Classes | Protected Types | Protected Member Functions

FlatNetworkConfigurator Class Reference

#include <FlatNetworkConfigurator.h>

List of all members.


struct  NodeInfo

Protected Types

typedef std::vector< NodeInfoNodeInfoVector

Protected Member Functions

virtual int numInitStages () const
virtual void initialize (int stage)
virtual void handleMessage (cMessage *msg)
virtual void extractTopology (cTopology &topo, NodeInfoVector &nodeInfo)
virtual void assignAddresses (cTopology &topo, NodeInfoVector &nodeInfo)
virtual void addDefaultRoutes (cTopology &topo, NodeInfoVector &nodeInfo)
virtual void fillRoutingTables (cTopology &topo, NodeInfoVector &nodeInfo)
virtual void setDisplayString (cTopology &topo, NodeInfoVector &nodeInfo)

Detailed Description

Configures IP addresses and routing tables for a "flat" network, "flat" meaning that all hosts and routers will have the same network address.

For more info please see the NED file.

Definition at line 36 of file FlatNetworkConfigurator.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef std::vector<NodeInfo> FlatNetworkConfigurator::NodeInfoVector [protected]

Definition at line 47 of file FlatNetworkConfigurator.h.

Member Function Documentation

void FlatNetworkConfigurator::addDefaultRoutes ( cTopology &  topo,
NodeInfoVector nodeInfo 
) [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 109 of file

Referenced by initialize().

    // add default route to nodes with exactly one (non-loopback) interface
    for (int i=0; i<topo.getNumNodes(); i++)
        cTopology::Node *node = topo.getNode(i);

        // skip bus types
        if (!nodeInfo[i].isIPNode)

        IInterfaceTable *ift = nodeInfo[i].ift;
        IRoutingTable *rt = nodeInfo[i].rt;

        // count non-loopback interfaces
        int numIntf = 0;
        InterfaceEntry *ie = NULL;
        for (int k=0; k<ift->getNumInterfaces(); k++)
            if (!ift->getInterface(k)->isLoopback())
                {ie = ift->getInterface(k); numIntf++;}

        nodeInfo[i].usesDefaultRoute = (numIntf==1);
        if (numIntf!=1)
            continue; // only deal with nodes with one interface plus loopback

        EV << "  " << node->getModule()->getFullName() << "=" << nodeInfo[i].address
           << " has only one (non-loopback) interface, adding default route\n";

        // add route
        IPRoute *e = new IPRoute();
        //e->getMetric() = 1;

void FlatNetworkConfigurator::assignAddresses ( cTopology &  topo,
NodeInfoVector nodeInfo 
) [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 76 of file

Referenced by initialize().

    // assign IP addresses
    uint32 networkAddress = IPAddress(par("networkAddress").stringValue()).getInt();
    uint32 netmask = IPAddress(par("netmask").stringValue()).getInt();
    int maxNodes = (~netmask)-1;  // 0 and ffff have special meaning and cannot be used
    if (topo.getNumNodes()>maxNodes)
        error("netmask too large, not enough addresses for all %d nodes", topo.getNumNodes());

    int numIPNodes = 0;
    for (int i=0; i<topo.getNumNodes(); i++)
        // skip bus types
        if (!nodeInfo[i].isIPNode)

        uint32 addr = networkAddress | uint32(++numIPNodes);

        // find interface table and assign address to all (non-loopback) interfaces
        IInterfaceTable *ift = nodeInfo[i].ift;
        for (int k=0; k<ift->getNumInterfaces(); k++)
            InterfaceEntry *ie = ift->getInterface(k);
            if (!ie->isLoopback())
                ie->ipv4Data()->setNetmask(IPAddress::ALLONES_ADDRESS); // full address must match for local delivery

void FlatNetworkConfigurator::extractTopology ( cTopology &  topo,
NodeInfoVector nodeInfo 
) [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 56 of file

Referenced by initialize().

    // extract topology
    EV << "cTopology found " << topo.getNumNodes() << " nodes\n";

    // fill in isIPNode, ift and rt members in nodeInfo[]
    for (int i=0; i<topo.getNumNodes(); i++)
        cModule *mod = topo.getNode(i)->getModule();
        nodeInfo[i].isIPNode = IPAddressResolver().findInterfaceTableOf(mod)!=NULL;
        if (nodeInfo[i].isIPNode)
            nodeInfo[i].ift = IPAddressResolver().interfaceTableOf(mod);
            nodeInfo[i].rt = IPAddressResolver().routingTableOf(mod);

void FlatNetworkConfigurator::fillRoutingTables ( cTopology &  topo,
NodeInfoVector nodeInfo 
) [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 149 of file

Referenced by initialize().

    // fill in routing tables with static routes
    for (int i=0; i<topo.getNumNodes(); i++)
        cTopology::Node *destNode = topo.getNode(i);

        // skip bus types
        if (!nodeInfo[i].isIPNode)

        IPAddress destAddr = nodeInfo[i].address;
        std::string destModName = destNode->getModule()->getFullName();

        // calculate shortest paths from everywhere towards destNode

        // add route (with host=destNode) to every routing table in the network
        // (excepting nodes with only one interface -- there we'll set up a default route)
        for (int j=0; j<topo.getNumNodes(); j++)
            if (i==j) continue;
            if (!nodeInfo[j].isIPNode)

            cTopology::Node *atNode = topo.getNode(j);
            if (atNode->getNumPaths()==0)
                continue; // not connected
            if (nodeInfo[j].usesDefaultRoute)
                continue; // already added default route here

            IPAddress atAddr = nodeInfo[j].address;

            IInterfaceTable *ift = nodeInfo[j].ift;

            int outputGateId = atNode->getPath(0)->getLocalGate()->getId();
            InterfaceEntry *ie = ift->getInterfaceByNodeOutputGateId(outputGateId);
            if (!ie)
                error("%s has no interface for output gate id %d", ift->getFullPath().c_str(), outputGateId);

            EV << "  from " << atNode->getModule()->getFullName() << "=" << IPAddress(atAddr);
            EV << " towards " << destModName << "=" << IPAddress(destAddr) << " interface " << ie->getName() << endl;

            // add route
            IRoutingTable *rt = nodeInfo[j].rt;
            IPRoute *e = new IPRoute();
            e->setNetmask(IPAddress(255,255,255,255)); // full match needed
            //e->getMetric() = 1;

void FlatNetworkConfigurator::handleMessage ( cMessage *  msg  )  [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 206 of file

    error("this module doesn't handle messages, it runs only in initialize()");

void FlatNetworkConfigurator::initialize ( int  stage  )  [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 30 of file

    if (stage==2)
        cTopology topo("topo");
        NodeInfoVector nodeInfo; // will be of size topo.nodes[]

        // extract topology into the cTopology object, then fill in
        // isIPNode, rt and ift members of nodeInfo[]
        extractTopology(topo, nodeInfo);

        // assign addresses to IP nodes, and also store result in nodeInfo[].address
        assignAddresses(topo, nodeInfo);

        // add default routes to hosts (nodes with a single attachment);
        // also remember result in nodeInfo[].usesDefaultRoute
        addDefaultRoutes(topo, nodeInfo);

        // calculate shortest paths, and add corresponding static routes
        fillRoutingTables(topo, nodeInfo);

        // update display string
        setDisplayString(topo, nodeInfo);

virtual int FlatNetworkConfigurator::numInitStages (  )  const [inline, protected, virtual]

Definition at line 50 of file FlatNetworkConfigurator.h.

{return 3;}

void FlatNetworkConfigurator::setDisplayString ( cTopology &  topo,
NodeInfoVector nodeInfo 
) [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 211 of file

Referenced by initialize().

    int numIPNodes = 0;
    for (int i=0; i<topo.getNumNodes(); i++)
        if (nodeInfo[i].isIPNode)

    // update display string
    char buf[80];
    sprintf(buf, "%d IP nodes\n%d non-IP nodes", numIPNodes, topo.getNumNodes()-numIPNodes);

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