Simple Module ThruputMeter

Package: inet.linklayer.ppp
File: src/linklayer/ppp/ThruputMeter.ned

C++ definition

Thruput measurement utility module.


Usage diagram:

The following diagram shows usage relationships between types. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram. Click here to see the full picture.

Inheritance diagram:

The following diagram shows inheritance relationships for this type. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram. Click here to see the full picture.

Used in compound modules:

If a module type shows up more than once, that means it has been defined in more than one NED file.

PPPInterfaceWithDLThruputMeter (compound module)

PPP interface. Complements the PPP module with an output queue for QoS and RED support.

PPPInterfaceWithULThruputMeter (compound module)

PPP interface. Complements the PPP module with an output queue for QoS and RED support.


REDTestDebug (network) (no description)
REDTestTh (network) (no description)


Name Type Default value Description
startTime double 0s
batchSize int 50
maxInterval double 1s


Name Value Description
display i=block/timer_vs


Name Direction Size Description
in input
out output

Source code:

// Thruput measurement utility module.
simple ThruputMeter
        double startTime @unit("s") = default(0s);
        int batchSize = default(50);
        double maxInterval @unit("s") = default(1s);
        input in;
        output out;