LargeNet model description

The LargeNet model demonstrates how one can put together models of large LANs with little effort, making use of MAC auto-configuration.

LargeNet models a large Ethernet campus backbone. As configured in the default omnetpp.ini, it contains altogether about 8000 computers and 900 switches and hubs. This results in about 165MB process size on my (32-bit) linux box when I run the simulation. The model mixes all kinds of Ethernet technology: Gigabit Ethernet, 100Mb full duplex, 100Mb half duplex, 10Mb UTP, 10Mb bus ("thin Ethernet"), switched hubs, repeating hubs.

The topology is in LargeNet.ned, and it looks like this: there's chain of n=15 large "backbone" switches (switchBB[]) as well as four more large switches (switchA, switchB, switchC, switchD) connected to somewhere the middle of the backbone (switchBB[4]). These 15+4 switches make up the backbone; the n=15 number is configurable in omnetpp.ini.

Then there're several smaller LANs hanging off each backbone switch. There're three types of LANs: small, medium and large (represented by compound module types SmallLAN, MediumLAN, LargeLAN). A small LAN consists of a few computers on a hub (100Mb half duplex); a medium LAN consists of a smaller switch with a hub on one of its port (and computers on both); the large one also has a switch and a hub, plus an Ethernet bus hanging of one port of the hub (there's still hubs around with one BNC connector besides the UTP ones). By default there're 5..15 LANs of each type hanging off each backbone switch. (These numbers are also omnetpp.ini parameters like the length of the backbone.)

The application model which generates load on the simulated LAN is simple yet powerful. It can be used as a rough model for any request-response based protocol such as SMB/CIFS (the Windows file sharing protocol), HTTP, or a database client-server protocol.

Every computer runs a client application (EtherAppCli) which connects to one of the servers. There's one server attached to switches A, B, C and D each: serverA, serverB, serverC and serverD -- server selection is configured in omnetpp.ini). The servers run EtherAppSrv. Clients periodically send a request to the server, and the request packet contains how many bytes the client wants the server to send back (this can mean one or more Ethernet frames, depending on the byte count). Currently the request and reply lengths are configured in omnetpp.ini as intuniform(50,1400) and truncnormal(5000,5000).

The volume of the traffic can most easily be controlled with the time period between sending requests; this is currently set in omnetpp.ini to exponential(0.50) (that is, average 2 requests per second). This already causes frames to be dropped in some of the backbone switches, so the network is a bit overloaded with the current settings.

The model generates extensive statistics. All MACs (and most other modules too) write statistics into at the end of the simulation: number of frames sent, received, dropped, etc. These are only basic statistics, however it still makes the scalar file to be several ten megabytes in size. You can use the analysis tools provided with OMNeT++ to visualized the data in this file. (If the file size is too big, writing statistics can be disabled, by putting **.record-scalar=false in the ini file.) The model can also record output vectors, but this is currently disabled in omnetpp.ini because the generated file can easily reach gigabyte sizes.