Msg File src/linklayer/contract/Ieee802Ctrl.msg

Name Description
Ieee802MessageKind (enum)

Message kind values used with in communication between L3 and IEEE 802 L2

SAPCode (enum)

Some 8-bit SAP values for IEEE 802.x LLC headers.

EtherType (enum)

Some EtherType values (Ethernet II).

Ieee802Ctrl (class)

Control structure for communication between LLC and higher layers

Source code:

// Copyright (C) 2003 Andras Varga; CTIE, Monash University, Australia
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with this program; if not, see <>.

cplusplus {{
#include "MACAddress.h"

class noncobject MACAddress;

// Message kind values used with in communication between L3 and IEEE 802 L2
enum Ieee802MessageKind

    IEEE802CTRL_DATA = 2003;  // data to/from higher layer
    IEEE802CTRL_REGISTER_DSAP = 2004;  // higher layer registers itself in LLC
    IEEE802CTRL_DEREGISTER_DSAP = 2005;  // higher layer deregisters itself in LLC
    IEEE802CTRL_SENDPAUSE = 2006;  // higher layer wants MAC to send PAUSE frame

// Some 8-bit SAP values for IEEE 802.x LLC headers.
enum SAPCode

    SAP_IBM_SNA = 0x04;
    SAP_IP = 0x06;
    SAP_3COM = 0x80;
    SAP_SNAP = 0xAA;
    SAP_BANYAN = 0xBC;
    SAP_NOVELL_IPX = 0xE0;
    SAP_CLNS = 0xFE;

// Some EtherType values (Ethernet II).
enum EtherType

    ETHERTYPE_IP = 0x0800;
    ETHERTYPE_ARP = 0x0806;
    ETHERTYPE_RARP = 0x8035;

// Control structure for communication between LLC and higher layers
class Ieee802Ctrl
    MACAddress src;  // src MAC address (can be left empty when sending)
    MACAddress dest; // dest MAC address
    int etherType;   // used with EthernetIIFrame
    int ssap;        // used with IEEE 802 LLC (see EtherFrameWithLLC)
    int dsap;        // used with IEEE 802 LLC (see EtherFrameWithLLC)
    int pauseUnits;  // used with IEEE802CTRL_SENDPAUSE
    int inputPort;   // convenience field, used between IPv6 and IPv6ND