
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //
00002 // Copyright (C) 2006 Andras Babos and Andras Varga
00003 //
00004 // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
00005 // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
00006 // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
00007 // of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
00008 //
00009 // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00010 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00012 // GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
00013 //
00014 // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
00015 // along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
00016 //
00018 #ifndef __INET_OSPFNEIGHBOR_H
00019 #define __INET_OSPFNEIGHBOR_H
00021 #include "OSPFPacket_m.h"
00022 #include "OSPFTimer_m.h"
00023 #include "OSPFcommon.h"
00024 #include "LSA.h"
00025 #include <list>
00027 namespace OSPF {
00029 class NeighborState;
00030 class Interface;
00032 class Neighbor {
00034 friend class NeighborState;
00036 public:
00037     enum NeighborEventType {
00038         HelloReceived               = 0,
00039         Start                       = 1,
00040         TwoWayReceived              = 2,
00041         NegotiationDone             = 3,
00042         ExchangeDone                = 4,
00043         BadLinkStateRequest         = 5,
00044         LoadingDone                 = 6,
00045         IsAdjacencyOK               = 7,
00046         SequenceNumberMismatch      = 8,
00047         OneWayReceived              = 9,
00048         KillNeighbor                = 10,
00049         InactivityTimer             = 11,
00050         PollTimer                   = 12,
00051         LinkDown                    = 13,
00052         DDRetransmissionTimer       = 14,
00053         UpdateRetransmissionTimer   = 15,
00054         RequestRetransmissionTimer  = 16
00055     };
00057     enum NeighborStateType {
00058         DownState          = 0,
00059         AttemptState       = 1,
00060         InitState          = 2,
00061         TwoWayState        = 4,
00062         ExchangeStartState = 8,
00063         ExchangeState      = 16,
00064         LoadingState       = 32,
00065         FullState          = 64
00066     };
00068     enum DatabaseExchangeRelationshipType {
00069         Master = 0,
00070         Slave = 1
00071     };
00073     struct DDPacketID {
00074         OSPFDDOptions   ddOptions;
00075         OSPFOptions     options;
00076         unsigned long   sequenceNumber;
00077     };
00079 private:
00080     struct TransmittedLSA {
00081         LSAKeyType      lsaKey;
00082         unsigned short  age;
00083     };
00085 private:
00086     NeighborState*                      state;
00087     NeighborState*                      previousState;
00088     OSPFTimer*                          inactivityTimer;
00089     OSPFTimer*                          pollTimer;
00090     OSPFTimer*                          ddRetransmissionTimer;
00091     OSPFTimer*                          updateRetransmissionTimer;
00092     bool                                updateRetransmissionTimerActive;
00093     OSPFTimer*                          requestRetransmissionTimer;
00094     bool                                requestRetransmissionTimerActive;
00095     DatabaseExchangeRelationshipType    databaseExchangeRelationship;
00096     bool                                firstAdjacencyInited;
00097     unsigned long                       ddSequenceNumber;
00098     DDPacketID                          lastReceivedDDPacket;
00099     RouterID                            neighborID;
00100     unsigned char                       neighborPriority;
00101     IPv4Address                         neighborIPAddress;
00102     OSPFOptions                         neighborOptions;
00103     DesignatedRouterID                  neighborsDesignatedRouter;
00104     DesignatedRouterID                  neighborsBackupDesignatedRouter;
00105     bool                                designatedRoutersSetUp;
00106     short                               neighborsRouterDeadInterval;
00107     std::list<OSPFLSA*>                 linkStateRetransmissionList;
00108     std::list<OSPFLSAHeader*>           databaseSummaryList;
00109     std::list<OSPFLSAHeader*>           linkStateRequestList;
00110     std::list<TransmittedLSA>           transmittedLSAs;
00111     OSPFDatabaseDescriptionPacket*      lastTransmittedDDPacket;
00113     Interface*                          parentInterface;
00115     // FIXME!!! Should come from a global unique number generator module.
00116     static unsigned long                ddSequenceNumberInitSeed;
00118 private:
00119     void ChangeState(NeighborState* newState, NeighborState* currentState);
00121 public:
00122             Neighbor(RouterID neighbor = NullRouterID);
00123     virtual ~Neighbor(void);
00125     void                ProcessEvent                        (NeighborEventType event);
00126     void                Reset                               (void);
00127     void                InitFirstAdjacency                  (void);
00128     NeighborStateType   GetState                            (void) const;
00129     static const char*  GetStateString                      (NeighborStateType stateType);
00130     void                SendDatabaseDescriptionPacket       (bool init = false);
00131     bool                RetransmitDatabaseDescriptionPacket(void);
00132     void                CreateDatabaseSummary               (void);
00133     void                SendLinkStateRequestPacket          (void);
00134     void                RetransmitUpdatePacket              (void);
00135     bool                NeedAdjacency                       (void);
00136     void                AddToRetransmissionList             (OSPFLSA* lsa);
00137     void                RemoveFromRetransmissionList        (LSAKeyType lsaKey);
00138     bool                IsLSAOnRetransmissionList           (LSAKeyType lsaKey) const;
00139     OSPFLSA*            FindOnRetransmissionList            (LSAKeyType lsaKey);
00140     void                StartUpdateRetransmissionTimer      (void);
00141     void                ClearUpdateRetransmissionTimer      (void);
00142     void                AddToRequestList                    (OSPFLSAHeader* lsaHeader);
00143     void                RemoveFromRequestList               (LSAKeyType lsaKey);
00144     bool                IsLSAOnRequestList                  (LSAKeyType lsaKey) const;
00145     OSPFLSAHeader*      FindOnRequestList                   (LSAKeyType lsaKey);
00146     void                StartRequestRetransmissionTimer     (void);
00147     void                ClearRequestRetransmissionTimer     (void);
00148     void                AddToTransmittedLSAList             (LSAKeyType lsaKey);
00149     bool                IsOnTransmittedLSAList              (LSAKeyType lsaKey) const;
00150     void                AgeTransmittedLSAList               (void);
00151     unsigned long       GetUniqueULong                      (void);
00152     void                DeleteLastSentDDPacket              (void);
00154     void                SetNeighborID               (RouterID id)                   { neighborID = id; }
00155     RouterID            GetNeighborID               (void) const                    { return neighborID; }
00156     void                SetPriority                 (unsigned char priority)        { neighborPriority = priority; }
00157     unsigned char       GetPriority                 (void) const                    { return neighborPriority; }
00158     void                SetAddress                  (IPv4Address address)           { neighborIPAddress = address; }
00159     IPv4Address         GetAddress                  (void) const                    { return neighborIPAddress; }
00160     void                SetDesignatedRouter         (DesignatedRouterID routerID)   { neighborsDesignatedRouter = routerID; }
00161     DesignatedRouterID  GetDesignatedRouter         (void) const                    { return neighborsDesignatedRouter; }
00162     void                SetBackupDesignatedRouter   (DesignatedRouterID routerID)   { neighborsBackupDesignatedRouter = routerID; }
00163     DesignatedRouterID  GetBackupDesignatedRouter   (void) const                    { return neighborsBackupDesignatedRouter; }
00164     void                SetRouterDeadInterval       (short interval)                { neighborsRouterDeadInterval = interval; }
00165     short               GetRouterDeadInterval       (void) const                    { return neighborsRouterDeadInterval; }
00166     void                SetDDSequenceNumber         (unsigned long sequenceNumber)  { ddSequenceNumber = sequenceNumber; }
00167     unsigned long       GetDDSequenceNumber         (void) const                    { return ddSequenceNumber; }
00168     void                SetOptions                  (OSPFOptions options)           { neighborOptions = options; }
00169     OSPFOptions         GetOptions                  (void) const                    { return neighborOptions; }
00170     void                SetLastReceivedDDPacket     (DDPacketID packetID)           { lastReceivedDDPacket = packetID; }
00171     DDPacketID          GetLastReceivedDDPacket     (void) const                    { return lastReceivedDDPacket; }
00173     void                                SetDatabaseExchangeRelationship(DatabaseExchangeRelationshipType relation) { databaseExchangeRelationship = relation; }
00174     DatabaseExchangeRelationshipType    GetDatabaseExchangeRelationship(void) const                                { return databaseExchangeRelationship; }
00176     void                SetInterface                (Interface* intf)               { parentInterface = intf; }
00177     Interface*          GetInterface                (void)                          { return parentInterface; }
00178     const Interface*    GetInterface                (void) const                    { return parentInterface; }
00180     OSPFTimer*          GetInactivityTimer                  (void)                  { return inactivityTimer; }
00181     OSPFTimer*          GetPollTimer                        (void)                  { return pollTimer; }
00182     OSPFTimer*          GetDDRetransmissionTimer            (void)                  { return ddRetransmissionTimer; }
00183     OSPFTimer*          GetUpdateRetransmissionTimer        (void)                  { return updateRetransmissionTimer; }
00184     bool                IsUpdateRetransmissionTimerActive   (void) const            { return updateRetransmissionTimerActive; }
00185     bool                IsRequestRetransmissionTimerActive  (void) const            { return requestRetransmissionTimerActive; }
00186     bool                IsFirstAdjacencyInited              (void) const            { return firstAdjacencyInited; }
00187     bool                DesignatedRoutersAreSetUp           (void) const            { return designatedRoutersSetUp; }
00188     void                SetUpDesignatedRouters              (bool setUp)            { designatedRoutersSetUp = setUp; }
00189     unsigned long       GetDatabaseSummaryListCount         (void) const            { return databaseSummaryList.size(); }
00191     void IncrementDDSequenceNumber          (void)       { ddSequenceNumber++; }
00192     bool IsLinkStateRequestListEmpty        (void) const { return linkStateRequestList.empty(); }
00193     bool IsLinkStateRetransmissionListEmpty(void) const { return linkStateRetransmissionList.empty(); }
00194     void PopFirstLinkStateRequest           (void)       { linkStateRequestList.pop_front(); }
00195 };
00197 } // namespace OSPF
00199 inline bool operator== (OSPF::Neighbor::DDPacketID leftID, OSPF::Neighbor::DDPacketID rightID)
00200 {
00201     return ((leftID.ddOptions.I_Init         == rightID.ddOptions.I_Init) &&
00202             (leftID.ddOptions.M_More         == rightID.ddOptions.M_More) &&
00203             (leftID.ddOptions.MS_MasterSlave == rightID.ddOptions.MS_MasterSlave) &&
00204             (leftID.options                  == rightID.options) &&
00205             (leftID.sequenceNumber           == rightID.sequenceNumber));
00206 }
00208 inline bool operator!= (OSPF::Neighbor::DDPacketID leftID, OSPF::Neighbor::DDPacketID rightID)
00209 {
00210     return (!(leftID == rightID));
00211 }
00213 #endif // __INET_OSPFNEIGHBOR_H