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EtherBus Class Reference

#include <EtherBus.h>

List of all members.


struct  BusTap

Public Member Functions

 EtherBus ()
virtual ~EtherBus ()

Protected Member Functions

virtual void initialize ()
virtual void handleMessage (cMessage *)
virtual void finish ()
virtual void tokenize (const char *str, std::vector< double > &array)

Protected Attributes

double propagationSpeed
int taps
long numMessages

Detailed Description

Implements the bus which connects hosts, switches and other LAN entities on an Ethernet LAN.

Definition at line 31 of file EtherBus.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

EtherBus::EtherBus (  ) 

Definition at line 29 of file

    tap = NULL;

EtherBus::~EtherBus (  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 34 of file

    delete [] tap;

Member Function Documentation

void EtherBus::finish (  )  [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 191 of file

    simtime_t t = simTime();
    recordScalar("simulated time", t);
    recordScalar("messages handled", numMessages);
    if (t>0)
        recordScalar("messages/sec", numMessages/t);

void EtherBus::handleMessage ( cMessage *  msg  )  [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 117 of file

    if (!msg->isSelfMessage())
        // Handle frame sent down from the network entity
        int tapPoint = msg->getArrivalGate()->getIndex();
        EV << "Frame " << msg << " arrived on tap " << tapPoint << endl;

        // create upstream and downstream events
        if (tapPoint>0)
            // start UPSTREAM travel
            // if goes downstream too, we need to make a copy
            cMessage *msg2 = (tapPoint<taps-1) ? (cMessage *)msg->dup() : msg;
            scheduleAt(simTime()+tap[tapPoint].propagationDelay[UPSTREAM], msg2);
        if (tapPoint<taps-1)
            // start DOWNSTREAM travel
            scheduleAt(simTime()+tap[tapPoint].propagationDelay[DOWNSTREAM], msg);
        if (taps==1)
            // if there's only one tap, there's nothing to do
            delete msg;
        // handle upstream and downstream events
        int direction = msg->getKind();
        BusTap *thistap = (BusTap *) msg->getContextPointer();
        int tapPoint = thistap->id;

        EV << "Event " << msg << " on tap " << tapPoint << ", sending out frame\n";

        // send out on gate
        bool isLast = (direction==UPSTREAM) ? (tapPoint==0) : (tapPoint==taps-1);
        cPacket *msg2 = isLast ? PK(msg) : PK(msg->dup());
        send(msg2, "ethg$o", tapPoint);

        // if not end of the bus, schedule for next tap
        if (isLast)
            EV << "End of bus reached\n";
            EV << "Scheduling for next tap\n";
            int nextTap = (direction==UPSTREAM) ? (tapPoint-1) : (tapPoint+1);
            scheduleAt(simTime()+tap[tapPoint].propagationDelay[direction], msg);

void EtherBus::initialize (  )  [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 39 of file

    numMessages = 0;

    propagationSpeed = par("propagationSpeed").doubleValue();

    // initialize the positions where the hosts connects to the bus
    taps = gateSize("ethg");

    // read positions and check if positions are defined in order (we're lazy to sort...)
    std::vector<double> pos;
    tokenize(par("positions").stringValue(), pos);
    int numPos = pos.size();
    if (numPos>taps)
        EV << "Note: `positions' parameter contains more values ("<< numPos << ") than "
              "the number of taps (" << taps << "), ignoring excess values.\n";
    else if (numPos<taps && numPos>=2)
        EV << "Note: `positions' parameter contains less values ("<< numPos << ") than "
              "the number of taps (" << taps << "), repeating distance between last 2 positions.\n";
    else if (numPos<taps && numPos<2)
        EV << "Note: `positions' parameter contains too few values, using 5m distances.\n";

    tap = new BusTap[taps];

    int i;
    double distance = numPos>=2 ? pos[numPos-1]-pos[numPos-2] : 5;
    for (i=0; i<taps; i++)
        tap[i].id = i;
        tap[i].position = i<numPos ? pos[i] : i==0 ? 5 : tap[i-1].position+distance;
    for (i=0; i<taps-1; i++)
        if (tap[i].position > tap[i+1].position)
            error("Tap positions must be ordered in ascending fashion, modify 'positions' parameter and rerun\n");

    // Calculate propagation of delays between tap points on the bus
    for (i=0; i<taps; i++)
        // Propagation delay between adjacent tap points
        if (i == 0) {
            tap[i].propagationDelay[UPSTREAM] = 0;
            tap[i].propagationDelay[DOWNSTREAM] = (tap[i+1].position - tap[i].position)/propagationSpeed;
        else if (i == taps-1) {
            tap[i].propagationDelay[UPSTREAM] = tap[i-1].propagationDelay[DOWNSTREAM];
            tap[i].propagationDelay[DOWNSTREAM] = 0;
        else {
            tap[i].propagationDelay[UPSTREAM] = tap[i-1].propagationDelay[DOWNSTREAM];
            tap[i].propagationDelay[DOWNSTREAM] = (tap[i+1].position - tap[i].position)/propagationSpeed;;

    // Prints out data of parameters for parameter checking...
    EV << "Parameters of (" << getClassName() << ") " << getFullPath() << "\n";
    EV << "propagationSpeed: " << propagationSpeed << "\n";
    for (i=0; i<taps; i++)
        EV << "tap[" << i << "] pos: " << tap[i].position <<
              "  upstream delay: " << tap[i].propagationDelay[UPSTREAM] <<
              "  downstream delay: " << tap[i].propagationDelay[DOWNSTREAM] << endl;
    EV << "\n";

    // autoconfig: tell everyone that bus supports only 10Mb half-duplex
    EV << "Autoconfig: advertising that we only support 10Mb half-duplex operation\n";
    for (i=0; i<taps; i++)
        EtherAutoconfig *autoconf = new EtherAutoconfig("autoconf-10Mb-halfduplex");
        autoconf->setTxrate(10000000); // 10Mb

void EtherBus::tokenize ( const char *  str,
std::vector< double > &  array 
) [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 177 of file

Referenced by initialize().

    char *str2 = opp_strdup(str);
    if (!str2) return;
        char *s = strtok(str2, " ");
    while (s)
        s = strtok(NULL, " ");
    delete [] str2;

Member Data Documentation

long EtherBus::numMessages [protected]

Definition at line 50 of file EtherBus.h.

Referenced by finish(), and initialize().

double EtherBus::propagationSpeed [protected]

Definition at line 45 of file EtherBus.h.

Referenced by initialize().

BusTap* EtherBus::tap [protected]

Definition at line 47 of file EtherBus.h.

Referenced by EtherBus(), handleMessage(), initialize(), and ~EtherBus().

int EtherBus::taps [protected]

Definition at line 48 of file EtherBus.h.

Referenced by handleMessage(), and initialize().

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