Msg File src/networklayer/ospfv2/OSPFPacket.msg

Name Description
OSPFPacketType (enum) (no description)
OSPFOptions (struct)

should be a byte long bitfield

OSPFPacket (packet)

Represents an OSPF packet header

OSPFHelloPacket (packet)

Represents an OSPF Hello packet

LSAType (enum) (no description)
OSPFLSAHeader (class)

Represents an OSPF LSA header

OSPFLSA (class)

common ancestor type for all LSAs

LinkType (enum) (no description)
TOSData (struct) (no description)
Link (class)

class Link extends cObject

OSPFRouterLSA (class)

Represents an OSPF Router LSA

OSPFNetworkLSA (class)

Represents an OSPF Network LSA

OSPFSummaryLSA (class)

Represents an OSPF Summary LSA

ExternalTOSInfo (struct) (no description)
OSPFASExternalLSAContents (class)

Represents the contents of an OSPF AS External LSA

OSPFASExternalLSA (class)

Represents an OSPF AS External LSA

OSPFDDOptions (struct)

should be a byte long bitfield

OSPFDatabaseDescriptionPacket (packet)

Represents an OSPF Database Description packet

LSARequest (struct) (no description)
OSPFLinkStateRequestPacket (packet)

Represents an OSPF Link State Request packet

OSPFLinkStateUpdatePacket (packet)

Represents an OSPF Link State Update packet

OSPFLinkStateAcknowledgementPacket (packet)

Represents an OSPF Link State Acknowledgement packet

Source code:

// Copyright (C) 2006 Andras Babos and Andras Varga
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with this program; if not, see <>.

cplusplus {{
#include "IPAddress.h"

class noncobject IPAddress;

enum OSPFPacketType

    HelloPacket = 1;
    DatabaseDescriptionPacket = 2;
    LinkStateRequestPacket = 3;
    LinkStateUpdatePacket = 4;
    LinkStateAcknowledgementPacket = 5;

// should be a byte long bitfield
struct OSPFOptions
    bool unused_1;
    bool E_ExternalRoutingCapability;
    bool MC_MulticastForwarding;
    bool NP_Type7LSA;
    bool EA_ForwardExternalLSAs;
    bool DC_DemandCircuits;
    bool unused_2;
    bool unused_3;

// Represents an OSPF packet header
packet OSPFPacket
    char version = 2;
    char type enum(OSPFPacketType) = HelloPacket;
    short packetLength = 0;

    IPAddress routerID;
    IPAddress areaID;

    short checksum = 0;
    short authenticationType = 0;
    char authentication[8];

// Represents an OSPF Hello packet
packet OSPFHelloPacket extends OSPFPacket
    IPAddress networkMask;

    short helloInterval = 5;

    OSPFOptions options;

    char routerPriority = 0;
    long routerDeadInterval = 0;

    IPAddress designatedRouter;
    IPAddress backupDesignatedRouter;
    IPAddress neighbor[];

enum LSAType

    RouterLSAType = 1;
    NetworkLSAType = 2;
    SummaryLSA_NetworksType = 3;
    SummaryLSA_ASBoundaryRoutersType = 4;
    ASExternalLSAType = 5;

// Represents an OSPF LSA header
//class OSPFLSAHeader extends cObject
class OSPFLSAHeader
    unsigned short lsAge = 0;
    OSPFOptions lsOptions;
    char lsType enum(LSAType) = RouterLSAType;
    unsigned long linkStateID;
    IPAddress advertisingRouter;
    long lsSequenceNumber = 0;
    short lsChecksum = 0;
    unsigned short lsaLength = 0;

// common ancestor type for all LSAs
//class OSPFLSA extends cObject
    OSPFLSAHeader header;

enum LinkType

    PointToPointLink = 1;
    TransitLink = 2;
    StubLink = 3;
    VirtualLink = 4;

struct TOSData
    unsigned char tos;
    unsigned char tosMetric[3];

//class Link extends cObject
class Link
    IPAddress linkID;
    unsigned long linkData = 0;
    unsigned char type enum(LinkType) = PointToPointLink;
    unsigned char numberOfTOS = 0;
    unsigned long linkCost = 1;
    TOSData tosData[];

// Represents an OSPF Router LSA
class OSPFRouterLSA extends OSPFLSA
    bool V_VirtualLinkEndpoint = false;
    bool E_ASBoundaryRouter = false;
    bool B_AreaBorderRouter = false;
    unsigned short numberOfLinks = 0;
    Link links[];

// Represents an OSPF Network LSA
class OSPFNetworkLSA extends OSPFLSA
    IPAddress networkMask;
    IPAddress attachedRouters[];

// Represents an OSPF Summary LSA
class OSPFSummaryLSA extends OSPFLSA
    IPAddress networkMask;
    unsigned long routeCost = 1;
    TOSData tosData[];

struct ExternalTOSInfo
    TOSData tosData;
    bool E_ExternalMetricType;
    IPAddress forwardingAddress;
    long externalRouteTag;

// Represents the contents of an OSPF AS External LSA
class OSPFASExternalLSAContents
    IPAddress networkMask;
    bool E_ExternalMetricType = false;
    unsigned long routeCost = 1;
    IPAddress forwardingAddress;
    long externalRouteTag = 0;
    ExternalTOSInfo externalTOSInfo[];

// Represents an OSPF AS External LSA
class OSPFASExternalLSA extends OSPFLSA
    OSPFASExternalLSAContents contents;

// should be a byte long bitfield
struct OSPFDDOptions
    bool unused_1;
    bool unused_2;
    bool unused_3;
    bool unused_4;
    bool unused_5;
    bool I_Init;
    bool M_More;
    bool MS_MasterSlave;

// Represents an OSPF Database Description packet
packet OSPFDatabaseDescriptionPacket extends OSPFPacket
    unsigned short interfaceMTU;
    OSPFOptions options;
    OSPFDDOptions ddOptions;
    unsigned long ddSequenceNumber;
    OSPFLSAHeader lsaHeaders[];

struct LSARequest
    unsigned long lsType;
    unsigned long linkStateID;
    IPAddress advertisingRouter;

// Represents an OSPF Link State Request packet
packet OSPFLinkStateRequestPacket extends OSPFPacket
    LSARequest requests[];

// Represents an OSPF Link State Update packet
packet OSPFLinkStateUpdatePacket extends OSPFPacket
    unsigned long numberOfLSAs;
    OSPFRouterLSA routerLSAs[];
    OSPFNetworkLSA networkLSAs[];
    OSPFSummaryLSA summaryLSAs[];
    OSPFASExternalLSA asExternalLSAs[];

// Represents an OSPF Link State Acknowledgement packet
packet OSPFLinkStateAcknowledgementPacket extends OSPFPacket
    OSPFLSAHeader lsaHeaders[];