What's New

Recent changes in the INET Framework

- fixed a bug #199 (missing control info) in UDP module when using IPv6 as a transport 

- additional statistics in the SCTP module (Alberto Cortes)
- Fix for SCTP Path.Max.Retrans threshold problem (Alberto Cortes)
- minor changes in #includes to ensure compatibility with upcoming OMNeT++ 4.2

- TCP improvement (Thomas Reschka, Zoltan Bojthe).
  * implemented RFC 1323 (TCP Extensions for High Performance):
      - Window Scale option
      - Timestamps option (Round-Trip Time Measurement - RTTM)
      - Protect Against Wrapped Sequence Numbers (PAWS)
      - added a PAWS modification according to the latest proposal
        of the tcplw@cray.com list (Braden 1993/04/26)
  * implemented missing part of RFC 2581: Re-starting Idle Connections
  * various fixes
  * see details in src/transport/tcp/ChangeLog.

- added examples for new TCP features (Thomas Reschka):
  * examples/inet/tcptimestamps
  * examples/inet/tcpwindowscale

- added NetAnimTrace module (Andras Varga). This module can be used to record
  input for the NetAnim program (http://www.nsnam.org/wiki/index.php/NetAnim)

- Ieee80211Radio: added a shadowing component for the path loss reception model
  (Nikos Simantirakis). This is a random variable has a normal distribution
  in dB and results to -normal distribution in mW. This is a widespread and
  common model used for reproducing shadowing effects (Rappaport, T. S. (2002),
  Communications - Principles and Practice, Prentice Hall PTR).

- bugfix and small improvements in SCTP, TCPSessionApp, ThruputMeter

- cosmetic changes in many other files (comments, indentation, compiler warning
  elimination, variable renaming, etc.)

- added "label" annotations to gates and modules to support the adaptive palette
  filtering and gate matching in the connection chooser (OMNeT++ 4.1).

- updated SCTP implementation by Michael Tuexen, Irene Ruengeler and
  Thomas Dreibholz

- added support for Sam Jensen's Network Simulation Cradle,
  http://www.wand.net.nz/~stj2/nsc/, which makes real-world TCP stacks available
  in simulations. Currently NSC supports the FreeBSD, OpenBSD, lwIP and Linux
  stacks. The TCP_NSC module (transport/tcp_nsc) is a drop-in replacement for the
  normal TCP module (transport/tcp), and can be activated with a single parameter
  setting in StandardHost. See src/transport/tcp_nsc, 3rdparty/README, and

- added TCP SACK and New Reno implementation by Thomas Reschka. The original TCP
  version is still available as TCP_old. See src/transport/tcp/ChangeLog for details.

- tagged version for OMNeT++ 4.0 final
- reworked build system to create shared library by default
- added SCTP from Michael Tuexen and Irene Ruengeler

Internal snapshot, for omnetpp-4.0b6.

- performance optimization in all queue modules: remember output gate pointer
  instead of looking up gate by name for each send()

- Ieee80211AgentSTA.cc: randomize the start time of the scanning process.
  (Randomizing the time of sending the first beacon in Ieee80211MgmtAP.cc
  was already done earlier.)

- IP: set TTL to 1 on new datagram if the destination address is link local
  multicast, to prevent broadcasting to non-neighbouring routers.

- several bugfixes

Internal snapshot, for omnetpp-4.0b3.

- interface table and routing table are now accessed via the C++ interfaces
  IInterfaceTable and IRoutingTable. This is done to reduce interdependencies
  among modules; more specifically, to allow users implement their own
  InterfaceTables and RoutingTables and plug them into INET simulations,
  without any change to the base INET.

- PPP and EtherMAC2: performance: don't fire tx begin/end notifications if
  no one is listening; remember output gate pointer instead of looking it up
  by name for each send

- UDPEchoApp: messageLength parameter now understood in bytes not bits

- RoutingTable: implemented routing cache and other optimizations

Internal snapshot, for omnetpp-4.0b2.

- to enable and encourage extending INET via subclassing (as opposed to
  patching), nearly all member functions made virtual (except in data classes
  like IPAddress), and also, private sections in most classes were changed to

- some refactoring on TCP, UDP and IP, to allow subclassing of TCP, UDP and IP
  packets: packets are now created via factory methods that can be overridden
  if needed

- AbstractQueue (base class for IP and other modules) made more efficient: now it
  doesn't schedule a timer if (when) serviceTime is zero.

- IPAddress class made more efficient [code from Ingmar Baumgart, OverSim]

- parsim: added pack/unpack functions for IPAddress, IPv6Address, IPvXAddress

- InterfaceTable: added deleteInterface(). This also causes RoutingTable to
  drop routes that correspond to the deleted interface.

- RoutingTable: wrapped naked data members of IPRoute into getters/setters;
  enforce by returning "const" pointers that routes already added cannot be
  changed any more (one must delete and re-add it)

- InterfaceTable: created a getInterfaceById() method, NOT to be
  confused with getInterface(pos)! Ids are stable after deletions,
  unlike 0..getNumInterfaces()-1 indices, and reliable/safe unlike
  InterfaceEntry* pointers

- InterfaceTable and RoutingTable now fire proper notifications on changes:

- NotificationBoard: added hasSubscribers(int category) method, to allow for
  optimizing out firing change notifications if there's no one listening.

Internal snapshot, for omnetpp-4.0b2.

- updated for OMNeT++ 4.0b2

- extensive renaming: added "get" verb to getter methods in most classes;
  also eliminated @addGetVerb(true) from message classes

- revived the RTP model: starting from Ahmed Ayadi's patch, migrated the code
  to OMNeT++ 4.0, and started some refactoring (started introducing .msg files
  for handcoded message classes; not yet finished)

Internal snapshot, for omnetpp-4.0b1.

- directory structure reorganized

- converted to OMNeT++ 4.0

- some refactoring (parameter/gate name changes, etc)

- IP/IPv6: do not schedule a timer if processing time is zero (change made
  in base/AbstractQueue)

- FlatNetworkConfigurator: use @node() property to determine which modules are
  network nodes (removed moduleTypes, nonIPModuleTypes parameters)


- new example network: Examples/Ethernet/ARPTest (old ARPTest renamed)

- bugfixes: AbstractRadio (Dave Symonds); Ieee80211 (also reported by Dave)


- improvements on the wireless infrastructure: support for multiple channels
  and channel switching by NICs; account for finite radio wave propagation speed

- added new 802.11 model which also supports infrastructure mode; see
  NetworkInterfaces/Ieee80211. Even for ad-hoc mode, Ieee80211Mac is recommended
  over the older Mac80211 from MF.

- added Ieee80211Radio which supersedes SnrEval80211 and Decider80211.

- added EtherDuplexMAC, a simplified Ethernet implementation for full duplex
  point-to-point operation mode when CSMA/CD is not in use.

- makefiles within Examples/ have been largely unnecessary because all
  simulations just invoke bin/INET. Realizing these makefiles have been
  confusing to many people, they got removed now. The target to generate
  them is still present in makemakefiles in case someone needs it.

- several other fixes


- checked in the new MPLS, RSVP-TE and LDP models, written/rewritten by
  Vojta Janota

- new model: Network/Quagga. This is port of the Quagga routing daemon to the
  INET Framework. Currently provides RIP and OSPFv2 routing. Quagga itself is
  a fork of Zebra. (Ported to INET by Vojta Janota)

- new model: Network/OSPFv2. This is a new OSPF implementation.
  (author: Andras Babos)

- UDP rewritten: similarly to TCP, dispatching is now done inside UDP, and
  apps now identify sockets with a sockId; implemented ephemeral port reuse

- UDPSocket class added to facilitate talking to the UDP model from apps;
  analogous to TCPSocket (thanks to Michael Tuexen and Vojta Janota for

- new snapshot of the IPv6 module (by Wei Yang Ng)

- added ability to write nam traces (Util/NAMTraceWriter, World/NAMTrace);
  feature originally implemented by Vojta Janota (and refactored by Andras,
  so bugs are very likely mine)

- implemented ThruputMeteringChannel which can display #packets, pk/sec etc
  on the links; and ChannelInstaller as a temporary solution to install
  ThruputMeteringChannel instead of the built-in BasicChannel class.

- updated module class ctors/dtors for OMNeT++ 3.2; changed msg->length()/8 to
  msg->byteLength() and msg->setLength(8*bytes) to msg->setByteLength(bytes),

- TCP: Reno bugs fixed (reported by Pascal Rousseau); TCPMessageBasedSendQueue
  seqNo bug fixed (Adam Hudson); implemented reuse of ephemeral ports;
  fixed incorrect behaviour when ACK of SYN carries data (reported by Joachim
  Meichle); fixed minor issue that when the user issued CLOSE, transition to
  FIN_WAIT_1 was done immediately and not deferred until all data are sent.

- added Applications/TCPApp/TCPSpoof

- hosts have now the same queues as routers (reported by Michael Tuexen)

- ev replaced with EV in every module (speed increase in Express mode)

- NetworkLayer(6): gates towards interfaces renamed to ifOut[]/ifIn[]

- FlatNetworkConfigurator internals refactored

- added another network configurator, NetworkConfigurator

- RoutingTable: routerId selection moved from stage 1 to stage 3 (you may
  need to revise your code if it depends on routerId)

- patched for OMNeT++ 3.2:
  - added '=NULL' default value to all args of hand-code module constructors
    (2 or 3 places)
  - RSVPPacket.h: dup() return type has to be cPolymorphic with OMNeT++ 3.2;
    fixed it using '#if OMNETPP_VERSION<0x0302...#else...#endif'


- UDP dispatchByPort bug fixed; further smaller fixes

- IPv6 updated (still unfinished)

  - TCP bug http://www.omnetpp.org/listarchive/msg05687.php
  - incorrect handling of host queues (Michael Tuexen)


- module types renamed for consistency: PPPModule -> PPP, TCPMain -> TCP,
  UDPProcessing -> UDP

- C++ methods renamed: isNull() -> isUnspecified() in IPAddress, IPv6Addres,

- created two subdirs under Transport/TCP: flavours and queues, and moved
  the appropriate cc/h files there. The structure of the TCP model should
  now be much more obvious to readers. Also added READMEs explaining things.

- TCP fixes: raise an error (~EADDRINUSE) on attempt to create more than one
  connections to listen on the same port

- implemented REDQueue

- beginnings of a "Getting started with TCP" doc

- TCP improvements: separate congestion control behaviour classes
  TCPTahoe, TCPReno and TCPNoCongestionControl provided, for teaching
  purposes (their code is very short, to the point, and extensively

- TCP: fixed bogus RTT calculation and other other bugs; also, sequence
  numbers are now recorded into omnetpp.vec, so with Plove one can create
  sequence number plots like Sally Floyd's [thanks to Ahmet Sekercioglu
  for help!]

- still TCP: fixed the bug which caused closing of a connection to be reported
  2MSL (240s) later to the user.

- Added support for drop-tail router queues, and queues with QoS support
  based on DS Code Point; RED in preparation (see Network/Queue)

- Added wireless and mobility support (based on Mobility Framework code),
  including 802.11b ad-hoc mode MAC, and several new mobility models
  (also new to MF). Supports mobility traces from BonnMotion and ANSim.

- Contract directories introduced: Transport/Contract, Network/Contract
  and NetworkInterfaces/Contract. These directories contain a minimal set
  of classes necessary for using one layer's functionality from higher layers.

- Added notification mechanism: modules can now notify each other about
  "events" such as routing table changes, interface status changes (up/down),
  interface configuration changes, wireless handovers, changes in the state
  of the wireless channel, mobile node position changes, etc. Notification
  works via the NotificationBoard which replaces the Blackboard.

- InterfaceTable introduced: it stores all interface configuration that was
  previously stored in RoutingTable. Per-interface data structure was also
  split into protocol independent (InterfaceEntry) and protocol dependent
  (IPv4InterfaceData, IPv6InterfaceData) parts.

- ScenarioManager introduced (experimental, in World/ subdirectory):
  it addresses the need for simulating scenarios like "what if this cable
  breaks at t=20s", or "what if traffic intensity grows at t=100s".
  Scenario is described in an XML file.

- Ping and VideoStream applications added (from IPv6SuiteWithINET)

- ARP got moved up from L2 to L3; this is to prepare for IPv6 support (IPv6
  doesn't need ARP, so we can no longer have it as part of the network

- prepared for IPv6: application layer, transport layer and IPv6 contract
  taken over from IPv6SuiteWithINET-20050502

- work in progress: from-scratch IPv6 implementation by Wei Yang Ng (Monash
  University) and Andras Varga

- added INET_API definitions to classes, so that one can build a DLL that can
  be loaded dynamically into INET.exe (hint: compile DLL code *without*
  /DBUILDING_INET, and link them with INET.lib! then add [General]/load-libs=
  to omnetpp.ini.)

- Network/IPv4d subdirectory finally thrown out. It was a bad idea to
  implement IP with a dozen small modules in the first place.

- added files called !WORK_IN_PROGRESS! with some explanations to
  directories which contain unfinished simulation models.

INET-20050404 released
- Updated to omnetpp-3.1.
- patches from Michael Tuexen

- updated to omnetpp-3.0

- package renamed to INET Framework

- practically a complete rewrite of IPSuite took place 03/2004 through
  10/2004. See change log at http://ctieware.eng.monash.edu.au/twiki/

Preparations for rewriting IPSuite, 09/2003-03/2004
2004-02-04  Andras Varga

        * got it compiled with omnetpp-3.0pre1. changes:
        - added #include <iostream>, using std::ostream at a couple of places
        - deprecated receiveOn(), receiveNewOn() no longer exists, replaced by:
                msg = receive();
                ASSERT(dfmsg->arrivedOn("fromEnqHook"));  // FIXME revise this
        * removed ProcessorManager altogether

2003-09-19  Andras Varga

        * added the MPLS/LDP/RSVP-TE models created by Xuan Thang Nguyen
        (Xuan.T.Nguyen@uts.edu.au) at UTS (University of Technology, Sydney).
        See http://charlie.it.uts.edu.au/~tkaphan/xtn/capstone/

        * did IPsuite modifications necessary fo MPLS. Modularity is preserved:
        it is still possible to build IPSuite without the MPLS models.

2003-09-18  Andras Varga

        * merged patches for compiling with MSVC.

        * module descriptions (comments) added to/rearranged in all NED files
        for documentation generation with new opp_neddoc.

        * DIRECTORY STRUCTURE WAS REARRANGED along the lines of the OSI layers,
        and also to make it consistent with the IPv6Suite. Hopefully every file
        is now where one would expect to find it.

        * added makemake.cmd for generating Makefile.vc's (using opp_nmakemake)
        for building with MSVC, and makemake for generating Unix makefiles

        * lots of minor fixes to make the code compile with MSVC.
        Note: for compatibility with MSVC6.0,
          1. return type of dup() should ALWAYS be cObject* (and cannot be the
             actual class name)
          2. class variables cannot be initialized (even const or
             static const ones) within the class declaration.

        * updated for recent OMNeT++ versions: added ",row" to vector module
        display strings; removed className() methods, etc.

        * FIXME: KIDSRouter was missing from the original IPSuite! KIDSNw1
        didn't compile. I temporarily substituted a copy of NextHopRouter.

2003-09-17  Andras Varga

        * taken ipsuite-20021124-src.tgz and started improving it.

IPSuite's change log, 2000-2001
Before Andras Varga took over the development in 2003, IPSuite was
created and developed at University of Karlsruhe, Germany.

2001-12-10  Ulrich Kaage  <kaage@int.uni-karlsruhe.de>

        * Global changes for OMNeT++ 2.2 conformance:
        copy constructor -> const argument
        virtual long length(const ) -> virtual long length(const) const
        virtual int numInitStages() -> virtual int numInitStages () const
        virtual char *className() -> virtual const char* className() const
        virtual cObject *dup() -> virtual cObject *dup() const
        cObject& operator=(cObject& o) -> cObject& operator=(const cObject& o)

2001-08-31  Ulrich Kaage  <kaage@int.uni-karlsruhe.de>

        * CVS-Tag da-kussaether: Work on TCP by Rolf Kussaether;
        implementation of TCP flavours Reno (fast recovery) and New Reno.

2001-03-19 Verena Kahmann <kahmann@telematik.informatik.uni-karlsruhe.de>
        * deleted all queues and behaviors except FIFO* and the basic behaviors.
        Maybe we have to apply some extra cleaning still.
2000-12-19  Ulrich Kaage  <kaage@int.uni-karlsruhe.de>

        * recent (standalone) TCP model is merged into the ip-suite. The
        simple test network is now located in ./Networks/TCPTester

2000-12-13  Ulrich Kaage  <kaage@int.uni-karlsruhe.de>

        * makeipsuite: replaced by top level Makefile

        * rundemo: front end for launching all available simulations

        * Makefile: Top level makefile to create Makefiles from Makefile.in
        in all subdirectories

        * removed mmake in subdirectories and replaced them by Makefile.in

2000-11-22  Ulrich Kaage  <kaage@int.uni-karlsruhe.de>

        * CREDITS: Put your name here if you have contributed to the
        OMNeT++ Internet Protocol Suite