAddress(IPv6Address::formLinkLocalAddress(ie->getInterfaceToken()), true, 0, 0);

void FlatNetworkConfigurator6::handleMessage ( cMessage *  msg  )  [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 58 of file

    error("this module doesn't handle messages, it runs only in initialize()");

void FlatNetworkConfigurator6::initialize ( int  stage  )  [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 32 of file

#ifndef WITHOUT_IPv6
    // FIXME refactor: make routers[] array? (std::vector<cTopology::Node*>)
    // FIXME: spare common beginning for all stages?

    cTopology topo("topo");

    // extract topology
    EV << "cTopology found " << topo.getNumNodes() << " nodes\n";

    if (stage==2)
    else if (stage==3)
    error("FlatNetworkConfigurator6 not supported: WITHOUT_IPv6 option was defined during compilation");

bool FlatNetworkConfigurator6::isIPNode ( cTopology::Node *  node  )  [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 71 of file

Referenced by addOwnAdvPrefixRoutes(), addStaticRoutes(), and configureAdvPrefixes().

    return IPAddressResolver().findInterfaceTableOf(node->getModule()) != NULL;

virtual int FlatNetworkConfigurator6::numInitStages (  )  const [inline, protected, virtual]

Definition at line 36 of file FlatNetworkConfigurator6.h.

{return 4;}

void FlatNetworkConfigurator6::setDisplayString ( int  numIPNodes,
int  numNonIPNodes 
) [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 63 of file

Referenced by addStaticRoutes().

    // update display string
    char buf[80];
    sprintf(buf, "%d IPv6 nodes\n%d non-IP nodes", numIPNodes, numNonIPNodes);
    getDisplayString().setTagArg("t", 0, buf);

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